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I am looking at getting the Atlantis 2 tank. I have some questions though before hand. Does it get as hot as the Nautilus? My Nautilus got really hot after only about 3 minutes of vaping. Also I am also looking at a bigger Kanger sub-tank, but their rebuilt coils are so unreliable. I like my sub-tank mini, it doesn't get hot or anything. It's just the coils. I will be running the Atlantis 2 with the 1.0 ohm coils, I am MTL, and my juice is 80/20. I am allergic to PG. The Atlantis 2 will be on a eleaf 100W, and I will add the 5ml extension. Any help would be great. I am so lost!

Thank you!!


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If you can try out the Hercules v2 tank by sense. Otherwise try the Clieto by Aspire their latest tank and by far best tank they made.

Sent from my SM-N920R4 using Tapatalk


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Okay, and these have coils that are for MTL vapors? 1.2, 1.5...


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Okay, and these have coils that are for MTL vapors? 1.2, 1.5...

Mostly a sub-ohm tank IMO.

EGO ONE Mega Tank, but use the CLR 1.0 ohm coils, they can be rebuilt too.

EGO Tron-S, but use the CLR 1.0 ohm coils, they can be rebuilt if needed.

Both are MTL tanks and if you rebuild the coils you can make them 1.2, 1.8, or whatever.
I've found the 1.0 CLR heads work just fine as is for MTL tho.


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I am looking at getting the Atlantis 2 tank. I have some questions though before hand. Does it get as hot as the Nautilus? My Nautilus got really hot after only about 3 minutes of vaping. Also I am also looking at a bigger Kanger sub-tank, but their rebuilt coils are so unreliable. I like my sub-tank mini, it doesn't get hot or anything. It's just the coils. I will be running the Atlantis 2 with the 1.0 ohm coils, I am MTL, and my juice is 80/20. I am allergic to PG. The Atlantis 2 will be on a eleaf 100W, and I will add the 5ml extension. Any help would be great. I am so lost!

Thank you!!
Although the Atlantis 2 is a good enough tank, it doesn't match up very well for your stated use. The 1.8 ohm Triton coil would be best for mtl use, not the 1.0 ohm Atlantis 2 coil. With the 5ml extension you will have a nearly standard socket for 510 drip tips. Buy a small bore tip and try it at the store for fit before you have filled the tank. The drip tip socket on Aspire products is an odd size compared to most manufacturers but you can make standard tips fit by wrapping a little dental floss under the o-ring usually. The drip tip included with Atlantis 2 not only will not fit the 5ml extension but wouldn't be appropriate for mtl if it did. Although utilizing the Atlantis 2 this way will make it acceptable to some for mtl, it would not be my first choice. Good luck...


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Wow! Awesome information @cascadian what would your first choice be? I don't like to rebuild could so I don't want a Kayfun or anything like that.

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if you are looking there, I tend to like either the aspire triton ot the beyond vape silo beast. both use the atlantis or triton coils and are top fill.
the triton coils are stainless steel and come in 0.3,0.4 and 1.8 ohm variants. the 0.3 and 0.4 are great fro direct lung between 40-60watts. and the 1.8 ohm is ideal for mouth to lung at 18-25watts. all of the triton coils work great in temp control with stainless steel.


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Wow! Awesome information @cascadian what would your first choice be? I don't like to rebuild could so I don't want a Kayfun or anything like that.
I don't care for most of the popular options in the market for mtl vaping. I vape using both dl and mtl daily. That is why my favorite tank for mtl vaping is the Sense Herakles Hydra tank. Not only is it far better than most for mtl vaping with the airflow restricted and a smaller bore drip tip installed, but you can open up the airflow and crank it up to 40-45W with a large bore drip tip when you feel like blowing some clouds. The 1.8 ohm coil at 18 W with the airflow set at the medium level and a more restrictive drip tip than included is my preferred mtl vape. It is the only tank that is good for both mtl and dl vaping styles without having to swap coils. I have a bunch of customer's who prefer it at 14-15 W at the lowest airflow setting who only vape mtl. It is a top fill tank so dealing with the 2ml capacity is pretty easy but it is a pretty small tank to slap on top of a 100 W iStick like you are intending to do. The only other decent mtl vape for me is the original Aspire Nautilus with the airflow base drilled out to 7/64" with the clapton coil for the Triton Mini tank installed. It is 5ml capacity, but bottom fill and still doesn't give me the flavor I am used to from the Herakles Hydra.

and the 1.8 ohm is ideal for mouth to lung at 18-25watts. all of the triton coils work great in temp control with stainless steel.
The 1.8 ohm Triton coil is recommended for 10-13 W use and only the .3 and .4 ohm Triton coils are SS. The other 2 are not.


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I don't care for most of the popular options in the market for mtl vaping. I vape using both dl and mtl daily. That is why my favorite tank for mtl vaping is the Sense Herakles Hydra tank. Not only is it far better than most for mtl vaping with the airflow restricted and a smaller bore drip tip installed, but you can open up the airflow and crank it up to 40-45W with a large bore drip tip when you feel like blowing some clouds. The 1.8 ohm coil at 18 W with the airflow set at the medium level and a more restrictive drip tip than included is my preferred mtl vape. It is the only tank that is good for both mtl and dl vaping styles without having to swap coils. I have a bunch of customer's who prefer it at 14-15 W at the lowest airflow setting who only vape mtl. It is a top fill tank so dealing with the 2ml capacity is pretty easy but it is a pretty small tank to slap on top of a 100 W iStick like you are intending to do. The only other decent mtl vape for me is the original Aspire Nautilus with the airflow base drilled out to 7/64" with the clapton coil for the Triton Mini tank installed. It is 5ml capacity, but bottom fill and still doesn't give me the flavor I am used to from the Herakles Hydra.

The 1.8 ohm Triton coil is recommended for 10-13 W use and only the .3 and .4 ohm Triton coils are SS. The other 2 are not.

Interesting, since the last 2 B&M's I visited said the Hydra was getting a new lease on life as an MTL tank, despite a slow start as "Herakles Lite." I thought maybe Sense dumped them on the market, but good to hear it has something to offer. Do the coils last? I found original Herk coils lasted great, but so far my Plus coils have been anything but...... Finally, is Hydra better as a MTL/restrictive DL tank, than the full-size Triton/Atlantis 1.8 or Kanger 1.2?


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@mikeyboy74 what all do you know about the Atlantis? I keep going back to it, but my Nautilus had a horrible heating problem.


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@mikeyboy74 what all do you know about the Atlantis? I
@mikeyboy74 what all do you know about the Atlantis? I keep going back to it, but my Nautilus had a horrible heating problem.

Too me, the Nautilus is too tight, even for MTL. Atlantis coils are compatible with many other tanks, like Triton, Herakles, Starre, Maganus, Silo Beast, Tobeco Super Tank, Playboy Vixen, Vaporesso Target cCell, etc. Not necessarily visa versa, due to chimney threading (there is a VU thread for Atlantis compatible, worth checking out).

I got the 510 adaptor for the Atlantis 2, so I can use standard drip tips. Cons- drip tip a little loose with the adaptor, and the tank takes up alot of space for the juice it holds. Also, I thought the 0.3 kanthal and ni200 coils had muted flavor, and the Triton 0.5 Claptons were great but did not last. Still need to try the other Triton and Atlantis coils. Am presently using a Playboy 0.2 ohm. It is not bad, but not sensational either. Maybe the answer will be in the higher ohm 1.8 MTL, or the 0.5 lower power 20-30w coil, or the 1.0, not sure. So far, I prefer the Starre slightly, and the Herakles more than slightly.

Pros- the tank is so well made and versatile, able to fit such a range of coils.

I think if I were looking now, I'd get a Triton 2 or maybe even the Cleito. However, already having the Atlantis 2, I'm going to keep trying different coils rather than other Aspire tanks. Overall, the Atlantis 2 stays in the rotation, but mid-pack. I could live with it as an only tank if I had to. The Nautilus? No, I'd go back to cowboy killers.


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Interesting, since the last 2 B&M's I visited said the Hydra was getting a new lease on life as an MTL tank, despite a slow start as "Herakles Lite." I thought maybe Sense dumped them on the market, but good to hear it has something to offer. Do the coils last? I found original Herk coils lasted great, but so far my Plus coils have been anything but...... Finally, is Hydra better as a MTL/restrictive DL tank, than the full-size Triton/Atlantis 1.8 or Kanger 1.2?
Honestly, we sold the crap out of the Hydra since day one. We recognized what it was and marketed it accordingly. It isn't a "Herakles Lite" and wasn't meant to be one. It was intended to be a tank that would appeal to absolutely every vaper that the Herakles did not appeal to. What makes it so unique is the 1.8 ohm coil. How many supra ohm coils do you know of that can operate from 15 - 50 W?

As a mtl tank in the 15-20 W range, coil life is exceptional. I don't think the flavor pops until closer to 18 W and then it is hard to tell a difference between the flavor from it and some of my favorite sub ohm tanks. At the higher end of the wattage range coil life is no better than many other tanks including the Herakles. In my opinion the Hydra is far better suited as a mtl tank as it was designed to operate as one. With sub ohm tanks clouds have been the overwhelming design focus with the mtl user and associated coil an after thought. It is not a perfect tank, but it is a perfect compromise in a tank. For me at least.

They actually hit a home run with the Hydra and hardly anybody noticed. If you look at all of the new Sense products they look nothing like the Herakles. But they all share design traits from the Hydra.


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Honestly, we sold the crap out of the Hydra since day one. We recognized what it was and marketed it accordingly. It isn't a "Herakles Lite" and wasn't meant to be one. It was intended to be a tank that would appeal to absolutely every vaper that the Herakles did not appeal to. What makes it so unique is the 1.8 ohm coil. How many supra ohm coils do you know of that can operate from 15 - 50 W?

As a mtl tank in the 15-20 W range, coil life is exceptional. I don't think the flavor pops until closer to 18 W and then it is hard to tell a difference between the flavor from it and some of my favorite sub ohm tanks. At the higher end of the wattage range coil life is no better than many other tanks including the Herakles. In my opinion the Hydra is far better suited as a mtl tank as it was designed to operate as one. With sub ohm tanks clouds have been the overwhelming design focus with the mtl user and associated coil an after thought. It is not a perfect tank, but it is a perfect compromise in a tank. For me at least.

They actually hit a home run with the Hydra and hardly anybody noticed. If you look at all of the new Sense products they look nothing like the Herakles. But they all share design traits from the Hydra.

Thanks..... I need a lower profile tank for work and out & around. Unfortunately, most tanks appeal to me, from the tfv4 down to the kanger mini..... but the Nautilus is going too far. It's not the DL vs MTL thing with me as much as that I miss the throat hit/pick-me-up that requires a little more nic/PG a few times a day. I wouldn't want to try that at 60+ watts in any tank.

The other hole in the lineup, a good single coil RTA. Will try the tfv4 Clapton RCA, but not sure that's best or not. I'm getting off-point though.

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