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Need Coil Suggestions for RDA


I am new here and fairly new to vaping.
I just picked up my first RDA - a Dark Horse Clone by Tobeco.
I am running an IPv2 Mini mod (30W max).

What wrap/coil configuration should I use to get good clouds while still maintaining flavor?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
Hi and welcome. :)

There's many different types of coils that will work well in your setup. Since you're fairly new, I recommend starting out with a regular dual coil. Maybe something like a 28g Kanthal A1 dual coil with 5 1/2 wraps on a 3/32 drill bit (2.3813 mm diameter), which results in about 0.5 ohms. This web site is very handy for building coils since it tells you how many wraps result in a certain resistance and other useful info. There are plenty of good dual coil wrapping tutorials on Youtube if you need step-by-step instructions. If you don't have one, make sure to get an ohm meter in order to measure the resistance of your coils.

Flavor and clouds generally oppose one another through the opening and closing of airflow. You'll want to restrict the airflow on your Dark Horse a bit in order to get the flavor to come out. This shouldn't negatively affect your cloud production since you're not pushing high wattages.


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I did a .3 ohm dual coil build on a Mutation X V4 on a 30w Sigelie and was getting good clouds but 30w limits you so i just stepped up to a Sigelei 150w.

Kent B Marshall

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Finding what you like is the frustrating / reward of vaping. Karnaj provided you a great website (steam engine) that will help you along. Try several ohm builds and different diameters till you discover the one / ones you like.
Enjoy your search.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
O Screw this, I can't do it. Maybe I can, not trying hard enough. Hey! this one worked. Kind of ugly tho. A coil is what you vape with, no body cares what it looks like. Just if it works. :cool:

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