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This is for @kelli @cherrycakes @Whiskey @glassgrl @m3rma1d and all the beautiful women on here

Nice. <3 :)

I'd like to add:

because I farted.

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G'day peeps. :)

Weird day..woke up early, went to call uncle to go grocery shopping (he prefers early to avoid peoples), and my damned landline was dead. VDSL still was working so WTF?!

I also don't have a cellular phone, so had to email the damned company...yeah, that'll work on a Friday. :-/

Basically, it came back on by itself about 11AM, no idea why. So, Unc and I went shopping on a good sale on at Yokes and I got a bunch of fun and needed stuff.

Here's a few things ya may like:

(clicky pic)

1. The long awaited seasonal PUMPKIN SPICE creamer...sooo yum.

2. A decent bottle of cheap wine; a regional 2009 Covey Run Syrah for $4.50 which is about half price on sale. Goes well with spicy foods...teehee...

3. Awesome free-trade/organic coffee from a small-town B.C, Canada company called Kicking Horse Coffee. The beans are a ridiculously dark roast blend called "Kick Ass". It's rated 4.5 out of 5 on Amazon. I got it for $7.99 on sale. ;)

4. Again, after the long drought, the EGGNOG is MINE!!! There shall be lattes shortly...

5. A much-needed new brush for my Tiki-kitteh. She LOVES it with it's nicely protected wire ends. Plus, purple and black is kewl.

6. A loaf of fragrant Garlic-Cheese artisan bread...for $2. Mmmmm.

Also got several cheeses on sale and several pounds of boneless/skinless chook breasts for $2.29/lb. pretty dang good these days.

Yay....Nomz.... :D
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Member For 5 Years
You always make out like a bandit, Caff....LOL kewl goodies:)

Thx! Ya, I did pretty good this time. The receipt tape is about two feet long and only set me back $122 for the all of the foodstuffs. :D

Took me four damned trips going up and down two flights of stairs from the car to get it in the Apt. though. Ugnh...


Vapid Vapetress
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she used to be so cute till she got screwed up on drugs.


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How is it in SC?? We were supposed to move to Rock Hill but i did not want to go, having second thoughts now.
Rock Hill is a pretty nice area. Used to work in that part of the state until I became office bound. I actually love SC, born here and will never leave. The upstate around Greenville is by far my fave area, where the mountains start. We do have nice coasts too, just have to get away from the tourist areas.

Our politicians are probably no worse than most places. Our current Gov. is female and of Indian heritage, neither of which seemed to go over well with the good ol' boys that have been running the GOP for ages. I actually like her quire a bit, even though she's my boss (state gubment worker)!

Come on over, its not bad here at all. And Rock Hill seems to be a thriving area.

Roger Schaeffer

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How come I can't find any Porn on the internet with women Vaping before Sex


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