My good thing for today is that the violent storm this morning didn't wipe out any of my garden plants. I put 4 peppers and 4 tomatoes in the other day in hopes of no frost cause of bein 2 weeks earlier than they recommend but we've had warm winter and early springs for the last few years and they weathered the storm well didn't lose a one So hopefully I'll have some early maters and peppers, I am so hungry for a garden mater.
I'm callin it a night, haveta get up early and take Jean for an appointment she don't wanna go to
Thank you to everyone for playin today
Hope to catch everyone tomorrow
Yesterdays good thing for the day....
TMI, I was shaving my legs and noticed....NO new scratches from the kitties and all the other scratches are almost gone !
Oh geez did I just jinx it
Glad everything is goin well my dear friend
I am doin pretty good today, took Jean for her appointment and in a bit gonna see if there's anything I can get done in the garden before the rain tonight,
thank you for asking