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either of you consider moving to be closer to each other?


Hmm, maybe he should take the bus to YOU. I know I would...heheh...

Nah, I have a tiny apt that's seriously no fun when more than one person is in it. He's been there of course but it gets miserable having nowhere comfortable to sit. :p


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Nah, I have a tiny apt that's seriously no fun when more than one person is in it. He's been there of course but it gets miserable having nowhere comfortable to sit. :p

Ah, been there. Back in 2000 I had a studio about the size of my kitchen now...ugh.


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Look at this sign inside the toilet closet on this bus I'm on right now!


So I guess I just got filmed peeing. How's that legal I wonder?

Film this, fuckers!
Where do we get copies?


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Breakfast is tasty....

Sauteed up some deli turkey & ham, green olives, onion, garlic, Hatch chile and bacon.

Spread some bacon ranch on day-old wheat bread and topped with cheddar and the toppings.
Then cooked up two eggs over medium with a bit of smoked hot paprika and S&P and called it goooood. :D



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Girl here at South Station in Boston has on these Tardis bootie-slippers and when I gushed over them she had no idea why. When I said "Dr. Who!?!?" She was still clueless.

I want to just take them away from her.



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@CaFF ... is your cholesterol count through the roof?!


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Girl here at South Station in Boston has on these Tardis bootie-slippers and when I gushed over them she had no idea why. When I said "Dr. Who!?!?" She was still clueless.

I want to just take them away from her.

OHHHH man I likie those!!!!!!!!!!


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Girl here at South Station in Boston has on these Tardis bootie-slippers and when I gushed over them she had no idea why. When I said "Dr. Who!?!?" She was still clueless.

I want to just take them away from her.

Are these like Uggs?


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@Whiskey ... craving something sweet today? Sorry I can't be of help :p


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Got Trader Joe's coffee ice cream in the fridge. Also: some double chocolate cake, and a free - courtesy of Barnes and Noble - Cheesecake Factory chocolate cupcake left over from the monkey's birthday. Don't think it'll arrive to you on time via USPS :p


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Shit ... time for you and your husband to move
hah we're trying to get him a job in texas, my mom lives in dallas/garland
they have korean food, vietnamese food, ethiopian food, whole foods, world market, all kinds of stuff we can't get here

this is the closest thing we have to a whole foods/trader joe's but it's really expensive and their organic section is tiny


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hah we're trying to get him a job in texas, my mom lives in dallas/garland
they have korean food, vietnamese food, all kinds of stuff we can't get here

this is the closest thing we have to a whole foods/trader joe's but it's really expensive and their organic section is tiny
You at least have Costco nearby?


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I was actually close to throwing my laptop across the room when you said "no" to all 3 establishments


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hah we're trying to get him a job in texas, my mom lives in dallas/garland
they have korean food, vietnamese food, ethiopian food, whole foods, world market, all kinds of stuff we can't get here

this is the closest thing we have to a whole foods/trader joe's but it's really expensive and their organic section is tiny
Trader joes just opened one In austin. They seem to be spreading.


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@CaFF ... is your cholesterol count through the roof?!

Nope. I had a checkup not long ago, only thing wrong with me was a bit of a Potassium deficiency.
Eh, I hadn't been eating enough potatoes I guess. ;-)

Girl here at South Station in Boston has on these Tardis bootie-slippers and when I gushed over them she had no idea why. When I said "Dr. Who!?!?" She was still clueless.

I want to just take them away from her.


Damn, Doctor Who
I'd bet she's wearing the all-blue as a gang thang....


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I dunno but I found them on thinkgeek and they're $50...if I can ease up on the juice ordering I might get 'em!


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Happy vape-mail day....

Got a package with some fun goodies, including the first carto tank I've ever gotten to work properly. Only took me like 2.5


Vapin' like it's 2011 on a sweet Vermonster poly carto tank and 2 ohm carto on my MVP2.

TY @Whiskey for letting me have a go at some fun 'ol goodies and some bits of vape history too. Hope those Tenergy batts work out for ya!



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You got it, Caff we go back when vaping was new, its fun to re-visit things that were. Anytime my friend

Glad we could too. It's been a long strange trip eh?



Ayup, it feels weird to be vaping in retrograde. =)

But, there's stuff I missed along the way and things I just want to do again.
I love building but think I'm just burned out on it somewhat. Feels nice to just fill a tank and vape. :)

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