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  1. Bleducsi

    Can someone provide a list of materials.

    So, I just started vaping again and I want to get into building my own coils instead of buying premade clapton or staple spools. Can someone provide me or point me towards a list of wire sizes and types to start making things like frapples, Cat tracks and other advanced builds. I'm tired of...
  2. Paratech

    VU advertisements

    As we all know there are ads all over the forum. It pays the bills. How often does anyone look at these? Ever click on any? One caught my attention so I had to check it out. Non-Tobacco Nicotine. The history alone was surprising. The fact that they took the time to...
  3. 101vape

    Official Promo This Week - Oct 8, 2015 | Massive Rebuilding Supplies Sale

    Hey guys! We always offer the best pricing, which then leads us to selling out of items quick! So make sure you sign up for our newsletter on the bottom of our homepage and get first dibs at the sale items. Anyway, I'm still going to try and give ya'll at Vaping Underground a heads up! This...
  4. carley816

    Who are you buying from (online)?

    Hey guys! Just interested in who everyone's buying their vape supplies from? What sites have you found to be reputable with reasonable prices? I'm currently shopping from , and so far so good but would like more options! Thanks everyone :)

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