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Building a Vanilla Custard "From Scratch"?


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I vape at 75 watts on a 0.14ohm coil.
Can't say I've ever needed more flavor then what was posted in various recipes on the site.

@HeadInClouds recipes taste great at his posted percentages and if I recall, he had posted somewhere that he doesn't sub ohm.

Also mixed up a few single flavor mixes myself.
FW Cotton Candy @ 3% tastes great
FA Strawberry at 2.5% is too strong
FW Wintergreen is fine at 5%, but I have it mixed at 10% because I love wintergreen and I love it strong.


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Why don't you make a 10% dilution of the nutmeg and use it like that?

Doing that now...2nd attempt though, lol.

Pulled 2ml out of the bottle via syringe to make a 20ml 10% solution. Syringe stopped working, could barely push it back out. a lot of squeezing got it out, but then the plunger wouldn't move up and down any more. The rubber end actually broke off from the friction.

Decided not to use a plastic container for it (it came in a glass vial)
Have 2 glass 15ml bottles with flat caps. So going to make a 10ml 10% and a 10ml 5% solution.
New syringe, same issue again. This time the nutmeg oil also dissolved the markings on the side of the syringe when it came into contact with the ink.


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Member For 5 Years
Doing that now...2nd attempt though, lol.

Pulled 2ml out of the bottle via syringe to make a 20ml 10% solution. Syringe stopped working, could barely push it back out. a lot of squeezing got it out, but then the plunger wouldn't move up and down any more. The rubber end actually broke off from the friction.

Decided not to use a plastic container for it (it came in a glass vial)
Have 2 glass 15ml bottles with flat caps. So going to make a 10ml 10% and a 10ml 5% solution.
New syringe, same issue again. This time the nutmeg oil also dissolved the markings on the side of the syringe when it came into contact with the ink.

In that case I would just use drops and do an approximate percentage. After using it a couple of times you will know how strong it is. If you have a graduated cylinder you could always use that. No syringe needed.


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Member For 5 Years
First 4 attempts at a vanilla custard
Base for each of these is 10% Cap Vanilla Custard v2 in VG, no nicotine added

All flavors below are FA

#1 - smells very sweet and creamy
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Fresh Cream
1% Irish Cream

#2 - similar to #1, but a bit spicier and a bit less sweet smelling.
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Catalan Cream
1% Fresh Cream
1% Caramel

#3 - plastic scent with a spice and sweet background
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Catalan Cream
1% Irish Cream
1% Hazelnut

#4 - smells the least sweet of the 4 mixes, no plastic smell though
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Fresh Cream
1% Torrone
1% Cookie

Tasting them now but custards don't taste as good when new.
Will try them again tomorrow after work to see how they are.
Perhaps I'll leave em all in my car while at work so they get nice and hot too.


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Member For 5 Years
Had them in the car all day at work. Took them out and shook and sampled them at lunch, but it was cloudy all morning so they didn't get warm. Also let coworkers sample them. Afternoon was sunny though so they got nice and warm before leaving. Shook and sampled again after getting home. The twist top caps were open the entire time they were in the car to let them breathe as well if that matters.

#1: Very sweet custard taste with a mild vanilla to it.
#2: Tastes the most like a vanilla custard. Has custard, has spice, has vanilla. I like this one the most. Next batches will start out with this recipe to try and improve it.
#3: Was horrible at lunch time. The plastic smell and taste hit you first, then subsided to Hazelnut with a hint of the other flavors. After getting home and sampling it, the plastic is nearly gone. Hazelnut is still dominant but with a creamy undertone. It's not too bad actually. Might redo it with 0.2% Hazelnut just to see what it's like and increase from there. Might be good as a Hazelnut cream vape.
#4: Also pretty good, one of my co-workers described it as tasting like the start of a vanilla cream.

The 3 coworkers that sampled at lunch all said #2 was the best and #3 was the worst.

Some things I might try with #2 (FA flavors unless specified)
Adding Vanilla Tahiti and/or Classic
Adding some more creams such as Irish, Whipped, Vienna, and FW Bavarian
Might try adding Marshmallow, Butterscotch, and TFA Brown Sugar
Maybe increase the CAP Vanilla Custard v2 and/or add a little FA Custard
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Is it generally your experience that you need more flavor at higher power? I've been mixing a little juice for a friend who is using a
"Derringer dual twisted with 26g/.6ohm @19w wicked with rayon". He says that he can barely taste the main flavors --which, at 4 and 5 percent of the total, respectively and nearly half of the flavor total in each case, come screaming through for me whether I'm using a protank clone on an ego battery, or using a single coil high ohm (1.6 - 2) build on on a Magma clone. Well, to be fair, they are only really "screaming" on the magma, because nothing really "screams" on a protank, but they do come through very clearly to me in the tanks, too.
No. If anything it's the other way around, but only in very general terms. Different flavors react to higher power in different ways. Some get better, some just change, some scorch. It gets really complicated with rebuildables too, wattage aside. You can rewick the same coils with the same material but tighter or looser and the flavor changes noticeably, even at the same wattage. That goes triply for Rayon. Rayon is a fickle one IME. Cotton is easy. For my tastes a twisted 26ga derringer build @ 0.6 ohms and 19W is way too slow ramping and cool burning. I ran twisted 26 in my derringer but it was more like 0.3 and 60W. It did get hot though, way too hot for the OEM drip tip.

I just realized that HIC and I are polar opposites when it comes to vaping. He keeps reducing flavoring until its as low as it can get and vapes at a low wattage. I keep adding more flavoring and cracking up the wattage. My DIY mixes aren't as overflavored as a lot of the premium store bought juice, but some of them are getting close. My Strawberry Custard hovers around 23% flavoring and it only has 4.5% CAP VCv2 in it....

Sorry, massive derailment. No, in general, for me, more power = more vapor which leads to using less nic and flavoring than I would at a lower power (in the same atty). OTOH, a Kayfun (if you can vape one) at 10W will have as much flavor than any cloudy RDA at 150W. So many variables!


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No. If anything it's the other way around, but only in very general terms. Different flavors react to higher power in different ways. Some get better, some just change, some scorch. It gets really complicated with rebuildables too, wattage aside. You can rewick the same coils with the same material but tighter or looser and the flavor changes noticeably, even at the same wattage. That goes triply for Rayon. Rayon is a fickle one IME. Cotton is easy. For my tastes a twisted 26ga derringer build @ 0.6 ohms and 19W is way too slow ramping and cool burning. I ran twisted 26 in my derringer but it was more like 0.3 and 60W. It did get hot though, way too hot for the OEM drip tip.

I just realized that HIC and I are polar opposites when it comes to vaping. He keeps reducing flavoring until its as low as it can get and vapes at a low wattage. I keep adding more flavoring and cracking up the wattage. My DIY mixes aren't as overflavored as a lot of the premium store bought juice, but some of them are getting close. My Strawberry Custard hovers around 23% flavoring and it only has 4.5% CAP VCv2 in it....

Sorry, massive derailment. No, in general, for me, more power = more vapor which leads to using less nic and flavoring than I would at a lower power (in the same atty). OTOH, a Kayfun (if you can vape one) at 10W will have as much flavor than any cloudy RDA at 150W. So many variables!

So many variables, indeed! It boggles my mind, most of the time. (And I barely know about the range of variables in vaping--let alone have tried them!) Thank you for your response--this is helpful. I did find out that my friend may have had other factors interfering with his ability to perceive flavor (other than power) and we have pretty much solved the mystery, I think.

I have never used a kayfun, but I recently acquired a subtank in trade, and am looking forward to trying it out.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
First 4 attempts at a vanilla custard
Base for each of these is 10% Cap Vanilla Custard v2 in VG, no nicotine added

All flavors below are FA

#1 - smells very sweet and creamy
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Fresh Cream
1% Irish Cream

#2 - similar to #1, but a bit spicier and a bit less sweet smelling.
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Catalan Cream
1% Fresh Cream
1% Caramel

#3 - plastic scent with a spice and sweet background
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Catalan Cream
1% Irish Cream
1% Hazelnut

#4 - smells the least sweet of the 4 mixes, no plastic smell though
1% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Fresh Cream
1% Torrone
1% Cookie

Tasting them now but custards don't taste as good when new.
Will try them again tomorrow after work to see how they are.
Perhaps I'll leave em all in my car while at work so they get nice and hot too.

@zaroba, is the plasticky smell you mentioned coming from the mixes after or before you've added the Caps VCv2?

Edit: Also, have you sampled each of these without the Caps VCv2 added and if so, do you have notes for them?


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So many variables, indeed! It boggles my mind, most of the time. (And I barely know about the range of variables in vaping--let alone have tried them!) Thank you for your response--this is helpful. I did find out that my friend may have had other factors interfering with his ability to perceive flavor (other than power) and we have pretty much solved the mystery, I think.

I have never used a kayfun, but I recently acquired a subtank in trade, and am looking forward to trying it out.
You left me hanging! What was the issue for your friend?! Was it the fucking rayon?! Or was he like me, lost 80% of his sense of smell from industrial work and needs MO FLAVA!? What's the deal you think?

You are so very welcome btw. The whole time I was typing I felt like I was just saying stuff that everyone else already knew. So glad it helped! I haven't tried ALL of the variables but I've tried enough to know that there are too damn many for me to even think about trying them all. I've found a few things that work for me. Maybe they aren't what everyone else does. That's beautiful. When I start to nerd out on one nano-aspect of vaping (and subsequently begin enjoying the actual vape less than I normally would)... I stop and remind myself that I used to suck down cigarettes one after another and the only thought going through my mind was "do I have enough to last me till I go to work tomorrow or should I go to the store now and get some more?"

Oh and I have a barely used EHPro Kayfun that I'll trade you for that crappy ol Subtank. Just saying. The KF has absolutely incredible flavor but the airflow is too tight for me. Plus, its a rebuildable. Its a whole other thing. But you should totally trade me. <- sarcastic used car salesman talk aside from the "incredible flavor" part... :cool:


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You left me hanging! What was the issue for your friend?! Was it the fucking rayon?! Or was he like me, lost 80% of his sense of smell from industrial work and needs MO FLAVA!? What's the deal you think?

You are so very welcome btw. The whole time I was typing I felt like I was just saying stuff that everyone else already knew. So glad it helped! I haven't tried ALL of the variables but I've tried enough to know that there are too damn many for me to even think about trying them all. I've found a few things that work for me. Maybe they aren't what everyone else does. That's beautiful. When I start to nerd out on one nano-aspect of vaping (and subsequently begin enjoying the actual vape less than I normally would)... I stop and remind myself that I used to suck down cigarettes one after another and the only thought going through my mind was "do I have enough to last me till I go to work tomorrow or should I go to the store now and get some more?"

Oh and I have a barely used EHPro Kayfun that I'll trade you for that crappy ol Subtank. Just saying. The KF has absolutely incredible flavor but the airflow is too tight for me. Plus, its a rebuildable. Its a whole other thing. But you should totally trade me. <- sarcastic used car salesman talk aside from the "incredible flavor" part... :cool:

My friend's issue was--we think--that he a) still smokes cigarettes and b) had been burning himself out on orange cream flavors, so when he tried my two, his tastebuds were maybe half-dead. The rayon issue is an unknown. I've never tried it, but he's gonna send me a bit to sample. I've heard some people really like it--others say it ruins everything. Nothing to do but try it!

"...stop and remind myself that I used to suck down cigarettes one after another and the only thought going through my mind was "do I have enough to last me till I go to work tomorrow or should I go to the store now and get some more?" <-- Now THIS is beautiful. We should all remember those moments more often. Technically, I guess I'm still a slave to my habit, but I'll tell you, it feels better in SO many ways to be a vaper. Starting with the physical. And btw, re nicotine, I can't resist pasting this link from

The Nicotine Misconception

BTW, nerding out on nano-aspects is part of the learning process for almost anything, I'd say--so don't feel too bad about doing it :)


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PS: I never felt comfortable unless I had 3 extra packs of smokes. Now, a year or so after quitting cigarettes, I can leave the house not knowing if or when my car battery will fail on some back road, with less than 2 milliliters in a protank clone. Progress!


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Member For 5 Years
@zaroba, is the plasticky smell you mentioned coming from the mixes after or before you've added the Caps VCv2?

Edit: Also, have you sampled each of these without the Caps VCv2 added and if so, do you have notes for them?

Was only the 1 mix (#3) that had a plastic smell.
Didn't try any without it. But have vaped just the plain custard and there is no odd taste to that.

I'll try them all again after work today to see how they've improved.


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My friend's issue was--we think--that he a) still smokes cigarettes and b) had been burning himself out on orange cream flavors, so when he tried my two, his tastebuds were maybe half-dead. The rayon issue is an unknown. I've never tried it, but he's gonna send me a bit to sample. I've heard some people really like it--others say it ruins everything. Nothing to do but try it!

Very true. Give it a try! I've heard great things but I just haven't been able to replicate them myself. I can believe your friends tastebuds are all wacked out. Whatever it takes to get him to smoke less!

<-- Now THIS is beautiful. We should all remember those moments more often. Technically, I guess I'm still a slave to my habit, but I'll tell you, it feels better in SO many ways to be a vaper.
:):D:):D:):) :D:):D:):D:D
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Silver Contributor
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This thread is awesome. As an aspiring DIYer, I would love to have my creamy custard based flavors without having to worry. Keep up the excellent work!

Now I have to read up on the fantastic recipe makers that I learned about in this thread!


Pauly Walnuts

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Quick question. I see your using caps vanilla custard v2. Do you prefer it over theoriginal , use it because its reformulated, or use it for another reason?
I ask as a former original caps vc junkie who has moved on. There is so much more than custards, so i got away from it (not because of the d word). I recently came back and tried the v2 out of curiousity, and was less than impressed.


Silver Contributor
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Quick question. I see your using caps vanilla custard v2. Do you prefer it over theoriginal , use it because its reformulated, or use it for another reason?
I ask as a former original caps vc junkie who has moved on. There is so much more than custards, so i got away from it (not because of the d word). I recently came back and tried the v2 out of curiousity, and was less than impressed.
I started out with CAP VCv1 but after having a lot of V2 I can't even stand the smell of V1. It's nauseating to me. Even V2 is rich for me these days. I'm probably just a wuss though.

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