Eh, if ECF wanted comments deleted they would just delete them, they wouldn't ask a member who has been banned who doesn't even have access to the site to delete them. Also, if you get a ban, you're banned. They don't send you an email inviting you back, as far as I know. I never got one anyway, and I was banned for the most ridiculous of things. Anyway, I'm not sticking up for ECF, if they pissed someone off and now that someone is responding by making up a bunch of shit about them, that's no skin off my back.
vaperture, he (sub) ain't making anything up. Believe me, man.
The fuckers had it out for him for a long time.
sub is (was) one of my "friends" at ECF. I told him about VU after his last suspension.
It took them all of 3 or 4 days after they let him out of the "sin bin" to give him the ax.
subs crime? His fair and ethical attitude and the fact that he admits to having a smoke now and then.
Remember in the alt universe thread I said some folks wanna vape in hospitals, schools, stores, ETC.?
Well sub and I and a couple of others think that works against vaping.
The NUTZ at ECF don't appreciate that shit.
They, as I said, wanna vape "Where ever they fucking please"
Some guy even said he vaped in his mom's hospital room and the nurses didn't care.
The dude got pissed at me when I said I wouldn't vape around his momma.
Hell, somebody vapes around my mom while she's at hospital he'd end up being hospitalized...