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  1. TRAPstar

    Sig 100 v2 modifications

    i am about to retire my good ole' trusty black box i have that most call the Sigelei 100w v2 (NOT PLUS) with no screw holes in battery door, and floating 510 brass or brass plated pin. i got her 2nd hand in a big bundle for cheap and she works great aside from this damn buzzing coming from what...
  2. Donovan (ECX Flavor Lab)

    EcigExpress Presents: Basic DIY mixing "How To"

    In this tutorial, John from EcigExpress goes over the basics of DIY mixing while creating a delicious berry crunch crispy flavored e-liquid. Stay tuned for advanced tutorials headed your way.
  3. BenJammin

    WTS/WTT: **REDUCED** Sub-Ohm Tanks, Mods (Trade for DNA200?)

    I would really be interested in a DNA200 mod if someone could work something out with me... I am looking to sell or trade a lot of the tanks I don't use anymore for another tank or a TC mod. Let me know what you'd be interested in trading and we can try and work something out! Make an offer...

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