Attended the same University. It is difficult after such an education, but one has to watch not becoming so cynical they develop a weathered callous shell. There is a principle called polarity.
Polarity exists like Change and Entropy as the very few eternal constants. What polarity ensures is that for every negative, there is a positive and the inverse. Life, despite our high notions of Equality, Justice, does find its own Balance.
This balance is the Middle Path / Way, so many religious, spiritual attempt to teach or convey. The disguise in the flower Buddha held up is our arrogance in thinking all is as we think it. Joshu saw this and said nothing in response because people do not care to admit it.
I know that great University has of late been teaching me more hard learned lessons. How arrogant I have been in caring and loving my wife to think such alone is enough to sustain. At the same time, part of it has not been arrogance so much as shortfalls beyond my control.
No, that is not an excuse or justification. It simply is what it is, I was born as I was and there is little to nothing which can medically alter that. The reprieve and solace I am allowed is choosing to control my response toward life.
I have been far too callous, too lost in the negative to hold True in the Middle Path. Lumps taken, I have learned to look, hear more closely, to not think too much but to think. I have also learned my own philosophy comes back to bite, if one seeks help, they first help themselves.
@Lady Sarah, I am not addressing this specifically to you. Yes, it is you whom I speak with in relaying it. You though may be
@Train, anyone. I hope the lessons I'm learning can benefit others, even but in some small way.
Apologies too, this is not intended to paint me still arrogant. In reading it, I see how it may seem to do that. No, I'm simply trying to be helpful, not to climb up on some dais and teach as an expert or wizened mystic, or what have you.
I am just not even a dust spec, fumbling along like all other such. It is said the blind lead the blind, and that is probably the case here too. Well, ...