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Aromamizer RDTA


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You can fill the aromamizer from the top however I find it just makes a mess. I fill mine from the bottom, simple and no leakage. I run 24 guage nichrome vertical coils at 34 - 50 watts and wick it like Rip says and it doesn't leak. I tried leaving the juice holes open and it leaked when on it's side. I have no problems with wicking once I started using Rips method. Great tank, now my favorite daily carry on the SMY Mini with a shorty Pyrex drip tip. I ordered a Trinity Glass Copa drip tip and it should arrive today. Had to try one after seeing good reviews.
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So I just got this RDTA so far I am really liking it. Easy for me to build on, the only thing is that I keep getting dry hits, I am currently using a dual coil, twisted kanthal reading at a .2. The liquid I am using for this is max vg been searching around for any info on best ratio of pg/vg that would be better for it. Any one have any suggestions?


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Sounds like a wicking issue. I follow the wicking instructions that Rip Tripper gives on YouTube and never get dry hits even when I chain vape. I went to dual vertical 28g Kanthal coils at .5 ohms and even at 30 watts, I get great flavor and it saves on my battery. My favorite tank overall for the SMY Mini. The short tank and the Mini fits in my pants pockt so nicely. I do still love my Delta II with Titanium coils and the flavor might be a little better. When I get home from work it is my main carry with the SMY 170.

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Tried single coil on Aromamizer with V-deck. The punch just isn't there. Definitely going back to dual-coil, that's where it shines.

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Has anyone tried vertical dual micro-coils? What's your micro-coil build and how's it goin for you?
Has anyone tried vertical dual micro-coils? What's your micro-coil build and how's it goin for you?
After I go the wicking issue taken care of I started rocking a dual vertical coil. I use 22 gauge kanthal, 6 wraps, it is sitting at a .1 on the velocity deck, for me it does ok with the vaper production ( not as much as a regular dripper) but for me I like it for the most part.

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Did 5 builds so far, this is the best I've gotten staying above 0.3 ohms for safety and because I have only 20A batteries.

DUAL - PARALLEL COILS on Velocity Deck in vertical setup

28 guage
2.5mm diameter
9 wraps
0.4 ohms
10.5 amps @ 44.1 watts ON 4.2v @ 0.4 ohm
12 amps @ 50.4 watts ON 4.2v @ 0.35 ohm

So, you could cruise by on a 20A battery, which are cheaper.
Vapor is slightly warmer than body temp,
flavor is "slightly" muted, but very much there (this could be vapors tongue, since I've been vaping on this same flavor for 2 weeks now),
clouds are thick and heavy,
3mg nic would be best for this build (if you chain vape).
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i've still had better results in flavor and performance with horizontal coils vs vertical builds in mine. i do get leaking from the air holes when laid on side tho. my favorite build is 26ga kanthal, dual coil 2.5mm 6 wrap. comes in at .53ohm and i vape it between 35-50watts.

i've also done Ti, ni200 and clapton builds, but my fave is still the basic 2.5mm 26ga kantal build.


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I agree on the horizontal builds. It just did not wick as good for me. I'm sure its user error on my part but I tried it several different ways with muji and cellucotton but I would always get that "on the verge of burning" and it wouldn't take near the watts I can do with the horizontal. The top of the coil was always darker so I don't know if I'm using to much or not enough wick and the wick was just barely hitting the deck.

I'm currently vaping some twisted 26 ga SS on a 2.5 mm bit at .15 ohms at 50 watts and it just keeps on trucking. Pretty sure I could go fairly higher but I'm satisfied where it is at for the moment. If anyone has any tips or better yet a good vid on vertical builds with the RDTA with V deck I am all ears.

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How are you people having wicking problems on vertical builds? I'm rockin dual vertical micro-coils using 26awg and not a single dry hit.


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Just an update I finally got a good vertical coil going. Its a clapton which helps wicking some but I changed how I was doing the wick. I was doing the rip method where ya take the coil out after fitting it and put the wick in with it just barely touching the bottom but I do not think I was using enough wick honestly. This time I just fed the wick into the installed coil with tweezers and kinda made a birds nest with the wick under it using a fair amount more and just fluffed the pile nice and good before adding juice.

I also find taking something and pushing it up through the bottom holes to make sure no cotton is wedged over them really helps. Its now responding as well as my horizontal coils were with a little better vape for my tastes. Hope this helps for those that had issues with it.


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Someone help me out here. I went from a Kayfun Lite v2 ( I know, I know, old school, But I like it!! ) to this Aromamizer. I really like the open air flow. Reminds me the tug boat clone dripper I was using. I love the Velocity build deck as well. I have tried using 28g Kanthal at .5, as well as using 28g Nickle at .11. I feel the flavor is muted next to the tug boat. I do mix my own flavors. Two questions here. Is there something that I am not doing right with the Aromamizer that is giving me the muted flavors? And do I need to mix different when making things for the Aromamizer? I have started mixing with Max VG when I mix for this RDTA, because the 50/50 blend I was using for the Kayfun made it seem like a train was hitting me in the throat. And I did also lower the nic level 8mg to 4mg for the RDTA.

I have tried both the vertical build and the horizontal build. I have found when using the Nickel that its easier to use a Horizontal due to the size of the coil.
Any help or advise or flaming would be appreciated!


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Oh and I am running with just two air holes open and Rocking that Sexy airflow band! LOL


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Someone help me out here. I went from a Kayfun Lite v2 ( I know, I know, old school, But I like it!! ) to this Aromamizer. I really like the open air flow. Reminds me the tug boat clone dripper I was using. I love the Velocity build deck as well. I have tried using 28g Kanthal at .5, as well as using 28g Nickle at .11. I feel the flavor is muted next to the tug boat. I do mix my own flavors. Two questions here. Is there something that I am not doing right with the Aromamizer that is giving me the muted flavors? And do I need to mix different when making things for the Aromamizer? I have started mixing with Max VG when I mix for this RDTA, because the 50/50 blend I was using for the Kayfun made it seem like a train was hitting me in the throat. And I did also lower the nic level 8mg to 4mg for the RDTA.

I have tried both the vertical build and the horizontal build. I have found when using the Nickel that its easier to use a Horizontal due to the size of the coil.
Any help or advise or flaming would be appreciated!

Here's my personal experience with the Aromamizer. Mind you I was/am running Billow V2s prior to getting this tank. For me the flavor was very muted with a simple coil unless I was running like 22g kanthal at 90 watts then the flavor started to show up but it was a hot vape, more so than I care for. From what I read this tank is best with like clapton coils or coils in that family. My go to build of 26g kanthal 6 wraps, 2.5mm id, 50 watts ended up being cool and flavorless on the Aromamizer. I attribute this to the side air flow on the coils rather than the below coil air flow that say the Billow offers. I could be completely off base but long story short I traded mine for another Billow V2 lol :)


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I agree with the clapton coils. The problem is imo the airflow is just to good. Massive airflow really mutes flavor or it does for me so you really need an aggressive coil. Also keep in mind an actual dripper has a much shorter travel distance from coil to mouth so they are gonna have a bit better flavor but thats the trade off for a 6 ml tank and dripper in one. I also find sometimes using to much power mutes it depending on the juice. I also had pretty good results with simple twisted coils but ya really wanna use a thicker wire. I was running some standard nichrome 80 24 and it did pretty decent.

You might very well need to adjust your mixes as well. PG takes flavor better so you might try a mix kicked up just a notch and see how it fares. Ill be honest since trying claptons and getting the wicking right I dont need temp control on it at all. I dont get dry hits. The claptons are like adding a second wick on its own.


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I made some changes with my coils. I tossed out the nickel and tossed in my go to, 28g 6 wraps on a 2.5 mm. Clocks in at .5 ohm. The flavor now in a side by side test with the kayfun is pretty darn close. Close enough to not bitch about it. I am also using the 3 ml Aromamizer tank and not the 6 ml. Im a little tired of the big large bulky tanks. (Thats just me though) Its so hard not to stick a big coil in this thing though. There is so much room that my go to coil looks super small in there. Cant wait for my Velocity dripper to get here lol
Thanks for the responses!


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I would really try some clapton wire. You can get it pretty cheap. It really makes a difference and you can make the coil much bigger. I think currently I have a couple 1/8" vertical claptons and it just blows the doors off in flavor and vapor. The good news for you is the shorter tank should help with flavor a bit.

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