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  1. O

    4min research survey! Will post results after!

    Hi wonderful people of r/JUUL. I’m conducting a graduate research project to better understand the vaping community and and would love to get your input. This survey should take no more than 4 minutes and includes a few fun exercises to make the experience more enjoyable. We’ll post findings...
  2. SpectoVia

    VapeNW destroyed by fire..... I saw this news here on another VU thread. I found this link while searching for more info. It has a photo and a couple of links to local news stories. What devastating news for the VapeNW staff and the others...
  3. jeffcirrus

    Considering a sample box for Value brands

    Howdy peeps, I am trying to gauge interest on doing a subscription box that focuses on e-juice that is more affordable. I see most people on the forum are gravitating towards V3, swagg, etc. I wanted to see what you thought and whether that might be something people are interested in. There are...
  4. M

    Please check this out :)

    Hey guys, I just made a facebook page for vaping. It's Texas Vape Swap & Shop. Trying to get members and help it blow up its for people in Texas or outside to join and just post piks and help out fellow vapers. Have a sister site in louisiana so if everyone could join and add all of the good...
  5. TW Tom

    Why has vaping created such a community?

    Why has vaping created such a community? This entry was posted on 8th April 2016 by admin. We never saw this with smokers did we? Discussing cigarette designs, the packaging, the taste, the way they are built, and generally helping each other out. So why has vaping created such a community...

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