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RDA recommendations please


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Hello newb here! I just bought a Troll v2 only been vaping on it for a few days. But I am wondering if something may be better. It is a very airy vape. Is their a different set up that may provide something more restrictive? Not MTL restrictive just less airy, lol. Hard to put into words exactly what I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Hello newb here! I just bought a Troll v2 only been vaping on it for a few days. But I am wondering if something may be better. It is a very airy vape. Is their a different set up that may provide something more restrictive? Not MTL restrictive just less airy, lol. Hard to put into words exactly what I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Here are some RDA'S I have reviewed.

Vandyvape Icon

Vandyvape Govad

UD Skywalker

Twisted Messes Cubed

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Head over to the above link for loads of reviews Though Deuces does have great taste in attys most of the products I've purchased have been his recommendations lol

One that keeps coming up is the physclone mods Hadaly though it's a single coil if your ok with that

Rabbit Slayer

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Velocity mini "clone" isn't bad, and is only $18-20ish on US sites even cheaper at FT


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If you are talking about airflow, it has adjustable airflow (the troll).

Or are you referring to something that has more flavor?


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If you are talking about airflow, it has adjustable airflow (the troll).

Or are you referring to something that has more flavor?
Hhm see this is were a get a little lost. Not sure if I am talking about more flavor. Sounds silly I know, but I have played with both of the airflow settings and even with 2/3 closed it still seems airy. I was using the RTA CLEITO, I wanted the flexibility to switch flavors frequently at home so this is my first RDA. I just don't want to drop some more $ if I can trouble shoot with the troll.


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What type of drip tip is on it? That makes a big difference to the feeling of less airflow


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If all else fails, try the Vapergate Mason Advocate 27mm RDA. It looks a lot bigger than my 25mm Troll v2 for sure, but airflow control options on it are next to unlimited because the width adjustment of the holes is continuous AND you can choose to put the bottom part of the cap on with the logo pointing upside down allowing you to choose between two different heights, which I think is still unprecedented, and the flavor is downright excellent despite some people keep claiming airiness is something that is linked directly to the size of the RDA so, knowing what I know now, sometimes bigger actually is better.


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What type of drip tip is on it? That makes a big difference to the feeling of less airflow
I have used both that came with it the wide bore 10mm I think. I have also used the conical and my own 510 on it as well. Your definitely right there I like the 510 best. My husband really likes it so not a total loss if I can't seem to get what I want out of it, lol.


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Hhm see this is were a get a little lost. Not sure if I am talking about more flavor. Sounds silly I know, but I have played with both of the airflow settings and even with 2/3 closed it still seems airy. I was using the RTA CLEITO, I wanted the flexibility to switch flavors frequently at home so this is my first RDA. I just don't want to drop some more $ if I can trouble shoot with the troll.
Well, if closed down to one slot on each side is too airy for you, then you may want to consider another RDA.

A Tugboat is an older style RDA with two small holes on each side that can be adjusted. The downside is it doesn't have a deep well, but it's a nice, old school, starter RDA. I don't know how available they are anymore, but I'm sure someone sells them.

Starting out you probably should look for an RDA with smaller round holes, rather than slots, if you want to have more air restriction. No way to really fix your Troll other than what adjustment you can make.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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What about the Narda? Both that and the hadaly can be squonked which makes dripping a mute point :)

i know what you mean about airy some tanks just are no matter what you try'll want something with a smaller conical chamber the two I mentioned have that though you do lose juice capacity unless you get yourself a squonk mod which can push up the price

The only suggestion I can make without you spending cash is lower the wattage use the 510 drip tip and close the vents right down this way you won't overheat the coil and get a crappy burnt taste


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^^ What's the whole point of it having a smaller chamber when you can adjust only the width of the holes, but not their height? Airflow restriction is all about the size and shape of the holes before anything else, which is why I said what I said about the Mason Advocate...


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Well this is a forum we are all entitled to our opinions thankfully there isn't just one suggestion so Frisky can make her own decision

Frisky do have a read of the reviews you might find a hidden gem in there whatever you are looking for ;)


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Well this is a forum we are all entitled to our opinions thankfully there isn't just one suggestion so Frisky can make her own decision

Frisky do have a read of the reviews you might find a hidden gem in there whatever you are looking for ;)
What does being entitled to having your own opinion have to do with the physics laws of aerodynamics?


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I don't like too much air from my rdas either. I just bought the recoil and it's perfect. So smooth!

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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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What does being entitled to having your own opinion have to do with the physics laws of aerodynamics?

Ok illuminate me on the laws of aerodynamics and how the shape of the chamber and the placement of the airvent plays less of a role than being able to control the closing of an airvent in both and up and down and left and right motion

Before you do bear in mind I can close the airvent to a slither right now giving me a MTL experience on every Atty ....making it into a smaller square doesn't change that fact ....the OP doesn't want no airflow at all just a more restricted draw


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Ok illuminate me on the laws of aerodynamics and how the shape of the chamber and the placement of the airvent plays less of a role than being able to control the closing of an airvent in both and up and down and left and right motion

Before you do bear in mind I can close the airvent to a slither right now giving me a MTL experience on every Atty ....making it into a smaller square doesn't change that fact ....the OP doesn't want no airflow at all just a more restricted draw
I own the 25mm Troll v2. It gives the option to choose between diagonal slots and horizontal slots, but even though the length of the horizontal slots can be adjusted continuous, there's still three of them with no option to completely close off only the top and bottom ones. On my Goon RDA the holes are round, and, if I want to choose something somewhere in between one hole open and two holes open, for example, it means I am pretty much stuck there too because it's not continuous so it misses the desired effect. This clearly demonstrates the fact the size and shape (as well as the orientation, etc.) of the holes matters, and it matters a lot. However, of the four RDAs that I own, the one with the biggest chamber is also the one that has no such limitations. Hence, there is no real reason for you to simply assume the OP needs to go for a small chamber RDA. That's simply because a more restricted draw can be possible regardless of the chamber size.


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Nope no laws of aerodynamics or the sub sections i was hoping to gain so much insight into... as I suspected

Why not just accept that there might be other things involved in the "flow" as well

air holes are important yes...shape of chamber and position of airholes are important, other factors such as how big that massive arse post in the middle and the type of coil and how much cotton you have matters...less space in there invariably means in my "opinion" a tighter feeling on the draw so hence why I said get one with a smaller chamber

know that when you inevitably come back here to have the last word (which I have no doubt you will) what you say isn't going to change my opinion on this ....
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Diamond Contributor
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I too would suggest the Narda. It offers what to me seems like a more
restricted air flow. Yes, I can get fairly restricted air flow on a Goon
by only having one hole, or one hole on each side open. The Narda imho,
still seems to supply better restriction.

Human life is based upon 20% factual information such as laws relating
to physics and 80% on our subjective perception, reaction to bits of
factual information. Vaping is now part of living the human life. While
human subjectivity is not 100% accurate, I'm also pressed to find much
that actually is 100% accurate. Imagine an all perfect world. Now, know
that if it was all perfect, it would not be.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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How Christian of you:devil:

Well I borrowed the line from 12:1 from the book of I'm done feeding the troll, so credit should go there really

Magic mist summed it up its all subjective when it comes to vaping experience hence why I said it's my "opinion" offered a link to everyone's reviews where I'm sure most open with this is my opinion or experience.... and a couple i thought might help with the experiences I've had so far but apparently opinions have nothing to do with it...


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Nope no laws of aerodynamics or the sub sections i was hoping to gain so much insight into... as I suspected

Why not just accept that there might be other things involved in the "flow" as well

air holes are important yes...shape of chamber and position of airholes are important, other factors such as how big that massive arse post in the middle and the type of coil and how much cotton you have matters...less space in there invariably means in my "opinion" a tighter feeling on the draw so hence why I said get one with a smaller chamber

know that when you inevitably come back here to have the last word (which I have no doubt you will) what you say isn't going to change my opinion on this ....
What does having the last word have to do with the simple fact that smaller air holes feel tighter regardless of the chamber size? You can do the test... adjust the air holes on your preferred RDA making them smaller... you'll see the draw feels tighter. :)


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I looked into the Narda and the particular reviewer did call out a "more restricted lung hit" thanks for the opinions and advice.

Next question-because it has such a large juice well would keeping my cotton long help (in your opinion) or hinder. I mean you can really pack in the cotton it's kind of crazy coming from an RTA that requires much less cotton.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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I looked into the Narda and the particular reviewer did call out a "more restricted lung hit" thanks for the opinions and advice.

Next question-because it has such a large juice well would keeping my cotton long help (in your opinion) or hinder. I mean you can really pack in the cotton it's kind of crazy coming from an RTA that requires much less cotton.

For side airflow I like to have a bed of cotton under the coil ...only because unlike an RTA/RDTA where you have a tank ....when you raise the RDA to vape you might get leaking from the airholes if that liquid gets a chance to run anywhere ...sort of like the below (this was on the boreas but i do exactly the same on my RDAs) ...create a gap under my coils positioning the coil so the side airhole hits the lower half/bottom of my coil


On the Narda you'll have 4 corner juice wells to fill so creating a bed is not really feasible juice naturally will run into those wells wicking will be more like this


Just a note you might notice a little bit of whistling on the Narda when drawing should put that out there maybe try a clone first see how you get on before getting the real thing or look up a review video where you can hear them vaping it lol
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Diamond Contributor
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On the Narda you'll have 4 corner juice wells to fill so creating a bed is not really feasible juice naturally will run into those wells wicking will be more like this Just a note you might notice a little bit of whistling on the Narda when drawing should put that out there maybe try a clone first see how you get on before getting the real thing or look up a review video where you can hear them vaping it lol

Good demonstration image on how to wick the Narda. Also agree about the whistling. I have used files, emery boards, fine sandpaper. Gently expanded the holes both on the cap and the deck. Get it to a point where it deceives me. First few hits not a peep, take another and a tiny whistle comes along. *chuckles* The grinding up on the Narda I have is of course done on a clone. Hope the authentic ones do not whistle as bad. Would hate to pay good money and then foul it up by having to grind on an authentic.

I wick the rda I use in a similar manner as well. At least to start out. Put just enough of an end on either side to play backstop. Once I have settled the rda and squonk in, so to speak, I'll then trim and tweak the wick until it barely hangs over touching the deck's base. I use rayon so it fluffs out in tiny tree root like fibers which slurp up the juice. The trimming helps avoid having discoloration and then further gunking the coil/s. Although my coils anyway using lots of vg based juice. Usually, pull out old wick, dry burn a bit to clean the coil/s, replace fresh wick seems helpful. It is kind of a play it by sight, taste kind of indication as to when I do that.

Minor note on dry burning, only pulse your coil/s for a few seconds. Aim to get them a soft orange glow but not white hot. You can pulse them/it a few times. Then use a dental pick, tweezers to help clean, set the coil/s. Going white with dry burning risks snapping a coil, which is where any weak portion of the wire will give way due to heat and cooling back down. Then, you need to rebuild that coil/s with fresh wire. You start picking this kind of stuff up, realizing it is a lot based on your own sight/feel/taste. There is not much as far as a wrong way to it. Although you could be dumb regarding batteries, and that is wrong, please try not to be dumb with batteries. *grin* Too many people already go boom.

Well, need to get to that bit of stuff called living. :hug: :wave: :) Run 'er slow.

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