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Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I got a gun metal in the mail today.
Put a couple of SS 430 6 wrap 3.5 ID claptons in it, wick it up, and geez, where has this been?
Wicking couldn't be easier, even for someone who can make anything leak.
Smooth airflow, great machining. On my limited use so far, I'll have to have another.
Like it was made to go atop the G Class carbon fiber.
Subtank Supply had it to me in 2 days, they're great.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I got a gun metal in the mail today.
Put a couple of SS 430 6 wrap 3.5 ID claptons in it, wick it up, and geez, where has this been?
Wicking couldn't be easier, even for someone who can make anything leak.
Smooth airflow, great machining. On my limited use so far, I'll have to have another.
Like it was made to go atop the G Class carbon fiber.
Subtank Supply had it to me in 2 days, they're great.

View attachment 79392
Looks awesome.....

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I got a gun metal in the mail today.
Put a couple of SS 430 6 wrap 3.5 ID claptons in it, wick it up, and geez, where has this been?
Wicking couldn't be easier, even for someone who can make anything leak.
Smooth airflow, great machining. On my limited use so far, I'll have to have another.
Like it was made to go atop the G Class carbon fiber.
Subtank Supply had it to me in 2 days, they're great.

View attachment 79392

What mod is that?? It looks beautiful.

CV :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
She's just heavy... but she Vapes good.... Smooth power......And quick as hell ramp up once you hit 3.5 volts there is zero lag..... She hits like my hexohm......

The hexohm don't mess around either !!!!!! But she didn't cost $35.00 bucks new either.....

Thanks brother !!!!!

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The supreme rocks on a hexohm..... Well anything.... The airflow might not be like a Modfather, but is sure smooth as hell.....These are my favorite tanks....

I just added another RTA I picked up dirt cheap, including shipping it was $19.00 let's see how she does.... 30mm RTA, it should be here by Saturday.....

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 3 Years
She's just heavy... but she Vapes good.... Smooth power......And quick as hell ramp up once you hit 3.5 volts there is zero lag..... She hits like my hexohm......

The hexohm don't mess around either !!!!!! But she didn't cost $35.00 bucks new either.....

Thanks brother !!!!!

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Glad you enjoy it :) at 30 bucks it's a must have for any collector or avid vaper :)

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
You were absolutely right. Now that the wicks have been in for a few days, the vape is even better!
Day and night difference from any other tank I've had.
I'm only running the 10ml glass, the smooth vape, the ease of filling, and the vapor this produces. Wow!
I can't get over how smooth the airflow is on this.
I was waiting on the Supreme version of the Plus, but I see no need for that now.



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks. I'm ordering some coils and wire from advance vape. I guess I'll start with 4mm for the coils; and build my own if I want to try bigger. Except I don't have any coil rods bigger than 4mm. Haha
Fasttech sell coiling poles 6 for 6usd from 2mm up to 4.5mm they go up 0.5 at a time 2-2.5mm 3-3.5mm up to 4.5 these help and great for getting coils straight in deck too solid SS rods 100nm long


Sku 5429500

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You mean it gets better!?

So glad I decided to give the G Class a second shot. Else, I wouldn't have a mod to hold this and that would be truly sad.
Yes it gets a lot better , you put it down vape on something else an when you pick it back up you think why did i put it down lol

Theres a 25mm Supreme v2 based on the plus coming out very soon and a velocity deck for the Plus also

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You were absolutely right. Now that the wicks have been in for a few days, the vape is even better!
Day and night difference from any other tank I've had.
I'm only running the 10ml glass, the smooth vape, the ease of filling, and the vapor this produces. Wow!
I can't get over how smooth the airflow is on this.
I was waiting on the Supreme version of the Plus, but I see no need for that now.

Hell yeah.... Glad you like it and use Rayon and you will like it even more.....

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Me too!
Never tried rayon. You?
When you hold a piece of rayon in your hand, you can swear is Cotton.... But it wicks fast has no taste and it takes forever to burn... At low temperature below 60 watts you can go weeks maybe a month even longer it depends n how bad you gunk your coils.....

But the shit wicks fast..... Love rayon and you can get 20 feet like for $10.00 and 20 feet goes a long way......

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
When you hold a piece of rayon in your hand, you can swear is Cotton.... But it wicks fast has no taste and it takes forever to burn... At low temperature below 60 watts you can go weeks maybe a month even longer it depends n how bad you gunk your coils.....

But the shit wicks fast..... Love rayon and you can get 20 feet like for $10.00 and 20 feet goes a long way......

It's the 'art' of the wicking with rayon that has me staying away.
I can dump plenty of juice with regular KJD!


Gold Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
It's the 'art' of the wicking with rayon that has me staying away.
I can dump plenty of juice with regular KJD!

When you hold a piece of rayon in your hand, you can swear is Cotton.... But it wicks fast has no taste and it takes forever to burn... At low temperature below 60 watts you can go weeks maybe a month even longer it depends n how bad you gunk your coils.....

But the shit wicks fast..... Love rayon and you can get 20 feet like for $10.00 and 20 feet goes a long way......

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So manny, what's the art of wicking with rayon?


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When you hold a piece of rayon in your hand, you can swear is Cotton.... But it wicks fast has no taste and it takes forever to burn... At low temperature below 60 watts you can go weeks maybe a month even longer it depends n how bad you gunk your coils.....

But the shit wicks fast..... Love rayon and you can get 20 feet like for $10.00 and 20 feet goes a long way......

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
Me, I don't like it. I can detect a taste and don't like it. I also can't stand the dry throat it gives me. Then if you happen to get a dry hit with it Holy Fuck! The nastiness, vomit inducing taste I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

Nope, didn't like it at all. As for fast wicking, Koh gen Do keeps right up with Rayon. My coils gunk up long before Koh gen Do even gets close to breaking down.

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Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
My newest little build. 3mm 24g 9 wraps each. Sitting at .3 ohms. Wicked with Rayon. I find on a fresh build with Rayon I get a nasty taste for about the first dozen or 2 dozen hits, then the rayon taste goes away and its just a nice clean flavorful vape. On this build I wasnt to impressed for the first day... I was hitting it at 120watts. coulds were great, but the flavor just wasnt there. On my way to work this morning that all changed thanks to a small screw In my cup holder that I put my vape in. I had not locked my wattage on the mod I was using. when I put my vape down in the cup holder while driving the screw just happened to be located so that it pressed my wattage down button... dang thing lowered the wattage to around 75watts. I didnt know this happened and picked it up and took a nice hit off it. OH MY GOD! FLAVORTOWN! apparently I had gotten to concerned with my wattage level and forgot about the actual vape experiance. I was raising the wattage a little at a time until I got the start of a dry hit, then backed it down like I normally do. Guess I was basically burning my juice and hence was not getting the flavor. Now I have it set at 78 watts and this build is wonderful!

Any way, heres a pic. Cause I know we all love pics.



Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My newest little build. 3mm 24g 9 wraps each. Sitting at .3 ohms. Wicked with Rayon. I find on a fresh build with Rayon I get a nasty taste for about the first dozen or 2 dozen hits, then the rayon taste goes away and its just a nice clean flavorful vape.

One way to get around that rayon breakin taste is to drip a drop or two on each coil and pulse the fire button at low watts to suck the juice into the coil, and repeat until the juice works it's way out to the tails fully. Then put the atty together, fill and vape. Those funky hits get used up priming the wicks and your first pulls off the tank should be much better.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
One way to get around that rayon breakin taste is to drip a drop or two on each coil and pulse the fire button at low watts to suck the juice into the coil, and repeat until the juice works it's way out to the tails fully. Then put the atty together, fill and vape. Those funky hits get used up priming the wicks and your first pulls off the tank should be much better.

Great tip, thanks!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am ashamed to admit where I learned that from, since he doesn't use rayon.... [cough] rip trippers [cough]
This should be a new procedure every time you re-wick.... Wether is rayon or chinchilla ball hair .......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Chinchilla ball hair?? I remember reading about a guy that tried alpaca hair... That didnt turn out....
Dale from Inspects, he does Alpaca and Egyptian Chinchilla nut fuzz.......

It all depends on The curl of the hair and attachments, what part hair sections is used, this is in these countries Peru and Ecuador an ancestry thing, they have been using the Alpaca rectal pubes for centuries, just make sure that there are no dingel- berries attached...... If not it will taste like shit....

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Last edited:


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is my PWM circuit - cheap with a single 555 - 300m represents the atomiser coil so thats for your 510 - LED resistor needs to match the LED you choose, I chose a bright blue one. Which diode and N-Mosfet you choose is just to your preference, I just picked whatever diode I had most of and a STP200N3LL - the switch doesn't carry much current so just about any switch will do even tac switches - it's also worthwhile having a SPDT in series with it so you can close off the gate switching circuit. This runs at 100hz so its quiet and the gate capacitance is not a factor for the FET - it is capable of switching very much faster. My choice of mosfet means I had to mount it to the metal box for heat sinking, that means I can use the box as the 510 neg so saves a wire anyway.

555 PWM.png


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Alpaca Ball hair isn't bad but Cuy Nutt Fuzz is the best by far. It just takes a bit longer since they're so fine ;)

Sniff...how downscale.
I only use pure dew moisten albino spider silk gathered by nude Swiss virgins at dawn on the Spring Equinox.
Once the gold foil package is opened, it drys quickly, even in VG, but for the 5 seconds it lasts, what a vape!
Then I have the Au Pair wick it again. Satisfying way to pass the time until polo practice.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sniff...how downscale.
I only use pure dew moisten albino spider silk gathered by nude Swiss virgins at dawn on the Spring Equinox.
Once the gold foil package is opened, it drys quickly, even in VG, but for the 5 seconds it lasts, what a vape!
Then I have the Au Pair wick it again. Satisfying way to pass the time until polo practice.
No..... The best vape I got using Tampon Cotton.... Really a tea flavor taste. ...

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is my PWM circuit - cheap with a single 555 - 300m represents the atomiser coil so thats for your 510 - LED resistor needs to match the LED you choose, I chose a bright blue one. Which diode and N-Mosfet you choose is just to your preference, I just picked whatever diode I had most of and a STP200N3LL - the switch doesn't carry much current so just about any switch will do even tac switches - it's also worthwhile having a SPDT in series with it so you can close off the gate switching circuit. This runs at 100hz so its quiet and the gate capacitance is not a factor for the FET - it is capable of switching very much faster. My choice of mosfet means I had to mount it to the metal box for heat sinking, that means I can use the box as the 510 neg so saves a wire anyway.

View attachment 80183
I'm building a mod using Big Al's ipwm

Intelligent board..... On and off voltage adjustment low amperage that way you don't over drain the Lipo and it's a 60amp board.... I'm adding a Maxamps lipo 2250mah and 100c 3s....AND a self adjusting Varitube V4.....

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I'm building a mod using Big Al's ipwm

Intelligent board..... On and off voltage adjustment low amperage that way you don't over drain the Lipo and it's a 60amp board.... I'm adding a Maxamps lipo 2250mah and 100c 3s....AND a self adjusting Varitube V4.....

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
I love big als chip. And he's a really nice guy. He'll talk to you about it if u have questions

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