I just count the number, only 28 participants, need 22 moreWhat are we at so far
I just count the number, only 28 participants, need 22 moreWhat are we at so far
Forgot my link!
This is so weird, i tried and tried to copy a link for menthol instead, but it will not let me, keeps picking this!!!!!!! I wanted this for a new vaper gift in 12 mg i left the link it copied so you would see imtried, but the brand i wanted was the Hangse
I Like your hint, @RMarcusY , hahaOkay people this is coming down to the wire ,,,, Just go to the web site and pick a flavor you like, copy the link ,paste it here and post the answer here,, (hint: the answer is 410)
Thanks Thayer, you always be my side and support meOk everyone tag anybody you can share it on any social media lets do a final push I'm sure we know at least 50 that could go for some free juice
@pearlzeng I'm sorry we failed to reach the goal we will try better next time and the random still hates me congrats to @Fishee I'm glad to see him win
I like your avatarCongratulations @Fishee
Go Broncos!