I have Puma Vape Storm 200w Vape Mod. Recently, I am having a problem is that my vape doesn't show "Check Atomizer" Warning if I press fire button without Tank. It shows a timer, Watts and normal setting and the Major problem is that coil heat so much at 5W, if I increase to 30W, it quickly burn...
Hi everyone,
I have seen a few related posts here but haven't been able to find a definitive solution.
Recently I changed my flavor after cleaning the tank thoroughly and after placing everything back together, I tried firing up the mod but it gave me an error - check atomizer.
I have a sigelei 150 TC I've tried tanks different rdas different settings and no matter what I do it comes up check atomizer. So I cleaned it up with 100% rubbing alcohol clean the PIN clean the rdas in the tanks still not firing. So I took it apart look to see if everything was intact look to...