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Wicking mesh RTAs with Muji cotton - Wotofo profile X - How tf do I do this?


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I got a wotofo profile X RTA about a day and a half ago, as well as a geekvape aegis legend 3 (not a bad modbox, definitely time to put my Aegis X into the "for if I lose my main vape" corner, it was falling apart, 18650s needed 'modified' (positive terminals domed up) for it to turn on as I assume slop in the locking mechanism and stretch eventually ruined the connections) and I just felt like I needed something new. The Zeus RTA still works fine though, but I figured things had moved on a bit and wanted to try a different RTA.
The profile X wicked fine on the stock shoelace cotton supplied, though started to taste burnt after around 300 tokes and I fucked up the wicking badly, followed this guide but wasn't paying a huge amount of attention after the whole thinning process, didn't notice the wicking channels I needed to tuck the cotton into and just bent the cotton down, soaked it in vape liquid then got very confused as to why the top wouldn't screw on. Had to trim the damp cotton, try again, fail to notice the channels again and then get it wicked on the third try after parting the cotton, doing a very bad 45 degree cut, then noticed the wicking channels, cut the cotton down correctly and it worked fine.

I figured I should try it with muji pads, guides said to use less than the amount of wofoto cotton so there's only a light bit of resistance and to spread the cotton out then roll it up (like the scotch roll) however the one or two pics I could find had the cotton very densely packed still, so I went with a much rougher scotch roll approach where I pulled it to about 1/3 the amount I would with the coils I've been wicking with Mujis for about 3 years now, thinned it out like in the above vid, trimmed and tucked into the wicking channels.
This worked fine for about 20 hits, then I started getting dry hits. I tried with more muji cotton (half a strip this time) did the same thing (it was still loose enough to move about under the mesh while I used a pick (I think it's used for SIM card removal on some phones) on my bit driver to thin the cotton out), same thing.
Read through more posts about how it worked well with cotton bacon and tried a strip of that and yeah, that works. The cotton bacon was much tighter in the mesh, however it's much fluffier than rolled muji pads too.
But I want to go back to mujis, if only for the fact that they cost much, much less than cotton bacon and usually out-performs it in terms of longevity. With coils I'd usually re-wick every 500 hits, long before the cotton discoloured and with muji pads this became a very trivial cost, maybe £10-15 a year. Coils I would replace about once every 2 months. I assume mesh needs replaced a bit more often due to how thin it is, but if I like it, I can live with that cost.

I can't find any videos on mesh RTA wicking with mujis. All muji videos are either for mesh RDAs and pretty outdated, or are for coils. So, any suggestions? Should I pull it apart and roll it up much more loosely than I would for a coil and rely on the springbed to give the pad some leeway? Is rolling a bad idea, does another shape work better? Am I using enough of a muji pad (1/2 cut along the grain) or am I doing something else wrong.

tl;dr how do wicking RTA with muji pads I make?


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From Wherever
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I don't use any tanks. The RDA and a squonk mod are much better for me. There are a few common things in general that you might consider.

The clapton mesh is a little more forgiving than any punched metal mesh. The flavor is better and the vapor is not as dry. All I've used since they came out with it.

Change out the stock spring to a stiffer one cut from a ball point pen spring. You'll have to experiment with length and wraps to get it just right but totally worth it. Less wick is needed to stay pressed against the mesh. Just works better.

Consider rayon instead of cotton. It wicks much faster and doesn't gunk like cotton. I use a cotton/rayon combo and cut/thin from the bottom on an rda. Might have some trial and error dealing with channels. It's cheap too.


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Thing is, that with the cotton bacon/wotofo shoestring cotton that I'm not getting dry hits.
With muji pads, I am. This is the opposite to what I'm used to. 20 hits then dry hits unless I take very, very short hits.
I might change the spring out, however one thing I noticed (with the muji cotton) was that before adding liquid (and even after) it wasn't fully compressed. So did I not stretch the muji pads out enough, or is half a muji pad not enough?
If you have any mesh muji recommendations I'd appreciate it, I've searched and seen a lot of people say that with mesh RTAs and the profile X muji is better than other cotton types, so I'm definitely missing something.
As for rayon not gunking up as much. Not sure what to think of that. I've not tried rayon, though I've two ideas as to why it doesn't.
1 - That gunk you see in cotton is a product of thermal decomposition of vape juice and a sign that the cotton should be changed. Which is a pro for cotton as you know when you might be inhaling (miniscule amounts) of pyrolyzed shite that is not good for you.
2 - Microbes grow in the cotton causing it to gunk up, because it's a better medium for it than rayon, which is a pro for Rayon

Or Rayon wicks so well there's no build up to allow for pyrolysis in the first place.
It'd be hard to know which, so don't take either as me being against Rayon, I've never tried it, or cotton, which I've tried right down to cotton balls you can get from a supermarket, which vape well after about 20 hits once you get the chemical taste out, but I wouldn't recommend when Muji pads are cheap as fuck.
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From Wherever
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Sorry, I'm not going to be much help on the RTA with muji specifically.
Rayon doesn't gunk because it wicks so much faster and efficiently than cotton. Mentioned it only because its really cheap and works so well in an RDA, but it's a whole different animal than cotton.
I have used it some MTL RTA's in the past but it's not suited for most due to the wicking port considerations. The tails have to be thinned by a large amount, not enough left to fill the port.

Since you can get it work with bacon and no complaints of leaking, you probably have a good feel for how much needs to go in the wicking port, and juice flow is not getting choked off there.
That leaves under the coil. You said the bacon was much tighter in the coil. If it's too loose it will sag and burn, no longer wick in that spot, and eventually dry hit as the spot grows bigger.
You should be able to see the burn spots on the wick when you remove it. Of course, too tight chokes it off like anything else. Probably just have to work on getting a similar density under the coil as the bacon.
Good luck, you'll figure it out I'm sure.


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Pictures can be helpful. I was bored and posted this awhile back. If you look at the 3rd pic you can clearly see the 3mm cotton plug on the deck, under the rayon.
The RDA is so much easier...



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Here are some pics of the wicking with cotton bacon if it helps. Leaked all over my bed (not sure how, third time now) and was out of liquid, so I opened it up to check the O-rings. I feel like flat or U shaped O-rings would have been a better choice to grab the glass, especially as the bubble glass isn't round and out by about 0.2mm though maybe they compress well and it leaked out through the drip tip.
Anyway, if there's any input for the wicking, I'd appreciate it. The CB has lasted 700 hits, though compared to the Zeus I own, the flavour is different, sweeter and the other flavours barely seem there, unless they were overpowering on the Zeus. Some people swear by the flavour on this, so I must be making a mistake somewhere. Or the Zeus is just an excellent RTA, it definitely wins the "bayonet closure" award as the 1/8th turn to unlock on the outside of the RTA ain't good, feels like it can easily come loose (maybe why it's leaked but not leaked consistently) and can shut with only one locking lug engaged, leaving one side tilted up and half open. Looking at the Zeus X too, it's cheaper. Though I have to give it more points on thought and machining quality.

Though I'm mainly asking about wicking, any ideas?


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From Wherever
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Looks good to me. I'd say if you're getting 700 puffs out of cotton you're right there.

I can't compare the 2 tanks but the general knock on mesh is that it mutes some of the low-mid notes in flavors, vapor is too cool and dry. I've found the clapton mesh helps some, but not completely. I like a cooler vape and basically vape only one liquid that has a suitable flavor profile. So it works for me.

You might consider 13 feets Sliver as a more economical sub for the bacon. Not the same consistency as bacon so probably another learning curve, but it should be alot easier to adapt after the work you've already put in.



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Looks good to me. I'd say if you're getting 700 puffs out of cotton you're right there.

I can't compare the 2 tanks but the general knock on mesh is that it mutes some of the low-mid notes in flavors, vapor is too cool and dry. I've found the clapton mesh helps some, but not completely. I like a cooler vape and basically vape only one liquid that has a suitable flavor profile. So it works for me.

You might consider 13 feets Sliver as a more economical sub for the bacon. Not the same consistency as bacon so probably another learning curve, but it should be alot easier to adapt after the work you've already put in.

Thanks for the suggestion. Compared to cotton bacon, how big is a pack? Cotton bacon packs are small (10 grammes) but this is measured in feet. Kind of hard to get a good comparison there. I'd prefer to keep using the mujis I have, as I've a pack of the 15-20 of the things.
I've just about enough cotton bacon to wick up again if the mujis fail a third time, this time I'll spread the cotton as much as possible to get it as fluffy as possible. People have said muji pads work the best on this RTA or similar RTAs so I'm definitely doing something wrong and the only thing I did different was leave the cotton much more compact rather than spreading it right out. Looking back over pics, this may be where I've gone wrong. I've still got 2 pieces of the 6mm shoelace cotton, though it started to burn before the 500 hit mark, though that might be due to bad wicking. I did have to trim it down while wet as I completely missed the fact that there were wicking channels when I first tried, so I wet the cotton before trying to put the tank together.
Not sure if I'll try tonight, 1100 hits and still no burnt or dry taste. I assume the low thermal mass of the mesh means that the cotton is much more resistant to scorching as the mesh cools extremely fast. I've found for best flavour, 45 watts, choke off the airflow almost completely, 2 or 2 and a half holes open in the air intake adjustment dial seems to works the best for me. Though YMMV.

Unrelated to the wotofo, but I kind of miss using my Aegis X, so many settings and a big screen. However it has a habit of going off in my pocket, the touch sensor (I'd assumed it was an electrical connection between the fire button and the metal side, but it's a capacitance sensor, like in laptop mice so it even detects through the pleather, including if you hold a metal object and touch the pleather with that) on the legend 3 is by far the best feature on it. Though in power mode I'd have appreciated "soft" "Regular" "Powerful" not hard to do in firmware and a really useful feature. An advanced settings menu, or even better, a PC link mode where I can program curves and other stuff in software and upload from my PC to a flash chip that doesn't have FW on it would have been great.


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Compared to cotton bacon, how big is a pack?
You'll have to do the math, lol.
I don't have any bacon...well I have some pork...
I can't remember how many strips per pack. Guessing 2 wicks per strip(?) It's been many years since I used bacon and even longer since I used a muji pad. The 13 fts stuff is like rayon rope so about 5 wicks per foot I guess.

There's a fine line between too much wick choking it off and not enough, then it sags away and gets burned. Just have to find that middle ground.

I've found for best flavour, 45 watts, choke off the airflow almost completely, 2 or 2 and a half holes
I run mine at 42 watts. Fine tuning is like two different animals. X rta everything is bigger on the 1.5 deck. I only have the smaller original 22mm rda deck. Only 2 holes open sounds really tight to me and doesn't seem like it would allow air across entire length of mesh. Yet again, no experience with it.


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You'll have to do the math, lol.
I don't have any bacon...well I have some pork...
I can't remember how many strips per pack. Guessing 2 wicks per strip(?) It's been many years since I used bacon and even longer since I used a muji pad. The 13 fts stuff is like rayon rope so about 5 wicks per foot I guess.

There's a fine line between too much wick choking it off and not enough, then it sags away and gets burned. Just have to find that middle ground.

I run mine at 42 watts. Fine tuning is like two different animals. X rta everything is bigger on the 1.5 deck. I only have the smaller original 22mm rda deck. Only 2 holes open sounds really tight to me and doesn't seem like it would allow air across entire length of mesh. Yet again, no experience with it.
For cotton bacon I could wick up my Zeus (coil) RTA about 4 times per strip, with 2 coils. To compare it to mujis, a pack of cotton bacon (10g) is equivalent in weight to 8 or 9 muji pads as 5 weigh just under 7 grammes.
Used one strip of CB for the mesh, I think, I may have pulled some off it for coils, but that wouldn't be a huge amount. I'll give the 13 foot cotton a try, maybe, unless I get the mujis working, people seem to swear by them on mesh, it might be that I had the cotton simultaneously too loose and too tight because I'd barely separated out the muji pad before rolling it up. When I next try with Mujis, I'll probably use scales to weigh the piece that I clip off against the piece of cotton bacon I have. When pulled apart and fluffed up they feel much bigger, but haven't actually gained any mass and cotton bacon is very fluffy. Weighed the half strip of CB and it's 0.25g exactly, a muji pad, with the ends on is 1.3g so half a muji pad which is then pulled through and cut in half makes sense in terms of the weight of cotton used. Of course if the fibres are more coarse, they'll be more dense, though the rough numbers add up. I must be doing something wrong with the mujis, or they just don't wick well in a mesh RTA with the scotch roll method as rolling it up maybe affects wicking somehow, at a guess giving the middle the most wicking and the outer the least due to capillary action.

As for airflow, it seems really choked off, but unless some O-rings are missing (the Zeus had loose fitting O-rings around the airflow ports, both for retention and sealing I assume. It seems the profile X is able to take airflow around the holes much more easily, with 2 (sets of) holes per side (8 holes total) letting in about as much air in the Zeus (going on inhalation resistance, with it this way I can breathe through the RTA with the tip in my mouth with only minor "feels a bit stuffy-ness" with one more set of 2 holes open, I can breathe through it normally) so I think wide open might suit higher wattages, or maybe having it choked off a bit causes the air to enter at an angle, which would create a bit of a vortex effect so instead of hitting the mesh straight on it causes air to swirl a bit (as there'd be a pressure differential between parts of the air ports) which creates turbulent airflow causing the heavier (thicker VG and sweetener) particles fall back down for a bit and the lighter flavours to be pulled up as we're dealing with an aerosol.


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it might be that I had the cotton simultaneously too loose and too tight because I'd barely separated out the muji pad before rolling it up.
That's a possibility. Mesh is not forgiving of any inconsistency. Seems like extra care would be needed to break up the outer shell before you roll it.

Interesting theory on the turbulent air flow. I believe a smooth flow keeps the vapor more concentrated and therefore better overall flavor. That's another common complaint for mesh in general, vapor is not as concentrated.
The OG rda has 3 rows of holes per side, I close the top row off for just a bit of restriction. I remember when I tried the 1.5 rda I hated that they reduced the number of holes and made them larger. Can you close the top row only?


Member For 3 Years
That's a possibility. Mesh is not forgiving of any inconsistency. Seems like extra care would be needed to break up the outer shell before you roll it.

Interesting theory on the turbulent air flow. I believe a smooth flow keeps the vapor more concentrated and therefore better overall flavor. That's another common complaint for mesh in general, vapor is not as concentrated.
The OG rda has 3 rows of holes per side, I close the top row off for just a bit of restriction. I remember when I tried the 1.5 rda I hated that they reduced the number of holes and made them larger. Can you close the top row only?
This is the RTA. I'll show you a pic of the holes and how many I leave (left) open.
I re-wicked with mujis, I'd got 1200 hits out of the cotton bacon and it was looking pretty bad, so I figured it was worth a shot. Spread the cotton out as much as possible. I took pics too. Cotton spread out, cotton in the mesh being thinned out, cotton tucked in and I'll grab a shot of how it looks now and the airflow holes, there are about 20 of them (airflow holes) total. With this the airflow is closed off with a single ring, no top or bottom rows, though it seems like the rows are staggered by 1 hole at the top, probably with a 45 degree cut as it was milled.
Not sure if I'm getting drier hits off the muji I put in there. Though it's not the same as the CB. Have had to open the airflow much wider as it felt warmer, less smooth, bit more flavour though. Maybe.
This time I weighed the cotton. The half sized cotton bacon piece I have is 0.25g so I went with .5g of muji, spread it like in the pics, rolled it, wicked (this time it was a much tighter fit) have 0.21g left (though not accounting for ends snipped down and cotton thinned) so if it continues hitting dry (maybe I'm just scorching off some bits of cotton that aren't fully wicked up?) it has to be in the way it's rolled. With coils it always worked best to start tight and loosen off as you finished rolling. So I did the same with this but didn't thin it down by rolling over and over as I've a spring to assist pushing the cotton in.

I'll know after 100 hits or so and will update.
Update, after about 20 hits the drier hits seem to have gone away, passed 100 hits now. No clue why this is, maybe badly arranged cotton burning off. It seems to be hotter with mujis than cotton bacon, though maybe something else is going on, I'm not choking from it and can take 5 second hits no problem, there is a bit of 'muji taste' (or maybe cotton bacon just didn't get more subtle flavours out) but it isn't hitting dry so far, I'll see how this goes.

So, a next day update, just over 300 hits now. There are occasional dry (ish, I think, apparently mesh dry hits are the worst so either I have an asbestos throat, or it's not fully dry hitting) these seem to happen after the vape has been sitting down for 30 mins or so. Or out of nowhere, ie on the second hit but not the third right after. Seems a bit odd. Once I get to around 500 hits I'll open it up, check the cotton and see what the deal is and post pics.


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From Wherever
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mesh dry hits are the worst
Yes they are.....
Wow that's alot of cotton, lol.
Guessing you had to thin the tails quite a bit? Overall looks pretty good. Would suggest trimming the tails so they are just below the port and not actually touching the deck.
I used to thin and straighten to get just enough wick to fill the port after it swelled up when juiced. Would always poke around a bit with closed tweezers to make sure it wasn't to thick or bunched anywhere.

One picture it kind of looks like the mesh is out of shape but hard to tell. If it is at all, it's trash.

That air flow control is not ideal. It should close the top before the bottom...I would be tempted to just cover the top holes with a piece of electrical tape and see how that is. If it's much better maybe think of a more durable solution.

Now throw it all out. :giggle:
Change the spring to one with 4-5 times as much pressure. Then you can reduce cotton by about a third. Put in the clapton mesh cause it's better anyway, lol.


Member For 3 Years
Yes they are.....
Wow that's alot of cotton, lol.
Guessing you had to thin the tails quite a bit? Overall looks pretty good. Would suggest trimming the tails so they are just below the port and not actually touching the deck.
I used to thin and straighten to get just enough wick to fill the port after it swelled up when juiced. Would always poke around a bit with closed tweezers to make sure it wasn't to thick or bunched anywhere.

One picture it kind of looks like the mesh is out of shape but hard to tell. If it is at all, it's trash.

That air flow control is not ideal. It should close the top before the bottom...I would be tempted to just cover the top holes with a piece of electrical tape and see how that is. If it's much better maybe think of a more durable solution.

Now throw it all out. :giggle:
Change the spring to one with 4-5 times as much pressure. Then you can reduce cotton by about a third. Put in the clapton mesh cause it's better anyway, lol.
When you say the top before the bottom, you mean the top row of holes on the top ring? There's no bottom airflow to speak of. Or if you mean the ring isn't split, well the holes are too close together to cut apart, unless I used something like wire EDM (I don't have a wire EDM machine) but I could just measure the OD and ID of the ring and any internal topography (I assume it has ridges to stop it from rotating 360 degrees) and 3d print 2 rings that sit together. The ring is 5mm tall, to a pair of ~28mm by 2.5mm rings with 1mm holes would be do-able. Might need to use PETG to withstand the vape liquid and slightly elevated temps though.

I wicked it up again, this time, so far I've not got any dry hits. Have taken 7-8 hits in quick (less than a second between) succession, each lasting 2-4 seconds, over 50 hits total. I think I cut the wicks shorter this time and thinned them out more, though the biggest difference I saw was in the muji pad, the last one had a lot of knots in it, this one had almost none, or I didn't spread it apart to the point knots formed. I also rolled it up much more loosely, had trouble pulling it through (had to depress the spring with the end of a screwdriver) and it was messier overall, lost the entire half muji pad correcting for bunching of the cotton. I'll see about a stronger spring, though until I figure out whether the leak is caused by a manufacturing defect or it just leaking when it's on it's side makes me hesitant to start disassembly of something small and fiddly.

Some of the mesh (at the edges) is a bit bad looking through a jeweller's loupe with some of the very edge wires being bent, but I heated, checked for hot spots, re-rounded, checked again and while not the same as when it was new, there's not much in the way of hotspots, it heats evenly except the edges where it's cold, but nowhere is it overly hot when taking cotton out and dry firing at 20 watts while avoiding metal fumes.

PS have some pics (not as many) if you want to see. Means I need to upload to google drive and download then upload, which isn't the neatest though. Or login on my phone.


From Wherever
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When you say the top before the bottom, you mean the top row of holes on the top ring?
I meant closing the top row of air holes. Seems like it would be better with air across the entire mesh instead of just open at the ends. You're way ahead of me on a more durable fix, lol. I would still experiment with some tape first.

Consistency with the muji would be a stuggle for me, all that stretching and rolling...once you get it and can repeat it though, you're good to go. You need all the capillary action of the cotton you can get to keep up. So the straighter it is from end to end the better. Use as little as you can get away with.

Changing the spring is easy but it can wait. I just know when I changed mine it wicks better using a third less material and flavor went up.

As long as the mesh doesn't have have any significant deformities it should be fine.
Where is it leaking from?


Member For 3 Years
I meant closing the top row of air holes. Seems like it would be better with air across the entire mesh instead of just open at the ends. You're way ahead of me on a more durable fix, lol. I would still experiment with some tape first.

Consistency with the muji would be a stuggle for me, all that stretching and rolling...once you get it and can repeat it though, you're good to go. You need all the capillary action of the cotton you can get to keep up. So the straighter it is from end to end the better. Use as little as you can get away with.

Changing the spring is easy but it can wait. I just know when I changed mine it wicks better using a third less material and flavor went up.

As long as the mesh doesn't have have any significant deformities it should be fine.
Where is it leaking from?
I think it's either leaking through the fill port or out the air ports.
Would make some (not that much now I think of it) sense if the air ports leaked, there is room around the wicks for liquid to get up over and out. The Zeus really did everything to baffle off liquid flow so it if turns upside down or on its side its unlikely to present a path for liquid to flow out.

The alternative is the eighth turn bayonet fitting for opening and closing the fill ports is just too sloppy and should have been a half turn allowing for slow, even compression of the O ring and little chance of a 1/16th turn causing it to leak.
Yeah consistency with muji pads seems difficult. I'll order in some of that 13 foot long cotton, see if it's a bit more consistent. Some muji pads have some cotton seed pieces (I think that's what it is) in them, others are a bit knotty, some are perfect cotton, I might see if a big bag of the stuff works out good value. They are involved though, but there's some 'ritual' in getting the mujis set up for wicking, basically if you do it right, it's pretty relaxing to get it done. On 346 hits and no issues with this wick yet, whereas the previous one had a pretty burnt taste to it by this point, there's a lot of variables with mujis and some skill involved. No videos showing how to wick with mujis either for mesh, so only text and images to go off.

Know of any guides for changing the spring? The spring bed seems to be held in place with a single screw, so I assume the spring is under that screw with the screw being a top of travel end stop/adjustment for the spring as well as for disassembly? Being able to lock the spring bed down would be extremely useful, wicking this time I had to push it down to get the cotton through, though a locking mechanism would be a very useful feature. Would probably require a special RTA though where it could either be clicked down (like a pen), pushed down and rods (maybe tiny captive pins?) inserted into the spring bed that retain it until they're pulled out or pushed down and then slid slightly to one side to lock it down.

Taped off the top row of holes. Not sure if it's making a huge difference. Will try the holes taped for a few days then remove the tape, more likely to notice something missing than something new.
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It is, not sure if you would need pull any off or not but it's easy to work with.

Nope, just unscrew it.
View attachment 220548

Thanks for the photos. That 13 foot cotton arrived. Much less cotton than I'd expected, weighed with the bag on, it came in at around 13g. Had figured it'd be a bit thicker. Did try it out and propped it up with 2 pieces of leftover muji pad (one to each side) and it's working well so far (350 hits, no dry hits), definitely needed a whole lot less work to get going than the Muji cotton in terms of grooming it out into two wicks on either side and seemed to expand well too. However, it cost about as much as 4 packs of cotton bacon 2.0 (picked up 2 packs for not all that much, still more than Mujis, but £6.50 for 2 packs, checked authenticity with the S/N and it came up authemtic) amazon charged be £6 shipping on the silver cotton (no way am I getting amazon prime) so it turned out to be about £13 total. Though I have 3 products to test now, so I can see what works best. Chances are learning to get the mujis to work each time will be the best in terms of value.

New liquids in too, 3 of the usual fruit/berry flavour ones and one of coffee. The coffee is actually pretty good. One thing I've noticed is everything seems to be a variation of generic berry and/or ice flavour now. Before I vaped daily I used to drop into a vape shop and they had a whole lot more on offer to try. I might need to start making my own liquids and just buy 250ml of high concentration (>5%, seems there are bottles of 7.2%) nicotine in VG as you can't sell more than 18mg here now explicitly for vaping and containers need to be 10ml max, so with shortfill bottles (buy 1 0mg bottle and 4 10ml 1.8% nicotine shots) you can only get 6mg of nicotine max, without watering things down completely.

Mixing my own flavours may be the way to go.


From Wherever
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so it turned out to be about £13 total.
That's pricey, I didn't even pay much attention to it. Like everything, just keeps going up. Looks like it drops alot when you go with 4 or 8 packs, less than half. The rayon I use is $7 for 40 ft. Box lasts a long time.

DIY liquid is the way to go. It's easy to do but time consuming to actually mix something really good, for me anyway. Alot of testing and tweaking recipes or single flavor testing at different percentages to create your own. At least we can still get 100mg nic, and as much as we want, for now.....


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That's pricey, I didn't even pay much attention to it. Like everything, just keeps going up. Looks like it drops alot when you go with 4 or 8 packs, less than half. The rayon I use is $7 for 40 ft. Box lasts a long time.

DIY liquid is the way to go. It's easy to do but time consuming to actually mix something really good, for me anyway. Alot of testing and tweaking recipes or single flavor testing at different percentages to create your own. At least we can still get 100mg nic, and as much as we want, for now.....
Yeah, the price for 72mg nic is actually pretty low. Seems to be a better option than shortfills. Law seems to only exist if the nicotine is specifically for vaping, so food/medical grade nicotine in VG seems to be what's sold to bypass that law.
The coffee stuff I got is pretty good, if I can make coffee with slight sweetness and a milk flavour as well as some cinnamon that would probably work really well. I'm mixing coffee and strawberry milkshake (the strawberry is almost tasteless) for a kind of milk coffee flavour out of what I have lying around rn. The milkshake flavour was always terrible in the Zeus, but with coffee it actually tastes good in this mesh RTA.

Tried the cotton bacon 2.0 last night. Might be too much cotton (I'm guessing the flavours are somehow denser than the VG so you end up with absolutely no flavour, or barely any as the mesh is at the top), has a pretty noticeable cotton flavour too for the first 25 or so hits.
The silver 13' cotton works pretty well. About as well (maybe better) as a muji pad with about 1/2 the work. Less work than cotton bacon too. Just pull it through (it's pretty loose) and then cut some cotton off pieces of muji pads which can't be used for anything else and push that under with a pointed tool to tighten things up, spend a few seconds (as opposed to a few minutes) thinning out the knots and then cut to size and comb it again as the scissors (medical scissors) bunch the cotton up check tuck it into the wicking ports and cut off any excess. No cotton flavour.

Though as the scissors I have kind of crush-cut the cotton meaning that for mesh the cotton needs re-combed (or looks and feels like it does) at the end every cut I'm going to need to get some extremely sharp scissors, scissors that take standard scalpel blades (scalpel blade fittings are universal, they just pop on and off with forceps to hold them) or snapped DE razor blades would be awesome, brand new scalpel blades are crazy sharp, same with DE razor blades and both would be perfect for vape cotton. Maybe something I can 3d print. Scalpel scissors especially as you can get different scalpel shapes and some are ground sharp on one side with one flat side and there is a whole heap of different scalpel blade shapes, some which are perfect for cotton scissors, such as blades with rounded tips, or pointed triangular ('exacto' craft knife style) tips. Very cheap for carbon steel single use ones too, even cheaper for non-sterile ones.

PS: Are there any airflow diagrams for bottom airflow RTA/RDA mods. I can find TAF diagrams no
problem, but have no idea how BAF works. Has me wondering if getting air in the top, but routing it round to the bottom would be possible. Though I'd need a heap of materials and a CNC mill to make something like that possible. Anything like that would probably be chunky as fuck, but with multiple airflow paths and added size you could maybe have some air strike the bottom of the mesh cotton.


From Wherever
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Are there any airflow diagrams for bottom airflow RTA/RDA mods.
Can't really find any generic diagrams. Had no idea how the air even worked on the X so I found this:
It's certainly doesn't look ideal but no clue how you could change it on a tank.
The RDA comes in from the side and hits much lower. Not really a bottom to the mesh like a coil...
The most basic RTA bottom air will come in from the side and up directly below the coil via a hollow pin. Often interchangeable with single or multiple holes and different sizes. This is a Dvarw RTA
A dual coil

Some even have input at the top and it goes down through a hollow part of the chamber and comes out the bottom. They're all over the place.

As for rdas, basic bottom air Hadaly just comes in the side underneath coil.


From Wherever
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If you're interested in airflow. This is an old video. I don't remember all the back story, think he had put out some bad videos or something. Some people made fun regarding his English, his goatee, or something stupid like that.
I think his points about turbulence are valid. This is what I thought of when I saw that X RTA airflow though



Member For 3 Years
Thanks for the responses, was very curious about airflow in bottom airflow RTAs, thanks for satisfying that curiosity.
I'd mentioned the RTA was leaking earlier and I've and idea why. The O-ring sealing the top of the vape doesn't seem to be in contact with anything. The metal is ground flat at the top and the O-ring is deeply recessed. Whereas on the Zeus the O-ring is a flat silicone one which sits proud. Any time it's set sideways on my bed, even for a minute or two it seems to leak just where the top screws on. Is this a manufacturing issue, or have they maybe used the wrong size/type of O-ring.
Took two pics so you can get an idea. That O-ring should be compressed by something, though given that it's recessed deeper than the metal, it seems like it's just metal on metal. Unless I'm missing something. Edit: Seems that the lip fits up into the recess where the O-ring is, though it doesn't seem to be making contact, not that the top metal screws down, was thinking of how the Zeus worked in comparison, as its flat at the top with a flat O ring, but this is a different way of sealing.


From Wherever
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Is this a manufacturing issue, or have they maybe used the wrong size/type of O-ring.
Hard to say without having one to compare. Sometimes the o rings can get damaged during assembly since it's dry. Most likely the correct size, doesn't take much sticking out of a recess to seal. Try swapping if they provided a spare.



Member For 3 Years
Think I found out why it's leaking. It's a bit hard to see from the photos, but the drip tip/top doesn't screw on perfectly, there's a small gap on one side, the gap changes if I rotate the tip 180 degrees and screw it back down.
You can just about see it in the pics (the top pic has the gap, just above the first 3 pairs of air holes you can see silver metal) I'll drop in here, though using a feeler gauge it's about .279mm or 0.11' wide, down to nothing on the other side. In other words I can fit the feeler gauge in but if I try to move it around in a circular motion it is quickly trapped between the two pieces of metal, as flipping the tip 180 degrees causes it to happen on the opposite side, I don't think it's due to the airflow ring being out a little. Not sure if this is the cause of the leak though, but the gap looks much bigger than in the photo. Guess I can test it by setting it 'closed' side up. If that's the cause of the issue, then I guess I'd better contact whoever sold it and see if they can fix things up.


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From Wherever
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Think I found out why it's leaking. It's a bit hard to see from the photos, but the drip tip/top doesn't screw on perfectly, there's a small gap on one side, the gap changes if I rotate the tip 180 degrees and screw it back down.
You can just about see it in the pics (the top pic has the gap, just above the first 3 pairs of air holes you can see silver metal) I'll drop in here, though using a feeler gauge it's about .279mm or 0.11' wide, down to nothing on the other side. In other words I can fit the feeler gauge in but if I try to move it around in a circular motion it is quickly trapped between the two pieces of metal, as flipping the tip 180 degrees causes it to happen on the opposite side, I don't think it's due to the airflow ring being out a little. Not sure if this is the cause of the leak though, but the gap looks much bigger than in the photo. Guess I can test it by setting it 'closed' side up. If that's the cause of the issue, then I guess I'd better contact whoever sold it and see if they can fix things up.
If the top cap is warped a bit and not sealing, that would do it.


Member For 3 Years
If the top cap is warped a bit and not sealing, that would do it.
Yeah, took the airflow ring off to make sure that wasn't it and there's a visible difference between the distance from the top cap to the O ring (the one for the airflow ring) around the RTA. Checked with callipers (there's about a .2mm difference) and again with a feeler gauge, which will fit in one side, but can't be slid around without catching between the top cap and airflow ring) so it's almost certainly a warped top cap, I'd checked the top cap O ring with a jeweller's loupe and couldn't find any damage to it.
Sent the seller an email seeing if they can send out a replacement top cap. Hopefully they will, it's an excellent RTA otherwise.

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