I do. I keep up with all of it but I don't believe whatever is popular 'cause that's usually bs.
I research it. I never gave up butter, whole milk, or coconut oil
As a matter of act in about 2 minutes I'll be putting some on my hair
and I'll probably put some in my mouth. I cut down on meat,
and too many eggs and mayo will raise your bad cholesterol.
I eat eggs a couple of times a week. Meat..it depends on what it is. Steak once every 2 or 3 weeks.
Anyway Dude. Eat what you will. I'm just sayin' ya know.
Canola oil is bad stuff because it stays in your body.
But Canada has to make money somehow so we have CAN (ada) OLA (oil)
which is rape seed oil formerly used as grease in navy boats.
They coined a new name to protect the innocent..I mean "rapeseed" ya know
Real unprocessed rapeseed oil would kill you if ya ate it.
Canola is rapeseed oil processed to make it non toxic to us and digestable...sort of.
Remember, you are what you eat ♫