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  1. 88ArDeN88

    Suggested Steeping Times

    So, I have seen a few threads about suggested percentages with which to use each flavor, but not really much on suggested steeping times for each flavor. I know the general bakery, tobaccos 7+ days, fruits SNV, etc, but it is a little more complicated than that, or so it seems so far. I'll...
  2. C

    Need help on finding the best ultrasonic cleaner or, cleaning prebuilt coils and Steeping as well

    Hello all, I'm on the hunt to find the best cleaner for coils that I have made since there's oil and other substances needing cleaning. I would like a cleaner that could stay ON for at least 10-15 minutes. I have the coil master ultra sonic cleaner but I feel like there's a better one out there...
  3. QuestForVapology

    Steeping your juice in wooden barrels? Anyone done it?

    This is kinda delving into deeper DIY terrority, but just curious if there are any guides/lessons out there about getting that rich tobacco barrel steeped flavor? Where do you even get those barrels for small batches..
  4. QuestForVapology

    Which ultrasonic cleaner to get, and why?

    Which one do you stand by? Looking for one that is long lasting, good price, doesn't leak, has at least a 15 minute timer.
  5. QuestForVapology

    Made me rethink heat steeping (Mythbusting)

    I've been using my crockpot for every diy batch and I read an interesting sticky on Reddit. I'm hoping some of the experts can weigh in on this. --- From a Reddit Moderator What happens to your juice during a "speed steep" is...
  6. BreeZyCloudZ

    Does store bought juice need steeping?

    I know when you order online, most juices need to steep, but what about store bought? I mean it has been sitting for awhile, does that affect it? Will it hurt it? Some juices just dont taste as good as they did other times. How will i know?

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