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Burnt taste!!!!!


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Hi guys

I am new to vaping, about 2 weeks now.

I have a Kangertech Kbox Mini with Subox Mini tank.

I started with the 0.5 ohm coil and ran at 30w. No issues, great vape. After it started to go, I put in a new 0.5 and again, no problems. Once this one had gone, I bought 5 new official Kangertech 0.5 ohm coils and 4 of 5 burnt straight away. I went to a local shop and bought 5x 1.2 ohm coils as they had no 0.5's. I am currently running one at 18w. After just one day, it is tasting burnt again!!!

I did pour some of the liquid from when the second coil back into a bottle and reused it on my most recent 1.2 ohm coil.

Am I doing something wrong here??? I am loving valing over smoking but am concerned that i'll start smoking again if i can't get this right.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks guys


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Do you let it sit for a bit after you fill the tank, so that the cotton can absorb some of the liquid? That will help to avoid dry hits. Also, depending on the juice you're using, some flavors can gunk up coils pretty fast. Sweet flavors, dark flavors... certain ones a real gunkers. Also try primer puffs. Inhale on your tank a few times without hitting the power button. That'll also help draw the liquid to the wicking.


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Do you let it sit for a bit after you fill the tank, so that the cotton can absorb some of the liquid? That will help to avoid dry hits. Also, depending on the juice you're using, some flavors can gunk up coils pretty fast. Sweet flavors, dark flavors... certain ones a real gunkers. Also try primer puffs. Inhale on your tank a few times without hitting the power button. That'll also help draw the liquid to the wicking.

I do all of these. This coil was even primed by the store to see if it was something i was doing wrong. It's really frustrating. Sometimes it stops and vapes fine, then the burnt taste comes back, then goes, then comes back!!!!


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70/30. No issues on the first two 0.5 coils, just the 5x 0.5's that were clearly defective and the new 1.2

Ugh... yet another faulty Kanger subtank...
If they aren't leaking they are burning... I hate it because they are otherwise well made clearos. :(
I would get one but only for the RBA ability...

Try a lower wattage and see if that helps but it sounds to me like you got a faulty set of coils. Are you sure they are authentic?


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Ugh... yet another faulty Kanger subtank...
If they aren't leaking they are burning... I hate it because they are otherwise well made clearos. :(
I would get one but only for the RBA ability...

Try a lower wattage and see if that helps but it sounds to me like you got a faulty set of coils. Are you sure they are authentic?

Both sets are authentic. The 0.5 set were faulty 100% but the first one of the 1.2 set seemed fine. Started burning but if i leave it for a while, it doesn't taste burnt anymore until i take 4-5 big hits and then it starts again.

I'm tempted to finish these and go back to the 0.5's as the first two were perfect, before the bad batch i got.

If i run the 1.2 at 15w instead of 20w, it leaks but takes more hits before it tastes burnt.

I vaped at 20-30w with the first two 0.5's and they were perfect


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how are you filling the tank?

have you tried a different battery?

are you sure it's burnt? or is it just a big throat hit? because if the coil is bad it's horrific.


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how are you filling the tank?

have you tried a different battery?

are you sure it's burnt? or is it just a big throat hit? because if the coil is bad it's horrific.

I'm filling the tank with a dripper bottle, right to the brim. Could this be the issue?

And batteries, yes, i've got new and old.

The taste is definately burnt, like a horrible metallic taste, but comes and goes. It's strange.


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I've found something that helps but it's a pain.

If i start getting a burnt taste, i've tried blowing down the mouthpiece without firing and it seems to work. The downfall is that i'm doing it every 3-4 hits! Makes it taste better but really annoying to have to do. Still need to work out what to do!!!!!


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I'm filling the tank with a dripper bottle, right to the brim. Could this be the issue?

And batteries, yes, i've got new and old.

The taste is definately burnt, like a horrible metallic taste, but comes and goes. It's strange.

you are filling it way too much. you should only fill it right to this point


(unless this is what you meant by brim because I'm not sure how much higher you could fill it without spilling juice everywhere)


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you are filling it way too much. you should only fill it right to this point


(unless this is what you meant by brim because I'm not sure how much higher you could fill it without spilling juice everywhere)

I was filling it almost to the top of the silver part, but now am only filling to the silver


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Also, the top part of my airflow vent won't unscrew. Thinking it's possible that old burnt fluid could be in there somewhere but can't get it apart. image.jpg


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yeah you were flooding the coil.

soak the airflow part in warm water for awhile.

Jack Merridew

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The juice channels of the Subtank Mini are really small so I never go above 60VG on mine. My suggestion would be to try another juice that is not as thick.


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That's fine if others work fine, mine never did. OCC, RBA, didn't matter. Never above 20w with short draws on 70 VG. Irritating.

And you are lucky your air flow valve isn't coming apart. My did no matter what I did. Could never fill the tank without a rubber band.... Or risk loosing the stupid small ball. I'm no cloud chaser, but I reached the limits of my mini pretty quick.


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What I noticed with the occ heads is there super packed with cotton iv read alot of people are pulling some out and guess that helps

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Hello all! I'm new to VU, but want to help as my first purchased setup for quitting smoking cigs was the Kanger Subox mini kit and still love it with a couple annoyances lol.

Cheetahhead123, did you prime the OCC's by soaking them in juice before screwing them into the base? I would prime the coils by self even if the shop you got them from said they are primed as a 'just in case'. Don't worry about over priming the cotton in those coils as you can easily just let the excess juice flow out which is easily wiped clean.

Another note, if you tighten down the Kanger OCC's too tight down on the base, you could smash the o-ring at the bottom of the coil threads out of shape to the point it's not really sealed against the base which leads to leaking juice from the airflow holes.

I clean my subtank mini base every once in a while by just running faucet water through and over it when too much condensation has built up (not leaking juice since mine has never leaked juice, but from habit of exhaling out sometimes before inhaling). I dry the base off by using a can of compressed air while holding it in a paper towel.

As for juice PG/VG ratio, the 0.5ohm coils wick the heavier VG juices decently IMO (I used max vg juice for my first juice). I have yet to use the 1.5ohm coil that came with the kit since I went straight to the RBA coil after my 0.5ohm coil burnt out after 2.5 weeks of use. I am currently vaping Stout Vape Co Cuddlefish which is around a 30/70 PG/VG with the RBA: horizontal 26awg 1mm spaced 5wraps around a 3mm screwdriver + Japanese organic cotton. I vape this setup between 15-18watts in the Subtank Mini.

IMO, 4-5 DEEP lung hits on the Subtank Mini in quick succession at any wattage beyond 20watts is beyond the ability of the tank as that's how I finally burnt out the 0.5ohm OCC at the 2.5 week point of use.

Hope this helps! and so so sorry for the long post lol


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I would recommend yoy try the RDA that comes with the kit, there are alot of good tutorials on youtube and you don't have to worry about faulty coilheads.


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I haven't enjoyed the taste in the RBA that comes with it. I probably just need to re-wick it though, but this OCC head is good enough.

Adam Paseman

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Honestly, i have had a love hate relationship with the kanger tanks. They can do great and then suck for no apparent reason. Too finiky, and after finding two other tanks that not only outperform it, but never have issues im iver kanger. I have had a seemingly fine .5 coil in there do fine and then suddenly burn after acting fine too many times to count.


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Honestly, i have had a love hate relationship with the kanger tanks. They can do great and then suck for no apparent reason. Too finiky, and after finding two other tanks that not only outperform it, but never have issues im iver kanger. I have had a seemingly fine .5 coil in there do fine and then suddenly burn after acting fine too many times to count.
Hes looking to rebuild i believe

Thomas L

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I fill my Subtank Mini to the top all the time and I don't get a burnt taste. The old OCC horizontal 0.5ohm coils did give me a burnt taste sometimes but the new vertical 0.5ohm coils were always fine with me. So it might be the horizontal coils that is giving you a burnt taste. I typically use 27 watts and I like to vape then let the atomizer cool down before I take another hit to prevent it for being too hot.

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