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arctic turbo tank

  1. CrattleCrie

    What Gage Wire and help looking for an RDA!

    I've been vaping for 3-4 months now on my 150w Temp Controled Sigelei, with a Arctic Tank with Samsung 25r 18650s. So now I'm thinking I want to go for more of a build direction, I've looked videos on building them and it looks way to simple (coming from a engineering background) to do it myself...
  2. Gina3FVAPE

    Horizon Arctic Turbo Sub Ohm Tank -- $27.99

    Horizon Arctic Turbo Sub Ohm Tank -- $27.99 The Arctic Turbo Tank is the improved and upgraded version of the original ArcticTank. Presenting new improvements such as the innovative Sextuplet atomizers, dual adjustable airflow at top and bottom, and integrated Top Turbine Cooling System for...

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