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Anti-Smoking Groups are Admitting They Can't Handle the Truth and Have No Interest in Sharing It


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I know this comparison has been mentioned here, before, but I feel compelled to mention it again, because it's so spot on. This kind of thing, demonizing something irrespective of the facts, is something gun owners have experienced for decades. It's left-"liberal", do-gooder control freaks doing all this. From the other side of the political aisle, mainly, the same thing comes from the "conservative" right, vis-a-vis m*rijuana.

The efforts to demonize things other people enjoy all share one thing in common: Those who wish to prevent others from doing whatever it is don't do it and don't understand it, so they feel it must be bad and nobody else should do it, either.


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Some in tobacco control can be swayed in the direction of tobacco harm reduction but doing so gets them black balled from their feild for life.

Just a for instance Dr. Michael Siegel who's blog this comes from used to be a total tobacco control wack job.
His mentor was none other than the worst of all the ANTZ Stanton Glantz.

But Dr. Siegel realized pretty fast after they started lying about snus and smokeless tobacco then vaping that he wasn't going to continue to lie to the public and he lost his friends, grant money, and job by doing so.


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But Dr. Siegel realized pretty fast after they started lying about snus and smokeless tobacco then vaping that he wasn't going to continue to lie to the public and he lost his friends, grant money, and job by doing so.

That in a nutshell explains why the scientific and medical community haven't given vaping credit for it's obvious health and lifesaving role. They are in a lockstep with corporate cash, a culture that doesn't appear to be improving. Big Pharma holding the research purse strings means their interests are protected, as more smokers get sick and/or die. If they can't profit from vaping, they must kill it.

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