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Bricked Smok Alien 220W


I have on my hands a big ol screw up. My Alien was working fine, until one day I couldn't get it to turn on at all. No version flash, no nothing. I plugged it into my computer and reflashed it with a different firmware and it pulled up the version number, and then shut back down. That was all the activity that I could get it to do. I thought I must've downloaded the A version and my mod needs the B version of the firmware, right?

So I downloaded the B version and flashed it and now the mod won't even be picked up by the computer so I can reflash it again. It's essentially gone. However, pulling it apart, I found some things on the back of the board that might be able to be of some use.


VCC should be a power input, so if I were to bridge that with RES which theoretically should stand for reset but I have no clue, could I clear the chip of the firmware so I am able to download the correct one again? Maybe CKL stands for clear, but again, no clue. DAT and NGD either, no clue

Hoping someone could help a newb out? I couldn't find anything online using these pins so I figure they're probably useless?

Thanks for any help

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