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anyone ever own a reomizer V2


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm interested in getting into squonking cheap,before I take the plunge into buying more high end see if I like it...I'm looking for a cheap squonk box doesn't need to be a regulated device but can be...and looking for a cheap bf atty or clone...can't find the bf cyclone clone anywhere in stock....
I've been looking at the RM 2, and wanted to know if anyone knows much about it...I AM NOT interested in big clouds....I was wondering about how big it is the reo site says .58 I assumed it meant .58 inches....which it tiny..I want an atty smaller than 22mm....I was wondering how big a wire it's post will take, and how it vapes.....thanks.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have several that I used to use with my Reos. It's a teeny tiny atty! Airflow is also pretty tight, although many drill out the hole a bit. Flavor is very good though. It's really a single coil atty, and I used to use micro coils (1.5mm if I remember) with something like 28 gauge wire. I doubt you can fit more than 26 gauge, but you could always drill out the holes.

I've actually got a velocity mini on my Reo currently. It comes with a 510 ready for squonking, and I prefer this over the RM2s, because the airflow is so much bigger. But many people swear by the RM2s.

Be aware that there are two versions of the RM2 - one for the regular Reo, and one for the low-profile Reo (without the bigger catch cup at the 510).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have several that I used to use with my Reos. It's a teeny tiny atty! Airflow is also pretty tight, although many drill out the hole a bit. Flavor is very good though. It's really a single coil atty, and I used to use micro coils (1.5mm if I remember) with something like 28 gauge wire. I doubt you can fit more than 26 gauge, but you could always drill out the holes.

I've actually got a velocity mini on my Reo currently. It comes with a 510 ready for squonking, and I prefer this over the RM2s, because the airflow is so much bigger. But many people swear by the RM2s.

Be aware that there are two versions of the RM2 - one for the regular Reo, and one for the low-profile Reo (without the bigger catch cup at the 510).
OK i know nothing about squonkers and I'm not sure what a catch cup is or how to know if a mod has one I'm looking for a cheap squonk box and I'm looking at this thing or maybe this
also they have a clone of the velocity mini that comes with a bf post... are these compatible?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I would assume the velocity mini is compatible, since it looks as if the mod you showed has a regular 510. I read some pretty scathing reviews about that box, but ymmv of course. And it's regulated as opposed to the mechanical reos.

And just as an FYI, that velocity mini by Tobeco isn't a true clone, since the full size one doesn't come in a mini form:p

There's no comparison between the RM2 and the VM, because they're totally different animals. To me the difference airflow-wise is between a nautilus and a crown. Flavor wise I can't comment really, because it's been so long since I used the RM2.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
RM2 is great for flavor and is pretty much the RDA that got me to drop the stink sticks permanently...

Let me bust the calipers out... Reading ~15.45 mm.

I can't speak to wire thicker than 26 gauge but my RM2 takes 26 fine. I doubt much thicker. I always build that deck out at 0.8 - 1.2 Ω.

It is a tiny deck and just takes a wee bit of wick for proper operation, there is a great vid by super-x that I can dig up for you if you want regarding it's optimal operation.

I've been lately favoring sub ohm tanks and regulated mods but you'll pull my REO+RM2 out of my cold dead hands.

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