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Canadian E-Juice Thread


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Member For 4 Years
EEEEEE! So excited! My local sells darkside - doesn't have that flavour on the website, but might in store. Going to find out tomorrow! THANKS! MIIGWICH! :D
good luck. they will prolly be able to order it for you if they stock other darkside stuff. hopefully its perfect. i have had great luck with that company.


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Too sweet for my taste. I like savoury. Thanks though!

I hear ya. I was having such a hard time finding flavours I liked that I started looking into making my own juice. Theirs tons of resources that just popped up recently for us canadians on these forums to make it easier to find a lot of this stuff north of the border.

Good luck with the search. Hope you find what you're looking for!


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DSV I like the Wookie Tobacco but I think they changed the name to wookie blend, lovely chocolate tobac :)
How exciting - this is the best thread !!
I found a local vaping show I love so much and now I can share it with you all !!
OK so get ready for the best Vape Shop in Durham Region "Canada E Juice"
with so many flavours and exciting brands i'm shopping weekly lol
So far I am in love with three new flavours Rocket Pop, Watermelon and Water Malone. Classics include Peanut Butter, Sweet Tarts, I could list them all But if you are looking for amazing service, amazing products and juice so fresh its crazy !!


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Member For 4 Years
wow i have been slacking on posting impressions or juice lately. i have tried way too many since my last update to bother doing a full list. most noteworthy has been the new dr fog ice cream line. holy shit that stuff is good. he really stepped up his game guys. if you tried the previous dr fog and thought they were too sweet or whatever, try the ice cream line.

the other mind boggling one has been vip (vipejuice.com). the secret society line is pretty new, and its all anyone around here is talking about lately. i have to admit that i can disappear a bottle of yale or rockerfeller in literally hours. their other line that i really like has been sub kulture. the grape (konkord) is soooooo good. i feel like they are only half full because i can go through it so fast. another surprise from that line was kontraband. to me it tastes like chocolate chip cookie dough (raw). its amazing. i dont even like eating cookie dough, and to be honest, i can only handle vaping it in the evening because its so rich, but holy shit its good stuff when the time is right.


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iStick Pico Kit + Battery + E Juice

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We did it! Salk Street Vapor Shoppes has opened its second location at Ossington and Bloor. Doors are officially open.
Steps from Ossington Station. 904 Bloor St. West and open until 9pm.

Free 30ml Bottle with in-store #handcheck

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DIY Supplies 40% off ,that includes bottles, nic, PG, VG, flavouring, graduated cylinders, syringes and gloves!

Salk Street eLiquid $9.99/30ml $24.99/140ml

And much much more on sale

Well I'm gonna just risk getting my ass blasted on this thread and admit that I'm new to vaping and I have no clue as to what juice strikes my fancy. I was just wondering if you guys know of any juices/shops out in Calgary that I should keep in mind? So far, I've tried stuff from G&G Smith (Strawberry Cheesecake and House Blend) and Coffee Bros (Caramel macchiato) but I honestly have nothing else to compare them to. I'm sort of just posting this because I really don't wanna give into the urge of boredom and lighting a cig which would tragically ruin three weeks of cold turkey hahah. Strawberry Cheesecake was by far the best, and by that I mean I was smoking that stuff as if I was Ethan from the vape naysh. (God Bless) Anyway, if you're reading this thanks for taking the time, I'd like to hear your input. (For anyone who understood that deplorable vape naysh meme I sincerely apologize. I'll do better.)
Well I'm gonna just risk getting my ass blasted on this thread and admit that I'm new to vaping and I have no clue as to what juice strikes my fancy. I was just wondering if you guys know of any juices/shops out in Calgary that I should keep in mind? So far, I've tried stuff from G&G Smith (Strawberry Cheesecake and House Blend) and Coffee Bros (Caramel macchiato) but I honestly have nothing else to compare them to. I'm sort of just posting this because I really don't wanna give into the urge of boredom and lighting a cig which would tragically ruin three weeks of cold turkey hahah. Strawberry Cheesecake was by far the best, and by that I mean I was smoking that stuff as if I was Ethan from the vape naysh. (God Bless) Anyway, if you're reading this thanks for taking the time, I'd like to hear your input. (For anyone who understood that deplorable vape naysh meme I sincerely apologize. I'll do better.)
Hey Luke...i was going to make an ass blasting joke...and then i realized it wouldn't come out right...so I'll just stay on topic.
First of all, don't worry about getting pasted on sites like these. We're all the same people: ex-smokers that have found a safer, healthier alternative. And no matter what, the vape community should always stay that way.
So first of all, the best thing to do is find out what your preferred flavour profile is (ie - fruity, menthol, bakery, cereal, candy)..Personally, I like Bakery, then fruity...but the mixes now are phenomenal. If you don't mind waiting, you can always order online from yougotejuice.com. They have unreal deals for 60ml, 120ml and 180ml bottles of juice...all are great. I like their Strawberry Cheesecake, Caramel Custard, Frosted Donut and Vanilla Latte. But if you would rather keep with the Brick & Mortar shops (always a good thing to support our local businesses) I would suggest Foggy Gorilla over there in Calgary. They have a wide range of juices and you should be able to sample them first in-store. Check their site at www.fgvaping.com. Soon you'll find some of your favourite brands and flavours and will be able to tell a quality juice from not-so-good.
If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to post.

Cheers, and stay off those cigs. All the best, and good luck.
I recently ordered Canadian Blast E-JUICE and I have to say there prices are cheap and there juice is really good strong flavor I was hesitant to pay via interac-e-transfer but the order was shipped via Canada Post and got my order in 2 days it's a must try juice can't beat 4 100ml bottles for $100.00 included shipping


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Charlie’s Chalk Dust out of Quebec makes some DANK juices, specifically Mr. Meringue, a delicious, creamy lemon meringue flavour. Their Patcha Mama is pretty good too if you like minty honey dew berry.

7 Monks’ Apple Coconut Cookie is really good too, not sure where it’s made, somewhere in Canada.

Classic E Liquids out of Brossard, QC makes some good juices too, particularly Stugats, Cake Azz and Ballin Buns.

Sent from Star Destroyer Executor
Try diy-ejuice.com
There Canadian
They have a lot off concentrates
But as I’m Scottish I need to work out the exchange rate and shipping cost


New Member
New Member
I am stilll looking for one good grape juice.
I found a lot of them are using the green grape flavouring which I think tastes like vomit. Is a grape soda too much to ask for!? Lol
I have same issue recently bought Concord Grape and got an after taste of grape seeds I thought being concord grape it would be naturally sweet and great tasting . They are the best tasting grape 2 me anyway I've tried others also and got the same issue as u . Let me know if u find a good 1


Founding Vendor
Founding Vendor
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Member For 4 Years
I am stilll looking for one good grape juice.
I found a lot of them are using the green grape flavouring which I think tastes like vomit. Is a grape soda too much to ask for!? Lol
now in stock at www.ejuices.ca look for grape ice, grape of rasp and also grapeness for grape soda
Great thread! As a fellow vaper, I completely understand the struggle of finding good e-juices in Canada. I’ve been exploring a lot of options lately, and here are a few recommendations based on my experience:

Canadian Tobacco by Maven Liquids
I’ve heard great things about this one! The subtle tobacco flavor with a hint of maple syrup and fruit sounds like a perfect all-day vape. It’s a bit pricey, but it seems worth it for the quality.

Oh My Custard by Toronto Juice Co
Custard flavors are always a hit, and this one sounds amazing. I love how it produces great vapor, though I agree that overly sweet juices can get tiring after a while.

Flavour Crafters Tobacco Flavors
I’ve also heard excellent reviews about Flavour Crafters’ tobacco-based juices. They seem to have a loyal following, especially among vapers who prefer authentic tobacco flavors.

If you’re looking for more options, I recently came across a site that offers a wide range of e-juices, including some great Canadian brands. They have detailed descriptions and reviews, which makes it easier to find something you’ll love: explore their selection.

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