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Ejuices taste problem!


Member For 4 Years
Hey guys,

I'm new here. First post. Been reading around for some time though. So here's my problem which I hope someone can help with or at least shed some light on what is causing this. Also if someone has any idea, new things to try etc... I'll take 'em all. I'm ready to try new things because I don't want to go back to cigarettes!

So here it is... I can't taste shit! Whatever Ejuice I tried, they all either taste bad right off the bat or start tasting bad after a day or 2 of usage. Allow me to try and explain this better. I buy a new juice. Whatever the flavor. Chocolate, Peaches, Watermelon, Berries etc... Different brands also. I start vaping on it. Some I will be turned off right off the bat like I said. Sometimes I try one, taste all right or just fine at first. Then, by the end of the day (sometimes 2-3 days, the aftertaste it leaves in my mouth becomes so bad, almost metallic like, that I actually start gagging after a couple puffs on some flavors. That aftertaste is very hard to describe. For exemple, right now I'm vaping on a peach flavored Ejuice. 75PG/25VG. The Peach taste is so muted, I'd say like I taste 20% peaches and 80% that annoying aftertaste. It's unbearable and just plain frustrating.

So far, the only Ejuices I haven't had that particular problem with are mint based ones and the reason why is pretty obvious. The mint taste is so overwhelming that it actually mutes that aftertaste I get.

Let me give you a bit of a background on me, it might help you guide me a little better. I'm 29yrs old. I'm Canadian so most Ejuices I buy are Canadian made. I have been smoking cigarettes for the past 14 years. Quit a few times here and there. Twice for a year or so. Seeing that I started smoking below legal age, I obviously wasn't a ''real'' smoker until I reached 18 (which is the legal age in my province). Also something that might help you situate me better with my problem, I have good oral hygiene. IE; my teeth are perfect. Not the whitest around because of smoking and coffee but they are in perfect condition. I ''know'' some people that have disgusting oral hygiene (brown, broken, rotten teeth) and are vaping with no problem like mine. So that oral hygiene cause is not my problem.

Now, my vaping background. About a year ago, I decided to try vaping for the first time of my life. I went to a vape shop, grabbed an Atlantis tank, an Eleaf iStick 50W and some of their best selling Ejuice. All was good for a couple weeks. I really enjoyed it, so much that I completely quit smoking. Then, a month or 2 in, the aftertaste problem started. It became so bad to a point that I just started buying cigarettes again. When that problem started last year, I asked the vape shop for their opinion. They had me try different things. Change the coil, clean the tank with alcohol, change the Ejuice and such. Nothing worked. I gave up.

Now onto the present. 2 weeks ago, I decided to give vaping a new try. I had sold my previous equipment so I went to a new vape shop and bought myself a Sigeili 80W box mod and an Aspire Cleito tank. Grabbed a bottle of their best selling Ejuice which is Canadian made, called Vape Candy - Berry Explosion, 3mg nicotine, 30PG/70VG. Loved it. First 2 days were absolutely perfect. Taste was abondant etc.. Vaped on the .2omh coil at 60-65W. Then, that aftertaste came back... Went back to the shop, explained to them the situation, they came up with the solution to switch to another flavor. Spoke about vape tongue and such. Grabbed a homemade watermelon flavored Ejuice. 3mg nicotine and no further description on the bottle. Taste was great for a couple of days then same problem. Went back, grabbed a mint type juice. Brand name Fogged Out Vapes - Winter's Passion. Canadian and local made. 3mg nicotine. 75/25 (most likely 75PG/25VG). Taste is absolutely on point. They describe the taste as ''A sweet mixture of fruits and menthol that leaves an icy finish on your palette.''. Basically, mint with a berry finish. And I could ACTUALLY taste the berries on my lips after every puff.

Now onto now. I have been vaping this for the past 1-2 week(s). Tried 3-4 different Ejuices in-between, including a tobacco flavored one, all disgusting either right off the bat or would leave me with that horrid aftertaste. Back to Winter's passion mint Ejuice it was.

Yesterday, I went ahead and bought myself some new gear, thinking a new tank/box mod would somehow help and also because why not... Bought a SMOK Alien 220W box mod and a TFV8 RBA edition atomizer. Also grabbed a bottle of peach flavored Ejuice. SAME DEAL. I primed the TFV8 Q4 coil with it and started vaping away. SAME DEAL. Cleaned the tank, put the TFV8 T8 coil in, primed with the minty Winter's Passion one and all is great OTHER THAN THE CRAZY spitback issue I get with this coil....

So onto what I have tried so far to get a decent and LASTING taste out of Ejuices. This is all according to what I have read online and on the recommendation of the vape shop.

- Quit smoking cigarettes completely. Apparently, sometimes smoking cigarettes and vaping both during the day can cause my taste buds to shutdown. Quit smoking cigarettes completely over a week ago. Not helping.

- Scrapping my tongue. Bought a tongue scrapper. Used it everyday, twice a day after brushing my teeth. My tongue has never been so pink and healthy looking. Not helping.

- Changing the coil more often. Before I bought the TFV8 yesterday, I have been using the Aspire Cleito like I mentioned above. Been using the .2omh coil (55-70W) with it. Changed coils every 4-5 days. Same deal...

- Palette cleanse. Use mint based Ejuice for a day or 2 in-between each new flavor to try and cleanse my taste buds/palette. At first it seemed to have somehow worked but not anymore.

- Smell fresh coffee beans before puffing on a new flavor. Nope.

I'm desperate and don't know what to do anymore. I'm turning to you guys, veterans of vaping, and I'm ready to try whatever you guys think would help. Setting up an RBA? 100%VG? 100%PG? Complexe Ejuice flavors? I DON'T want to go back to cigarettes again!

Thanks for having taken time to read my HUGE post and I appreciate any help!


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I tend to have the same problem. To solve this I have to drink plenty of water and I have started a rotation so I am not vaping same flavor all day. I cant go higher than 30%PG or I get a head ache for some reason so changing juice is out. My taste still comes and goes, I chalk that up to the 30 + years of smoking and it will take some time to get corrected. I am not going back to smoking because of it, I couldn't taste them either. HA.


Member For 4 Years
I tend to have the same problem. To solve this I have to drink plenty of water and I have started a rotation so I am not vaping same flavor all day. I cant go higher than 30%PG or I get a head ache for some reason so changing juice is out. My taste still comes and goes, I chalk that up to the 30 + years of smoking and it will take some time to get corrected. I am not going back to smoking because of it, I couldn't taste them either. HA.

Thanks for your reply.

That was also one of their recommendation but seeing that I drink around 2,5L of water daily, that didn't help either. I haven't noticed any side effects from any PG/VG concentration % yet so I'm willing to try different combinations. Also, I did actually have an excellent taste of cigarettes. All different brands had their specific taste for me which is really puzzling when we think about my vaping problem.


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I'm really sorry to read about your luck, that must be really frustrating, and feel like it's not worth it, BUT I hope you don't give up. As Ray mentioned, hyrdation is key with vaping. On top of that, it can help with detoxing your body from smoking, to flush all that nastiness from your system.

Smoking really does a number to your body. I never realized how badly, until I was smoking less, then stopped. My body did go through some changes. I drank lots of fluids, whether that was juice, water, or Powerade, and much of the horrible feeling did subside over the next few weeks. Even at 90 days without smoking, I felt I went through changes. Smoking is a real bastard, when it comes to messing us up.

Have you heard of oil pulling? It's worth looking into. Many members here are big fans of it. and there's a lot of info out there on the googles.

Good luck to you, I hope your find your niche, soon!

Welcome to VU :)


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I remember this thread, it was interesting. After my dental work is done I will have to look into it more.
Smoking just does an horrific number on your taste buds. I hope, as time passes, it'll be right. Best of luck to you!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Can you describe this aftertaste? Perhaps it is a common ingredient in most juice that you can avoid.
I get a real gross aftertaste from most ejuice, and sometimes it reminds me of artificial sweeteners like in a diet soda(it probably is an artificial sweetener). I avoid these juices as I also get irritation of the mouth when eating or drinking anything with sucralose. Many times l get an alcoholic type taste. (PG traces maybe)?


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Quit smoking cigarettes completely over a week ago. Not helping.

"A week" of quitting completely is nothing. You need to give your body a lot more time to adapt to being completely quit. It takes weeks for cells in the body to do a "turnover" and be completely replaced by new cells - stuff like that.

Taste and smell sensations can go through some weird shit - once you quit and stay quit. But you will never get adjusted to getting your sense of taste back if you keep bouncing back and forth. (After I completely quit smoking for a month all I had to do was try it once: I won't even eat in McDonald's again.)

So - what happens if you vape unflavored liquid? Same issues or no? If you are having taste issues even with unflavored liquid at your regular nic level that might tell us something about what is going on,


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So - what happens if you vape unflavored liquid? Same issues or no? If you are having taste issues even with unflavored liquid at your regular nic level that might tell us something about what is going on,
Good call, Sir!


Member For 4 Years
Thanks for all the replies guys and the warm welcome Huckleberried!

@Huckleberried Thanks for the oil pulling recommendation! I will definitely look into it and give it a try!

@bugalien It is really hard to describe. Some sort of metallic/bland taste. No taste at all. No sweetness. Nothing. I believe I can tell a burnt taste and it's not it. But then, I tried changing coils even if the previous one wasn't done, to start fresh, and same deal. So it's definitely not a burnt coil taste. Maybe you are right though, maybe I get a bad reaction overtime to one of the ingredient. Could be PG, could be VG, could be artificial flavor. So much could cause this. It's discouraging! So far, I haven't tried 100%VG or 100%PG alone. Think I should try it? Also, which type of ejuice do you use? The way you're describing it, the gross aftertaste with most ejuice, sounds pretty much like what I'm experiencing!

@Rickajho I understand that a week is nothing. I've read many many times online on what happens to your body when you quit smoking as I've quit a couple times in the past and also because last year I vaped and had quit smoking completely for almost 2 months. I have actually never tried an unflavored ejuice before. I'm actually curious. I shall look into this and get back with an update!


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@bugalien It is really hard to describe. Some sort of metallic/bland taste. No taste at all. No sweetness. Nothing. I believe I can tell a burnt taste and it's not it. But then, I tried changing coils even if the previous one wasn't done, to start fresh, and same deal. So it's definitely not a burnt coil taste. Maybe you are right though, maybe I get a bad reaction overtime to one of the ingredient. Could be PG, could be VG, could be artificial flavor. So much could cause this. It's discouraging! So far, I haven't tried 100%VG or 100%PG alone. Think I should try it? Also, which type of ejuice do you use? The way you're describing it, the gross aftertaste with most ejuice, sounds pretty much like what I'm experiencing!

I vape a vanilla custard juice that is made locally, it isn't sickenly sweet and I have no idea what is in it. Only that it is max VG. lol
VG alone has a sweet taste and I find that I don't need any extra sweeteners added. Having very strong gustatory and olfactory senses, I tend to dilute many of my juices with plain USP VG made by Humco that can be found at Wal-mart, maybe some drug stores as well.

Edit: I want to mention that I buy a higher mg nicotine juice than I usually vape and then dilute it. Don't short yourself on the nicotine when you are so recently quit. Better to have a little too much and cut down the juice and/or vaping than to have too little and blow through juice unsatisfied.

Many people are delighted by their better sense of smell and taste after quitting smoking, but I never seemed to lose any. I was always the first person to smell or taste something off. :blech:When I quit smoking it wasn't easy for me at all with the ASSAULT of certain flavors and scents from everywhere. :blech: I can no longer tolerate some of the foods and scents that I actually liked before. lol
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Member For 4 Years
I vape a vanilla custard juice that is made locally, it isn't sickenly sweet and I have no idea what is in it. Only that it is max VG. lol
VG alone has a sweet taste and I find that I don't need any extra sweeteners added. Having very strong gustatory and olfactory senses, I tend to dilute many of my juices with plain USP VG made by Humco that can be found at Wal-mart, maybe some drug stores as well.

Edit: I want to mention that I buy a higher mg nicotine juice than I usually vape and then dilute it. Don't short yourself on the nicotine when you are so recently quit. Better to have a little too much and cut down the juice and/or vaping than to have too little and blow through juice unsatisfied.

Many people are delighted by their better sense of smell and taste after quitting smoking, but I never seemed to lose any. I was always the first person to smell or taste something off. :blech:When I quit smoking it wasn't easy for me at all with the ASSAULT of certain flavors and scents from everywhere. :blech: I can no longer tolerate some of the foods and scents that I actually liked before. lol

Thanks for the reply!

Funny, I was at the vape shop just 2 hours ago to try and see if I could grab a bottle a new juice to test out and I stumbled across one that was vanilla custard. Smelled it and nooope, lol. Oh well. It was also made locally or at least in Canada. I did read somewhere that VG has a sweet(er) taste.

And that's just it. UNSATISFIED is how I feel after vaping with this problem Lol. So you dilute your ejuice with high mg nicotine plain juice? VG or PG?

Same here, I never seemed to have lost any of my sense of smell or taste. It hasn't changed at all or barely for the past 2 weeks. But it's only been a week and a half since I had my last smoke.

I cleaned my Cleito tank, put in a new coil and primed/filled her up. I'm going to let it stand until tomorrow morning. See if I get better luck tomorrow morning. The new juice is called ''Jacked Up'' is apparently is 75VG/25PG. I had a smell before I bought it and it actually was decent. On the site, the description for this one is ''Here is that mystery hand check flavour everyone has been talking about! Get ready for some intense, in-your-face, explosive flavour that keeps delivering punches throughout the entire vape. This is a wet, sweet vape that is powered by cactus! The best part about this sweet mix is how clean it is. Your cotton will last you days, not hours!''.

Regardless, I am pretty sure it will either be disgusting right off the bat or that the taste will diminish throughout the day to become exactly the same as the others... I'm so discouraged.

Next step is to try that oil pulling method. Also, to try and eliminate step by step the ingredients (PG,VG, artificial flavors) to see which one possibly causes the problem. Starting with trying to find unflavored ejuice.

Will update. Until then, if anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears!


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Member For 4 Years
Funny, I was at the vape shop just 2 hours ago to try and see if I could grab a bottle a new juice to test out and I stumbled across one that was vanilla custard. Smelled it and nooope, lol. Oh well. It was also made locally or at least in Canada. I did read somewhere that VG has a sweet(er) taste.

Are you allowed to actually try the juices in the shop? Sometimes a juice smells very different than the vape, but if you can't stand the smell, then it is probably a no go.

So you dilute your ejuice with high mg nicotine plain juice? VG or PG?

NO. I buy plain old VG from Walmart and add that to dilute juice that already has a higher nic content. It is much easier this way and I don't have to wait for vapemail or try mixing up nicotine. I avoid PG in juice because it immediately causes me to cough, get irritation, and headache in anything higher than 20% PG in the juice. Not everyone has that issue for sure, some vape only PG. lol

''Here is that mystery hand check flavour everyone has been talking about! Get ready for some intense, in-your-face, explosive flavour that keeps delivering punches throughout the entire vape. This is a wet, sweet vape that is powered by cactus!

Nope. Just nope. I could never do this but I do not really get a loss of flavor unless I am chain vaping from a tank and the coils start to go. lol
Some vapers love the intense flavors though.
I mainly drip on an RDA with coils in between .1 and .5ohms so it would probably knock my socks off, literally. lol

I hear that the Cleito is a great tank for flavor though. I have never tried it. I just have a couple CCI RDA, Baby Beast tank, and some tootle puffers,(one of which I just won. The Zelos kit with Nautilus 2. That tootle puffer surprised the hell out of me with the flavor and vapor though. They have come a long way in a few years. lol) I guess I am flavor sensitive though.:giggle:


Member For 4 Years
Are you allowed to actually try the juices in the shop? Sometimes a juice smells very different than the vape, but if you can't stand the smell, then it is probably a no go.

Unfortunately not. They are a well known shop here and I guess they try to ''stand by the law'' which sucks lol

NO. I buy plain old VG from Walmart and add that to dilute juice that already has a higher nic content. It is much easier this way and I don't have to wait for vapemail or try mixing up nicotine. I avoid PG in juice because it immediately causes me to cough, get irritation, and headache in anything higher than 20% PG in the juice. Not everyone has that issue for sure, some vape only PG. lol

Gotcha. I didn't notice any side effects from high PG juices so far but loosing my sense of taste/smell could be considered like a side effect, possibly?

Nope. Just nope. I could never do this but I do not really get a loss of flavor unless I am chain vaping from a tank and the coils start to go. lol
Some vapers love the intense flavors though.
I mainly drip on an RDA with coils in between .1 and .5ohms so it would probably knock my socks off, literally. lol

I hear that the Cleito is a great tank for flavor though. I have never tried it. I just have a couple CCI RDA, Baby Beast tank, and some tootle puffers,(one of which I just won. The Zelos kit with Nautilus 2. That tootle puffer surprised the hell out of me with the flavor and vapor though. They have come a long way in a few years. lol) I guess I am flavor sensitive though.:giggle:

Hahaha Well, I figured I'd try something packed with complex flavors, see if it makes a difference. I hope it does :( And the Cleito is indeed a great tank, I like it a lot. Much easier and simpler than the TFV8 I just bought. Have to vape that sucker with a Q4 coil at 90W to get a decent taste and throat hit with it. And obviously I'm only talking about the minty/berry juice that I use which seems to be the only one I can bare so far... Most likely because the mint taste is so strong, it mutes any other flavors or that awful aftertaste I get with all other juices I've tried.

Tomorrow is a new day and I'm hoping this new juice will be different!


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Welcome aboard.....hope you taste buds adjust soon.....:vino:

Mike H.

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@King_A ..are you by any chance using temperature control using Ni200 coils?..The reason I ask is a lot of people can taste the wire which is somewhat a metallic taste...Also I have to ask what power ranges you are vaping at and with what type of coil (kanthal, SS, Ni200, Ti)...Too much power can give a metallic taste even though you haven't experienced that burning cotton dry hit...Sometimes lower power can bring out the flavor of an ejuice...Just a few things to consider if you are doing any of these.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think some of us just don't like a lot of flavors.
I've been vaping for 3 1/2 years and had the same problem for a while. When I first started, I tried too many juices to count. Some of it tasted gross immediately, others I liked at first, but got sick of the flavor really quickly, sometimes within hours, sometimes after a week or two. Everything always ended up tasting like artificial, chemical yuck.
I only found one premade flavor that I really liked, and I still vape that one daily, but I also started to DIY.
I had the same problem making my own. Many of my mixes were disgusting right away, but I made a lot that I really first...but got sick of or turned off to them quickly.
I've finally settled on a few, minimally flavored mixes that I can tolerate. It seems the less flavoring I use, the better. Everything I make has less than 5% flavoring. I also vape a lot of unflavored.
Perhaps it's just a matter of being too finicky. It took me a long time to find what I like, so maybe it's just going to take a bit more time and experimentation to find out what you can tolerate.


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I have at least 3 bottles of juice that I thought were the bee's knees when I tried and bought them. I even repurchased 2 brands and it was my ADV at first.
Now to even smell them makes me gag. :blech: Also, my husband likes strong minty and menthol flavors but after a few days, then it bacame a couple hours, he gets terrible indigestion and heartburn. He now vapes my mild ADV and says at least it doesn't make him sick. That one thin mint (like the girl scout cookie) vape he likes is so damn good though. Just cant vape it all day. I just drip some on my coils occasionally as a treat. It takes a while to find your flavor, and then that may change after a while.

The biggest help I had was in a shop that prepared a fresh RDA to let me try juices. After that I got my own dripper and it is so much easier to really taste the flavors that way. Some shops don't prepare, or have tanks for you to try, but will let you drip on your own gear. I have even dripped into my Baby beast tank, remove the drip tip and place a couple drops right on the coil.

Warning: dripping on a tank coil can spoil your coil and need replacement if it happens to be something totally gross tasting. The flavor may not ever leave the coil. That is why I like the RDA. It costs almost nothing to completely rid it of flavor for a new start. lol

Just remember not to give up. I almost did, but am glad I kept trying and I have only had one cigarette shortly after joining this forum. :vino:
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Member For 4 Years
Try cleaning your tank really really really really well. You might be tasting machine oil. Don't use more wattage than you need, as you might be dry hitting. If your e-juice nicotine level is over 8mg, that may be the problem. Also, Ihad terrible results with Aspire tanks. I bought a Wotofo Serpent Tank and I get great flavor. Hope this helps.


Member For 4 Years
@King_A ..are you by any chance using temperature control using Ni200 coils?..The reason I ask is a lot of people can taste the wire which is somewhat a metallic taste...Also I have to ask what power ranges you are vaping at and with what type of coil (kanthal, SS, Ni200, Ti)...Too much power can give a metallic taste even though you haven't experienced that burning cotton dry hit...Sometimes lower power can bring out the flavor of an ejuice...Just a few things to consider if you are doing any of these.

It's all written in my original post up there :) I have 2 tanks, an Aspire Cleito with .4omh coils which I vape at around 50-60W and a Smok TFV8 with Q4 coils which I vape at around 80-100W. Both I prime carefully when using a fresh coil, doesn't leak or turns brown right off the bat and I usually let the tank sit for a couple of hours before using it just to make sure the cotton is perfectly saturated with the juice. I've thrown brand new coils in the trash because I was trying a new juice which turned out to be absolutely gross and made me gag... Didn't wanted anything to do with it anymore Lol. I also clean the tanks with hot water in-between each new juice. But anyways, thanks for trying to help out :)

I think some of us just don't like a lot of flavors.
I've been vaping for 3 1/2 years and had the same problem for a while. When I first started, I tried too many juices to count. Some of it tasted gross immediately, others I liked at first, but got sick of the flavor really quickly, sometimes within hours, sometimes after a week or two. Everything always ended up tasting like artificial, chemical yuck.
I only found one premade flavor that I really liked, and I still vape that one daily, but I also started to DIY.
I had the same problem making my own. Many of my mixes were disgusting right away, but I made a lot that I really first...but got sick of or turned off to them quickly.
I've finally settled on a few, minimally flavored mixes that I can tolerate. It seems the less flavoring I use, the better. Everything I make has less than 5% flavoring. I also vape a lot of unflavored.
Perhaps it's just a matter of being too finicky. It took me a long time to find what I like, so maybe it's just going to take a bit more time and experimentation to find out what you can tolerate.

That, just that! You just described my problem. I could not have worded it any better! Even the taste, how you described it ''artificial, chemical yuck'' seems to be pretty much what I taste with 90% of juices I've tried. Some lasted for a couple of hours. Some a couple of days and some just right off the bat. Wow, So, I AM NOT ALONE! *relief* Thank you so much. Trying minimally flavored juices seems like an excellent idea! I shall try to find such or start doing my own if I have to. May I ask which ratio do you usually tend to like better? High VG, High PG, 50/50 etc..


I have at least 3 bottles of juice that I thought were the bee's knees when I tried and bought them. I even repurchased 2 brands and it was my ADV at first.
Now to even smell them makes me gag. :blech: Also, my husband likes strong minty and menthol flavors but after a few days, then it bacame a couple hours, he gets terrible indigestion and heartburn. He now vapes my mild ADV and says at least it doesn't make him sick. That one thin mint (like the girl scout cookie) vape he likes is so damn good though. Just cant vape it all day. I just drip some on my coils occasionally as a treat. It takes a while to find your flavor, and then that may change after a while.

The biggest help I had was in a shop that prepared a fresh RDA to let me try juices. After that I got my own dripper and it is so much easier to really taste the flavors that way. Some shops don't prepare, or have tanks for you to try, but will let you drip on your own gear. I have even dripped into my Baby beast tank, remove the drip tip and place a couple drops right on the coil.

Warning: dripping on a tank coil can spoil your coil and need replacement if it happens to be something totally gross tasting. The flavor may not ever leave the coil. That is why I like the RDA. It costs almost nothing to completely rid it of flavor for a new start. lol
Just remember not to give up. I almost did, but am glad I kept trying and I have only had one cigarette shortly after joining this forum. :vino:

I have seriously been thinking about RDAs but thought I should stick with pre-made coils and sub omh tanks until I feel confident enough to try building my own :) I guess I'll just have to try until I find suitable ones! One of the local vape shop is really friendly though and they understand my situation. They've been helping as much as they could. Also, what is that mild ADV?

Try cleaning your tank really really really really well. You might be tasting machine oil. Don't use more wattage than you need, as you might be dry hitting. If your e-juice nicotine level is over 8mg, that may be the problem. Also, Ihad terrible results with Aspire tanks. I bought a Wotofo Serpent Tank and I get great flavor. Hope this helps.

Like I said below, I usually clean my tanks very well with hot water and change coils often as I try new flavors. So far, both the Aspire Cleito tank and the TFV8 have given me the same result vis-a-vis taste so I doubt it's the tank. Actually, the Cleito has given a better flavor so far vs the TFV8. Thanks for you help though :)

Mike H.

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The wattage of the coils and how many ohms they are don't tell me what wire is being used or if you vape with Temp control...Some juices use a much higher percentage of flavoring in which if your sense of taste is still good it may be too high of a percentage and taste like shit...I would try some DIY so you can mix a percentage of flavor yourself and maybe find a resolution to your problem.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Also, what is that mild ADV?
I apologize, ADV: all day vape. It is the flavor I vape all the time.
Everything always ended up tasting like artificial, chemical yuck.
This, I can really relate to.
My vanilla custard ADV is very subtle, not an "in your face" flavor. If it were, I couldn't vape it all day. I will be getting into DIY as soon as I can afford the initial large purchase of flavors and supplies. I am just lucky to have an affordable and locally made juice that is not overflavored. I can really taste the chemicals when it is too much. It frightens me and makes me sick with anxiety when I taste chemically stuff.

On another note. I will need to replace the o-rings on my Baby beast tank because no matter what else I do to clean it, it still retains this flavor I can no longer stand. I just don't like those orange o-rings that came with it. Just been dripping instead. O-rings just hold on to that odor and flavor. I will try boiling them in vinegar next. I tried soaking in vinegar and hot water, but it is so strong still.


Member For 4 Years
The wattage of the coils and how many ohms they are don't tell me what wire is being used or if you vape with Temp control...Some juices use a much higher percentage of flavoring in which if your sense of taste is still good it may be too high of a percentage and taste like shit...I would try some DIY so you can mix a percentage of flavor yourself and maybe find a resolution to your problem.

I understand but neither is it specified on the coils or on the box what type of wire the coil uses. I would assume that it's kanthal? I honestly don't know Lol All I know is that it can't be used it TC mods. I'm seriously considering DIY though!


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I understand but neither is it specified on the coils or on the box what type of wire the coil uses. I would assume that it's kanthal? I honestly don't know Lol All I know is that it can't be used it TC mods. I'm seriously considering DIY though!
Probably kanthal.


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I apologize, ADV: all day vape. It is the flavor I vape all the time.

This, I can really relate to.
My vanilla custard ADV is very subtle, not an "in your face" flavor. If it were, I couldn't vape it all day. I will be getting into DIY as soon as I can afford the initial large purchase of flavors and supplies. I am just lucky to have an affordable and locally made juice that is not overflavored. I can really taste the chemicals when it is too much. It frightens me and makes me sick with anxiety when I taste chemically stuff.

On another note. I will need to replace the o-rings on my Baby beast tank because no matter what else I do to clean it, it still retains this flavor I can no longer stand. I just don't like those orange o-rings that came with it. Just been dripping instead. O-rings just hold on to that odor and flavor. I will try boiling them in vinegar next. I tried soaking in vinegar and hot water, but it is so strong still.

Gotcha :) Yeah, apparently, unflavored or very light flavored seems to be my next step! Possible DIY plain unflavored juice to begin with then I'll purchase natural flavor concentrate and experiment.


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That, just that! You just described my problem. I could not have worded it any better! Even the taste, how you described it ''artificial, chemical yuck'' seems to be pretty much what I taste with 90% of juices I've tried. Some lasted for a couple of hours. Some a couple of days and some just right off the bat. Wow, So, I AM NOT ALONE! *relief* Thank you so much. Trying minimally flavored juices seems like an excellent idea! I shall try to find such or start doing my own if I have to. May I ask which ratio do you usually tend to like better? High VG, High PG, 50/50 etc..


I have seriously been thinking about RDAs but thought I should stick with pre-made coils and sub omh tanks until I feel confident enough to try building my own :)

I usually mix at 50/50, but I have gone higher vg without noticing much difference. I really think I'm just sensitive to too much flavoring. I use mostly Flavor Art flavorings, and some Flavor Apprentice.
I think maybe an RDA might be a good idea when you're ready, just because it makes it much easier to change flavors, especially if you decide to go the DIY route.

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I usually mix at 50/50, but I have gone higher vg without noticing much difference. I really think I'm just sensitive to too much flavoring. I use mostly Flavor Art flavorings, and some Flavor Apprentice.
I think maybe an RDA might be a good idea when you're ready, just because it makes it much easier to change flavors, especially if you decide to go the DIY route.
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Thank you for the reply. I will definitely look into an RDA soon. While we're talking about RDAs, which one do you use? And with what type of wires? And finally, do you use TC or WATT mode?

I am also currently looking online as to where I can buy high quality PG, VG, liquid nicotine and natural concentrated flavoring in Canada. This is definitely my next step. Think I found a site where I can get it all. Prices are decent too! What do you guys think? Think they have pretty much all I need to start!

And a little update. Tried another 2 flavors. First was ''all right'' for a couple of hours then I got fed up and couldn't even smell it without being disgusted Lol Cleaned the tank, put in a new coil, tried the second flavor and was turned off right off the bat. By the way, I primed the coils and let the juice stand in the tank overnight for both.


SnapDragon NY

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When I 1st started vaping- i had the same problem- either I couldn't taste them or they tasted gross, but pretty much because none of them tasted like a cigarette! I went to a vape shop and bought flavors I could taste and enjoy as much as a cigarette- Peppermint and Cinnamon Fireball! They tasted like my favorite chewing gums! I just wasn't giving in to go back to cigarettes! Cigarettes start playing with your mind and it took a good month to get my taste buds back! I drink tons of ice water too!
Have you tried vaping at lower wattages? Still after 2 years of vaping I am in the 25-30w realm, anything over starts tasting too hot and burnt to me. Maybe start at lower watts and work your way up to what tastes good. Just because your coil and gear can go that high doesn't mean that you have to -
I also like my eliquid at 65-75 vg and I use 3 nic and now I vape all kinds of flavors from fruits to coffees and cinnamon rolls!
Just a lot of trial and error you will find your sweet spot.


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Thank you for the reply. I will definitely look into an RDA soon. While we're talking about RDAs, which one do you use? And with what type of wires? And finally, do you use TC or WATT mode?

I am also currently looking online as to where I can buy high quality PG, VG, liquid nicotine and natural concentrated flavoring in Canada. This is definitely my next step. Think I found a site where I can get it all. Prices are decent too! What do you guys think? Think they have pretty much all I need to start!

And a little update. Tried another 2 flavors. First was ''all right'' for a couple of hours then I got fed up and couldn't even smell it without being disgusted Lol Cleaned the tank, put in a new coil, tried the second flavor and was turned off right off the bat. By the way, I primed the coils and let the juice stand in the tank overnight for both.

I'm pretty old school. I've tried a lot of things...various RDAs, tanks, regulated mods...but have settled on only using REOs with Cyclones on top. I use single kanthal coils between 0.8 and 1.0 ohm. It's a simple, reliable set up and it works for me without fuss, and that's what's most important to me.

I'm sure you'll get lots of recommendations from other people. There's so much variety and so many different styles of vaping. Unfortunately, what works for one doesn't always work for the next guy.

I do think that when you first get started, simple is best. Take it slow and easy and keep asking questions.


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when ever I get a weird taste from a juice I set it aside for a few days. I will vape on a menthol flavor for a little bit to get my taste buds all cleared. Then I'll give it another go


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When I 1st started vaping- i had the same problem- either I couldn't taste them or they tasted gross, but pretty much because none of them tasted like a cigarette! I went to a vape shop and bought flavors I could taste and enjoy as much as a cigarette- Peppermint and Cinnamon Fireball! They tasted like my favorite chewing gums! I just wasn't giving in to go back to cigarettes! Cigarettes start playing with your mind and it took a good month to get my taste buds back! I drink tons of ice water too!
Have you tried vaping at lower wattages? Still after 2 years of vaping I am in the 25-30w realm, anything over starts tasting too hot and burnt to me. Maybe start at lower watts and work your way up to what tastes good. Just because your coil and gear can go that high doesn't mean that you have to -
I also like my eliquid at 65-75 vg and I use 3 nic and now I vape all kinds of flavors from fruits to coffees and cinnamon rolls!
Just a lot of trial and error you will find your sweet spot.

Thanks for the reply! I really do hope it'll get better at some point but so far, all I get is crap taste from all ejuices except mint based ones. They either taste gross right off the bat or It takes 1-2 days for me to get fed up with it. I'll try the 25-30W though. I've basically been following the coil's recommended vape watts.

I'm pretty old school. I've tried a lot of things...various RDAs, tanks, regulated mods...but have settled on only using REOs with Cyclones on top. I use single kanthal coils between 0.8 and 1.0 ohm. It's a simple, reliable set up and it works for me without fuss, and that's what's most important to me.

I'm sure you'll get lots of recommendations from other people. There's so much variety and so many different styles of vaping. Unfortunately, what works for one doesn't always work for the next guy.

I do think that when you first get started, simple is best. Take it slow and easy and keep asking questions.

Thanks for the reply! Not sure what are REOs or Cyclones, I tried googling it but many different things are coming up lol

Well, talking about ''style of vaping'', if I inhale the vapor straight to my lungs and exhale even just a tad bit from my nose while my mouth is close (you know, like to get a taste of the vapor), it's just plain disgusting. I've basically been vaping without using my nose as if I was trying to avoid tasting at all. Like eating something disgusting while pinching your nose to avoid tasting it. By doing so, the only taste I get is a SLIGHT aftertaste in my mouth of whatever's advertised on the ejuice bottle which makes it somewhat bearable but certainly not enjoyable. It's like, I've tried 30 different ejuices and they all have that chemical vapor taste. Sooo frustrating and unsatisfying. I'm crossing my fingers that mixing my own ejuice will make a difference. I'll start with plain, no flavor, see if I still get that vapor tasting like chemicals. Will try different ratio PG/VG/NIC etc... Then whichever works best, I'll try adding little flavor, starting with menthol or something similar. FINGERS CROSSED!

when ever I get a weird taste from a juice I set it aside for a few days. I will vape on a menthol flavor for a little bit to get my taste buds all cleared. Then I'll give it another go

Tried that, as described in my initial post. Not working :)


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I am fairly new to vaping so not a lot of experience. However, Hubby and I both got e iStick Pico kit which comes w/ a Melo 3 mini tank. We loved it. End it came time to change the coils. They had .3 coils preinstalled but he spare coil in our kits were .5 coils. Nasty! Mine had a horrible metallic taste. Same happened w/hubby when we changed his. We went to the B&M shop and the guy there told us to use Aspire coils instead. Totally fixed our probs. For some reason I ended up washing those nasty .5 coils and put them away. One day I needed to change my coil but was too weak to leave house. I took one of the old .5 coils and tried it...nice...go figure.

Also, maybe try a vanilla mint juice w/no methol (unless you like menthol).. Kinda tastes and feels like you just brushed your teeth.

SnapDragon NY

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I am fairly new to vaping so not a lot of experience. However, Hubby and I both got e iStick Pico kit which comes w/ a Melo 3 mini tank. We loved it. End it came time to change the coils. They had .3 coils preinstalled but he spare coil in our kits were .5 coils. Nasty! Mine had a horrible metallic taste. Same happened w/hubby when we changed his. We went to the B&M shop and the guy there told us to use Aspire coils instead. Totally fixed our probs. For some reason I ended up washing those nasty .5 coils and put them away. One day I needed to change my coil but was too weak to leave house. I took one of the old .5 coils and tried it...nice...go figure.

Also, maybe try a vanilla mint juice w/no methol (unless you like menthol).. Kinda tastes and feels like you just brushed your teeth.

Hi and welcome! I have the same Melo tank and prefer the .5Ω coils! If not primed properly all coils will taste yucky- did you prime the coils and let the new coil sit in the tank liquid for at least 15 minutes?! Many You Tube videos on tank set up and priming coils!
Many other coils fit that tank too like the Aspire Atlantis and Triton, Tobecco. You should always get a spare 5 pack of coils when you purchase your setup since you will be changing them out! Many online sellers have these coils and it is nice to stock up on them during a sale instead of buying them 1 at a time from a B&M what do you do if the B&M doesn't have them?
A tank I like better than the Melo is the Tobecco Super Tank Mini and that will work with the same coils I listed above, and I believe that tank is a better tank!


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Hi and welcome! I have the same Melo tank and prefer the .5Ω coils! If not primed properly all coils will taste yucky- did you prime the coils and let the new coil sit in the tank liquid for at least 15 minutes?! Many You Tube videos on tank set up and priming coils!
Many other coils fit that tank too like the Aspire Atlantis and Triton, Tobecco. You should always get a spare 5 pack of coils when you purchase your setup since you will be changing them out! Many online sellers have these coils and it is nice to stock up on them during a sale instead of buying them 1 at a time from a B&M what do you do if the B&M doesn't have them?
A tank I like better than the Melo is the Tobecco Super Tank Mini and that will work with the same coils I listed above, and I believe that tank is a better tank!

Hi and thanks. :). Yes we primed and let sit for at least 20 minutes but they were still nasty. YouTube vids are very helpful and they are my go to usually for all vape questions. The Aspire Atlantis is the coil I switched to when the .5 coils didn't fare well. Yes, it sucked to have to get coils from the B&M but as I said we were brand new at this. After purchasing the kits and a little juice we didn't have funds to order extra coils, batteries, etc. We have ordered them now though. :)

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Thanks for the reply! I really do hope it'll get better at some point but so far, all I get is crap taste from all ejuices except mint based ones. They either taste gross right off the bat or It takes 1-2 days for me to get fed up with it. I'll try the 25-30W though. I've basically been following the coil's recommended vape watts.

Thanks for the reply! Not sure what are REOs or Cyclones, I tried googling it but many different things are coming up lol

Well, talking about ''style of vaping'', if I inhale the vapor straight to my lungs and exhale even just a tad bit from my nose while my mouth is close (you know, like to get a taste of the vapor), it's just plain disgusting. I've basically been vaping without using my nose as if I was trying to avoid tasting at all. Like eating something disgusting while pinching your nose to avoid tasting it. By doing so, the only taste I get is a SLIGHT aftertaste in my mouth of whatever's advertised on the ejuice bottle which makes it somewhat bearable but certainly not enjoyable. It's like, I've tried 30 different ejuices and they all have that chemical vapor taste. Sooo frustrating and unsatisfying. I'm crossing my fingers that mixing my own ejuice will make a difference. I'll start with plain, no flavor, see if I still get that vapor tasting like chemicals. Will try different ratio PG/VG/NIC etc... Then whichever works best, I'll try adding little flavor, starting with menthol or something similar. FINGERS CROSSED!

Tried that, as described in my initial post. Not working :)

You really are having a tough time- yes try unflavored it might help. I started out with non sub ohm gear- wasn't around when I started vaping. Maybe more of a MTL tank like the Nautilus Mini
or the eleaf GS Air and above OHM coils like 1.0 or 1.5
Maybe sub ohming is too much for you right now? Ask the Vape Shop about these tanks.
Many here still use non sub ohm tanks and coils like the ones I have stated above!
With these coils and tanks you will be vaping at lower watts between 10w- 20w maybe that would help you?
The hardest part with vaping is that not 1 juice I tried tasted like a cigarette! I wanted a juice to taste like my cigarette! Everything is screaming right now from withdrawal of cigarettes! Try some will power too- while ecigs help you just need to dig down deep and start saying No to the cigarette urges! I dual used for a few weeks, cutting out so many cigarettes per day- then I set a quit date- still morning cigarettes were the hardest to give up- I just vaped more! Cigarettes ran my life for too long and I got stubborn and dug in and over 2 years later I still have not had 1 cigarette or even the desire to ever smoke cigarettes again. I smoked for 30+ years and I have quit before, but with vaping this is the longest I have stayed cig free.
Some here quit smoking with no problems- bam started vaping and Bam never smoked again!
Me it took some will power and vaping- but I did it!
I really like candy and gum flavors, I just found them to be more appealing when I started to quit smoking! Chemical flavors? Try shaking up really good, leave the caps off,take the nipple top off to and let them air out, that is why some of these flavors taste better in the Vape shop than at home- they have been sitting in the tanks for quite a while, airing out and soaking in the coil!
Best of Luck- just keep trying!

SnapDragon NY

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Hi and thanks. :). Yes we primed and let sit for at least 20 minutes but they were still nasty. YouTube vids are very helpful and they are my go to usually for all vape questions. The Aspire Atlantis is the coil I switched to when the .5 coils didn't fare well. Yes, it sucked to have to get coils from the B&M but as I said we were brand new at this. After purchasing the kits and a little juice we didn't have funds to order extra coils, batteries, etc. We have ordered them now though. :)

Good to hear Budsmoon! Yes it is so hard starting out- and can get expensive! Just make sure you have handy gear so cigarettes are not your backup plan! There are so many sales from online vendors, you will see people here talk about them, that is when I stock up and or buy new gear and tanks. Maybe try the Atlantis Triton RBA coil kit- that would help save money that coil is easy to rebuild!
This company has a 30% off code and are one of the best! These coils would cost about $7.00 and some cheap wire and cotton. There are You Tube videos on everything vaping and nice to watch demos!
The Atlantis coils I prefer are the .5Ω and the 1.0Ω for that tank- but now I am really liking the Tobecco coils more and they are cheaper when there are sales!
this company usually has some nice sales- sign up for them and you will get emails! These coils will fit in your Melo! They do come in the .5Ω also!
I like both vendors and super fast free shipping if you spend $15.00!

SnapDragon NY

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Hi and thanks. :). Yes we primed and let sit for at least 20 minutes but they were still nasty. YouTube vids are very helpful and they are my go to usually for all vape questions. The Aspire Atlantis is the coil I switched to when the .5 coils didn't fare well. Yes, it sucked to have to get coils from the B&M but as I said we were brand new at this. After purchasing the kits and a little juice we didn't have funds to order extra coils, batteries, etc. We have ordered them now though. :)
Also should vape the coil without power and move the power up slowly 5 watts at a time until you get good flavor too high watts too fast can make the coil taste awful too!


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Also should vape the coil without power and move the power up slowly 5 watts at a time until you get good flavor too high watts too fast can make the coil taste awful too!
The tip of upping the wattage slowly is one I didn't know. Thank you! I tried vaping right away at 50W so I should have started at 30w and worked my way back up.

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The tip of upping the wattage slowly is one I didn't know. Thank you! I tried vaping right away at 50W so I should have started at 30w and worked my way back up.
I would even start out lower- like 10w and work your way up till it tastes good! I really don't vape higher than 30w ! But slowly break in the coil!
Also some juices taste much better at lower watts.
I'm late too this party, but another trick I learned from YouTube back when I was still using premade coils in tanks is to use a needle to poke a couple holes in each of the feed holes on the side of the coil head. You know where you see cotton in the slots on the sides of the coil? Poke a couple small holes in all of them. This helps liquid seep into the coil better. Just don't over do it or it will cause leaking. Use a thin needle.

Another trick I used to make my coils last longer is to close off the air openings and take a very small puff without firing the mod about every 3rd draw. This causes negative pressure in the tank which forces more juice into the cotton to thoroughly saturate it. Your next 2 draws will be nice and flavorful while at the same time keeping the cotton and coils cooler. After 2 or 3 puffs close the airflow and dry hit it again to re- saturate.

These two things helped my coil heads to taste better and last twice as long as before. I've switched to RBAs since then, but still use tanks for when I'm out and about and I still use the two tricks described above.

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