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7 years Vaping


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Hello All and thank you for such a great forum.

I am from the UK and have been vaping for 7 years after a friend told me about e cigarettes. I took to it like a duck takes to water and found it most useful in non smoking households / hotels lol.
I converted to the basic ego from when they came out. This has been fine for me over the years. Only when in the company of a cigarette smoker would this device not to satisfy me at the time. Fortunately l am not around cigarette smokers often. Four days ago l took charge of my first sub ohm device, a Smok nano one kit. I thought l would experience the hype so to speak.
I am finding it too much for my lungs! even with 3mg strengh 70/30% mix and the watt at 30. That said l would only take a couple of puffs at a time on my old device (12mg strengh) and a 1.6 ml chamber would last me for about 3-4 days. Because the flavor is sooo nice with the Smok it is impossible to take just a few drags!.....But my poor lungs!....Maybe they will get use to it?

Well that's me!
Take care all.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Welcome to VU

It's great to get folks here from across the pond :)

You might want to see about going a little lower wattage or getting higher ohm coils if its killing your lungs.

I personally rarely vape under 1 ohm so am not the best person to help you with that issue - but I thought I say hi anyway

That's my only suggestion, hopefully others will have better advice


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Hello All and thank you for such a great forum.

I am from the UK and have been vaping for 7 years after a friend told me about e cigarettes. I took to it like a duck takes to water and found it most useful in non smoking households / hotels lol.
I converted to the basic ego from when they came out. This has been fine for me over the years. Only when in the company of a cigarette smoker would this device not to satisfy me at the time. Fortunately l am not around cigarette smokers often. Four days ago l took charge of my first sub ohm device, a Smok nano one kit. I thought l would experience the hype so to speak.
I am finding it too much for my lungs! even with 3mg strengh 70/30% mix and the watt at 30. That said l would only take a couple of puffs at a time on my old device (12mg strengh) and a 1.6 ml chamber would last me for about 3-4 days. Because the flavor is sooo nice with the Smok it is impossible to take just a few drags!.....But my poor lungs!....Maybe they will get use to it?

Well that's me!
Take care all.
Hi Gingerbread, and welcome :)

You could always try a different tank with that mod that doesn't hit quite as hard, or maybe some of the higher ohm coils. I don't have that tank, but it does have a lot of fans. Good luck to you, enjoy the forum.


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Hey Mate,

Welcome to the VU, glad you found us and there's plenty of information here and many helpful people with lots of experience.

Sorry to hear about your lungs but like others have said there are options to try to find that perfect vape setting for you. there are other things like a higher ohm atomizer, lower wattage, etc. Keep ttrying you'll find your mark.


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Welcome to the VU
Glad to have you here


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could be the pg is busting your lungs.
pg from flavoring, pg for the thinning.


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1. yes your lungs will adjust to a degree

You are now taking in like 3-5 times the vapor you used to. That changes things

I had to go to max vg - if i add even 10% pg above my flavoring it hurts my throat and lungs
and I used to use 70%pg in my setup before sub ohming

2 using different coils will help
You are going to have to experiment and find what works for you.
Heres what you can change

HIgher ohm coils,
lower watts
less pg in your juice
airflow - switch to MTL over DL hit
Good luck


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Member For 5 Years
Hi gingerbread and welcome to the V/U family with your new sub ohm set up you are taking direct lung hits right? I have seen people new to sub ohm try to hit it mouth to lung and after the coughing stops they say that's too much for me, just a thought buddy.


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Welcome to VU

It's great to get folks here from across the pond :)

You might want to see about going a little lower wattage or getting higher ohm coils if its killing your lungs.

I personally rarely vape under 1 ohm so am not the best person to help you with that issue - but I thought I say hi anyway

That's my only suggestion, hopefully others will have better advice


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Hello Juicy Lucy
Thank you for your warm welcome and input. I did try a lower watt (then my coils state 30-60 watts) and it helped some what but unsure if my coils & battery will like it.
Anyway take care from across the pond, boom (trying to sound young and on trend,lol)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Hello Juicy Lucy
Thank you for your warm welcome and input. I did try a lower watt (then my coils state 30-60 watts) and it helped some what but unsure if my coils & battery will like it.
Anyway take care from across the pond, boom (trying to sound young and on trend,lol)

If it tastes better to you it shouldn't matter to the coil or battery :)


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Hi Gingerbread, and welcome :)

You could always try a different tank with that mod that doesn't hit quite as hard, or maybe some of the higher ohm coils. I don't have that tank, but it does have a lot of fans. Good luck to you, enjoy the forum.[/QUOTE
Greetings Huckleberried.
Thank you for the warm welcome and suggestions.
With this Mod (get me sounding all knowledge,lol) you can change the, wait for it..."The ramp up time", suprising "hard" seems to be the best of the worse.
It just so happens that l purchased another tank at the same as the kit, ha ha. The Smok Micro TF4. From memory l believe there are loads of different coils for this tank; l will consult previous post on this forum and YouTube and try a higher ohm, thus RIP sub ohming for me lol. However my lungs will be happy:stars2:
Thank you


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Greetings Huckleberried.
Thank you for the warm welcome and suggestions.
I think l replied to your post in the wrong place. My apologies.
With this Mod (get me sounding all knowledge,lol) you can change the, wait for it..."The ramp up time", suprising "hard" seems to be the best of the worse.
It just so happens that l purchased another tank at the same as the kit, ha ha. The Smok Micro TF4. From memory l believe there are loads of different coils for this tank; l will consult previous post on this forum and YouTube and try a higher ohm, thus RIP sub ohming for me lol. However my lungs will be happy
Thank you


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Oh l see, turning it down again now to 25 watts. Is there a lowing limit. I should avoid?
Just tried it and much better. I also reduced the air flow and this helped even more. Don't know if chain vaping will work. But time will tell.
Thank you yet again


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Oh l see, turning it down again now to 25 watts. Is there a lowing limit. I should avoid?
Just tried it and much better. I also reduced the air flow and this helped even more. Don't know if chain vaping will work. But time will tell.
Thank you yet again

As long as it ramps up it should not hurt your coil or the mod. Most people recommend starting at as low of a wattage that the atty will fire at and go up from there.


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Hey Mate,

Welcome to the VU, glad you found us and there's plenty of information here and many helpful people with lots of experience.

Sorry to hear about your lungs but like others have said there are options to try to find that perfect vape setting for you. there are other things like a higher ohm atomizer, lower wattage, etc. Keep ttrying you'll find your mark.


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G'day Mate (l am not Australian l just pretending for the purpose of introduction,lol)
Thank you for your response and advice.
From what others and yourself have said it sounds like trial & errors sort of affair. But you have all put me in the right area of variable to consider altering.
Take care


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Hello again JL
For someone who felt that they had little to offer to my plight. It seems that you have rather a lot :)
Currently my settings are:
25 watts
Ramp = Minimum
Coil = fused Clapton dual 0.3ohms coil
Air holes = semi closed.
All this equals a tighter draw but lungs don't feel full of vape!
Thank you once again for responding most expediently with useful advice.
Take care


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Me too:stars2:Thank you for introducing yourself and thank you for such a good website.
Take care


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Hey Mate,

Welcome to the VU, glad you found us and there's plenty of information here and many helpful people with lots of experience.

Sorry to hear about your lungs but like others have said there are options to try to find that perfect vape setting for you. there are other things like a higher ohm atomizer, lower wattage, etc. Keep ttrying you'll find your mark.
Welcome to the VU
Glad to have you here


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Hello BigNasty
Your username makes me laugh and cough :)
The PG in the e liquid is 30% with 70%VG and the nicotine 3mg. This is the first time l have tried this strengh and Vg/PG ratio. It taste smooth but seems to full all of my lungs too quickly and make me cough sometimes.
That said l have altered things from the fab advice and suggestions that l have ascertained from VU and will see how l go. I am giving my lungs a little rest for now. Although it is hard as the e juice is sooooo nice!
Take care and thank you for your response.


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1. yes your lungs will adjust to a degree

You are now taking in like 3-5 times the vapor you used to. That changes things

I had to go to max vg - if i add even 10% pg above my flavoring it hurts my throat and lungs
and I used to use 70%pg in my setup before sub ohming

2 using different coils will help
You are going to have to experiment and find what works for you.
Heres what you can change

HIgher ohm coils,
lower watts
less pg in your juice
airflow - switch to MTL over DL hit
Good luck


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Hello Mattp169
Thank you for your input. From the many days of research that l did before going "sub ohm" You may have helped to solved the problem. The vape was going directly to my lungs. With the changes l have made based on input from other helpful members who responded to my story. I now have a tighter draw thus it feels more mouth to lung rather than direct lung.
My current issues now are:
- can be a little harsh on the throat (but ceasation of vaping for a little while may help, however hard to do!)
- Reduced watt to 25. Coil recommendation is 30-60watts. However my mod ramps up but l am actually drawing on just over 3 watts. Is this OK for the coil and battery?
Ps- Just changed ramp strengh to minimum and this is much better on throat. Still only puffing on 3watts.
Last edited:


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Hello Mark
Thank you for welcoming me to your forum, which is most informative and helpful.
Take care


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Hi gingerbread and welcome to the V/U family with your new sub ohm set up you are taking direct lung hits right? I have seen people new to sub ohm try to hit it mouth to lung and after the coughing stops they say that's too much for me, just a thought buddy.


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Hello Jimi
I think you are right. That is what l was doing, direct lung, but that was not my intention. Is sub ohm direct lung only? I can change setting on my mod so can l alter it mouth to lung safely.


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Hello Nattp169
Thank you for your input. From the many days of research that l did before going "sub ohm" You may have helped to solved the problem. The vape was going directly to my lungs. With the changes l have made based on input from other helpful members who responded to my story. I now have a tighter draw thus it feels more mouth to lung rather than direct lung.
My current issues now are:
- can be a little harsh on the throat (but ceasation of vaping for a little while may help, however hard to do!)
- Reduced watt to 25. Coil recommendation is 30-60watts. However my mod ramps up but l am actually drawing on just over 3 watts. Is this OK for the coil and battery?
Ps- Just changed ramp strengh to minimum and this is much better on throat. Still only puffing on 3watts.

Ok your fine doing what your doing
it sounds like the juice is the issue
I assume by 70/30 you mean 70 PG
if so
try 50/50 pr 4- pg or even less pg
PG adds that throat hit feeling

Other then that you can drop nic to 1.5mg

But it sounds to me you need less PG


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Thank you Matt for your expedience!
I think l am confusing everyone. Generally speaking in the UK we state the VG first. So my juice is 70%VG/30%PG with 3mg nicotine, (sorry about that, you say tomatos we say tomatoes etc, lol).
So just to check that all is well this is my set up:
-Ramp = Minimum
-Coil = Micro fused dual Clapton 0.3ohms(recommend watts 30-60)
-Watts actually set at 25, puffing at just over 3 watts
-Air holes = semi closed.
Official is my set up sub ohm vaping? Not that l care, l would just like to know.
Thank you

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