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Zovoo ICEWAVE X8500 - review by Villalobos Ramírez


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Hello folks.

Today i will be reviewing a disposable from Zovoo (Voopoo sister's company),this product is aimed towards the American market and it will sure become a must have for all of those that are into disposables.

Going to ease my way into the review with some pics so you can get an idea of the product i will be reviewing today.


Vaping time:

Ok so lets start and see how it goes,the disposables come in their own box and inside the box they are neatly sealed in a little bag.
Rip the top open,take the sticker off the bottom and remove the silicone plug from the drip tip and you can start using this device right away.

Before actually puffing and huffing let us take a closer look ok?

The device has been designed to give off a hip-hop and street art type of aesthetic,they do look good and on top of that depending on your flavor of choice the graphics and colors will all be different (black parts will remain the same thou).

Talking about flavors this disposable has 16 different flavors to choose from:

Sour Apple
Blue Razz Ice
Peach Ice
Fresh Mint
Mango Ice
Strawberry Kiwi
Lush Ice
Blackberry Ice
Cherry Cola
Strawberry Banana
Strawberry Ice Cream
Vanilla Casta Tobacco
Sakura Grape

And the screen let us not forget about the screen,first disposable that actually has a screen that show two important tidbits of information:
-Battery level
-Amount of e-liquid

Specs of this disposable:

Resistance 1.0 ohm
E-liquid capacity: 18ml
Nicotine strength: 50mg/ml
Battery Capacity: 600 mAh

Charge time i cannot be sure since the 50mg nic is way too much for me but i gave one of them away to a friend who uses disposables and he did drop the ball and didn't pay much attention but he swore it was less than an hour from empty to 100% battery charge.

E-liquid icon on the screen shows the info on how much e-liquid you got left_
Green - Between full to half
Blue - Between half and empty
Red - You running on fumes,almost empty of e-liquid,abandon ship hehe

Ok so with all the info out of the way finally it is time to do some major puffing and huffing.

First flavor i tried was Fresh mint,what can i say i love me some minty fresh and oh boy this does deliver.
Was expecting a pure restricted MTL but it was a bit looser than expected,better for me since i am not a fan of MTL vaping.

With 18ml of e-liquid this device will give you 8500 puffs,now keep in mind this is a ballpark figure.
Number really varies on your vaping habits,short 1 second puffs sure 8500 is the number but if you taking 4 second puffs then yeah the 8500 number will decrease.

Now keep in mind that when i vape in my personal life i am a low nic user (3mg nic or sometimes 6mg nic at the most) so it did take me some time to try out all 5 flavors.

Having tried all 5 i can assure you 100% that whatever flavor is printed in the box is the flavor you are getting,each puff delivered exactly what i was hoping from my flavor of choice.

Con wise there is nothing bad i can say about this disposable,it performs and does its job with no problems whatsoever.
The auto draw feature works like a charm and never failed to provide the puff and huff i needed at that moment.

Pros: First disposable in the market with a screen,no longer you have to worry about being left high and dry without being to vape.
If you a high nic user and you use disposables in your everyday vaping this is one device you need to buy.

Thanks to my friends of Zovoo for sending me these disposables for the purpose of this review.


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