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Bronze Contributor
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Bingo! Great post on what looks like a damn fine study. Awesome. Great news! This oughta set those dirty Democratic congress people back down on their asses. playa !!!!!!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are you kidding me? They don't do that. They'll just get Debbi Blabbermouth Shultz out there yelling about how the NIH is in the pockets of big tobacco...

Edit: Every time I see her on TV, I wonder what the fuck is up with her hair. It looks like she ripped out a patch of old, dirty shag carpet out of the back of a 1971 Chevy van, draped it over her head, and shellacked it in place. It's just nasty. Is is just me, or does everyone think this? Hell, even if you voted for her, you had to be wondering...

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