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Sign Of The AvantasiaEyes Of A Stranger- Queensryche
How are you doin on this fine day Bliss my friend
Love Of My Life- QueenI had to play this, I was listenin to it a while ago
Love in an elevator
Thorn tree in the garden
This is as close as I can comeHopefully I didn't get ninja'd while setting up this reply.
This is the song "Rosa" (the rose) by Brazilian songwriter Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho, known as Pixinguinha, who lived from 1897 to 1973.
"Rosa" is one of my top ten from the entire global songbook. The song is more than 100 years old. The lyrics are very flowery, maybe even overblown, but there is a sincerity in them, conflating the love between a man and women with God's love for us, infusing love with pain, foreshadowing love with death, and throughout, the rose serving as a symbol of human love, religious ritual, God's love, and the beauty of nature. Sometimes I listen to it over and over again, though I wonder if it will do as much for all of you hard rockin' boys and girls.
This is the English translation of the lyrics from the original Brazilian Portuguese. Here it is sung by Kika Tristao, whose claim to fame was speaking/singing for the Portuguese dub of "The Little Mermaid", in addition to her own briliant full length music release.
You are divine and gracious
Majestic monument to love
Sculpted by God, formed with passion
From the soul of the most beautiful flower
From the most fragrant flower,
Most preferred by the hummingbird
If God should show me clemency,
Here in this rare atmosphere
Here in this brilliant backdrop
Your heart and mine together speared
Nailed and crucified together on the rose cross
Upon your heaving breast
You are perfectly formed
Majestic monument, oh, perennial soul
From my first love, sublime love
You are God's sovereign of all flowers
You are the creation of God,
That in every heart inspires love,
laughter, faith and pain
In sandalwoods heavy with fragrance
In voices as mournful as a dream unfolding
You are a milk white star
The mother of all royalty
You are the radiance of holy nature
Sorry if I dare confess I will always love you,
O flower my heart cannot resist
O my God, how sad is the uncertainty
Of a love that makes me suffer in waiting
To take you one day to the foot of the altar
To swear at the feet of the omnipotent
Prayers of my pain and tears
And receive the anointing of your gratitude
When my wishes are realized with clouds of kisses
I will embrace you until I suffer in death.
(then some repetitions of the above verses)
Whole Lotta Rosie - AC/ DCThis is as close as I can come
Craclklin Rosie
This is as close as I can come
Craclklin Rosie
Awesome news-Some good news received this morning: my insurance company approved my hip surgery! This means my Doc can set up a date next week! Probably won't happen until July as his surgical appointments are booked for June, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't appear to be a train. Knocking on wood...
One Finger ElevenWild Thing- The Troggs
One Finger Eleven