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Kelpie RTA from Ehpro/Vic


Citrus Junkie
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I'll wait to see what others before buying. 3.5ml capacity equals a lot of refills. Watched Vic's video, nice little atty.

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_evil twin_
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Looks tasty and reviewers so far say so. They are replacing the phillips with hex, either batch 2 or sending along as spares with 1st.


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Looks tasty and reviewers so far say so. They are replacing the phillips with hex, either batch 2 or sending along as spares with 1st.

Ahh, good.. Chinee get all stupid about screws. I've heard reviewers explain how "slotted screws just get milled and are preferred because grubs are STAMPED", but seriously: you job that, the costs are trivial, do it right you goddamned idiots.

Personally, I 200% expect that the system is: they call a supplier; the supplier has an excess of **; manufacturer mods their design to use the excess of **.

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_evil twin_
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the costs are trivial, do it right you goddamned idiots
Agree 100%. We see so many times how some little something about design or manufacturing, something we would've gladly paid a few more bucks for not to mention selling more to begin with, but it doesn't get done. Cutting corners isn't the way to profit.


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Well, it's not a couple bucks, either: for a couple bucks *WE* can order screws we want.

No, this is all about "standards" (which chinee avoid as often as possible) and no more than a penny or three per 10K screws.. This isn't even in our hobbyist-zone, where folks will argue one MCU over another because of the price-break, (hint: to a beancounter $2 EACH/100K units might matter, (but I wager the engineer was not asked) - the hobbyist is gonna' spend the extra $2 for his PROJECT to get it done without sacrificing his firstborn-male-child to Zorkon the Space God).

BTW, this is one of the major PO's with chinee: would you clowns PLEASE publish the goddamned thread/size and oring info? We should NOT have to fight to learn it.


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I'm still amused that - after all these years - there is zero reference to airflow in atmospheres, pascals, PSI - something..

And, we still see reviewers speaking of "turbulence" and speaking of airflow in really weird terms.


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Finally made a framed staple coil and some wick and new juice into one of the Kelpie's today. This little thing rocks the flavor. I like it alot.



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Fwiw I have no issues with the post screws. The Phillips heads are tiny but they are cut deep so use the correct size driver and there should be no issues.

Otherwise this tank is awesome. Wicks fantastic and the flavor is fantastic as well. Drinks juice a muddah fuggah tho! :coffee2:


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Update: post screws suck, lol. The problem isn't the metal itself, it's the shallow Phillips cuts in the grub head. No biggie for now but I'll be looking to get some new grubs for the Kelpie.

Otherwise the tank is great. Just pulled the fat framed staple out because it spit no matter what I tried. Just put in a 3*29/38 fused Clapton and the spitting is gone and a nice little flavor boost. Ha ha, doesn't drink as heavily now too!


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OK, figured it out. Using the blue Phillips screw driver is no good. The coil master Phillips works just fine. Still, the cuts need to be deeper and hopefully they have that sorted out.


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Has anyone compared the Gear which Vic rated no 1 for flavor last year to the Kelpie curious how the flavors compare because the Gear knock it out of the part with its small chamber and short chimney.
Hello guys, first post here.

Just got my Kelpie from China, and excrpt for one post-screw, I can't get any of them out to install a coil! :(
I really don't know what to do now... They're stuck and no screwdriver I have fits it, except for the one included with the Kelpie, which can't get them out.
Tried putting the deck in the freezer.

What do you suggest? I can't even use my new Kelpie :(

Thanks in advance,


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That sucks - hopefully someone can help here...
That sucks - hopefully someone can help here...

For now, i contacted the seller from china and he asked me to shoot a video showing the problem and send it to them, and they will contact the manufacturer for a solution.

Just did that. Hope they get back to me soon enough with a good solution. Will update... But if there is somebody here with a suggestion, I'd love to hear. Thanks.

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_evil twin_
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For now, i contacted the seller from china and he asked me to shoot a video showing the problem and send it to them, and they will contact the manufacturer for a solution.

Just did that. Hope they get back to me soon enough with a good solution. Will update... But if there is somebody here with a suggestion, I'd love to hear. Thanks.
Who did you buy it from?
To satisfy you, and it's within the vendors warranty period, there shouldn't be a reason for the vendor to contact the manufacturer. Sounds like a runaround already. If it's out of vendor's warranty timeline, they could refer you to manufacturer, and if they did hopefully you bought it from an EHPro qualified vendor. I'd shoot vendor an email and let them know that I expect them to take care of it.
Who did you buy it from?
To satisfy you, and it's within the vendors warranty period, there shouldn't be a reason for the vendor to contact the manufacturer. Sounds like a runaround already. If it's out of vendor's warranty timeline, they could refer you to manufacturer, and if they did hopefully you bought it from an EHPro qualified vendor. I'd shoot vendor an email and let them know that I expect them to take care of it.

I bought it from Heavengifts. Until now I had a great experience with them. I hope they won't let down, since they sure don't want a dispute and bad rating on their AliExpress store.
Its under warranty as i just got it a few days ago, and couldn't even install a first coil...


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Hello guys, first post here.

Just got my Kelpie from China, and excrpt for one post-screw, I can't get any of them out to install a coil! :(
I really don't know what to do now... They're stuck and no screwdriver I have fits it, except for the one included with the Kelpie, which can't get them out.
Tried putting the deck in the freezer.

What do you suggest? I can't even use my new Kelpie :(

Thanks in advance,
Try the opposite, heating it up with a torch, after removing the flammable or melting parts

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