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Cigarettes to vaping?


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I've been put on notice about "self promotion" (since I am a vendor) so no links to products - Sorry. But you can find real tobacco extracts with a search.
My favorite all day flavor is a Virginia/Burley mixture at 70PG/30VG. I like the cigar flavors as well.
The sweet spot on my Kayfun is 12 watts 1.4 ohm with a mineral wick. I re-coil every other day or so to keep the flavor pristine.
its fine i dont need links i was looking for product names , from personal experience.,
i dont like the cigar flavors and im looking to hear what other people like. something to resemble the reds flavor of cigs.
i tried quite allot of flavors but cannot hit the right spot.


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I discovered that I really wanted the tobacco. I loved tobacco I just had to give up smoking. So I vape tobacco extracted flavors, got my nicotine right and got the right atomizer and mod (Russian/Kayfuns on a Clouper Mini).
I never looked back. I think the reply above suggesting to quit trying to not smoke is relevant. I don't feel that I gave up anything I liked - I just got rid of the smoke (and the stink).
I couldn't do it with fruit, dessert and candy flavors.
I agree except NETs are a pain in the ass to vape they clog coils so fast....I've been thinking of going over to squoning for my NET it is easy to change wicks and dripping is just to much work for me annoying preoccupation....


Diamond Contributor
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I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!
I also stuggle with smoking even after years of vaping...I would strongly suggest you try WTAs whole tobacco alkloids...there are natrual occuring alkaloids in tobacco that are anti depressant...The other thing is ...tobacco is just fucking is really delicious and sensual, nothing compares to a good NET.


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If you like cinnamon it's got a kick to the throught. I would not sub ohm nic levels anywhere near that high (12) unless you like feeling like crap. Try an "organic" vape they are VG based but add either distiled water or PGA. Go for the one with pure grain alcohol as a cutting agent. That will kick like a donkey sub ohm without poisoning yourself with nicotine. Let's not forget that nicotine is a POISON so higher levels is not GRAS. Not to mention it tastes like SHIT!
I am doing MTL. I was going to get a Kangertech Subox for my bday, but I decided against it because I am having such a hard time. I did find the Eleaf istick 40W with the temp control coils for a good price, but I'm not sure. I mistyped that above. I have an eleaf istick 20W now.
First of all, you have to be determined to no longer smoke tobacco. Try to avoid those situations if You can and use your vapor device instead. I smoked for about fourty years, very heavily. I worked on a tobacco farm when I was 14. Started with Marlboros, went to rolling Bugler and finally I was smoking twenty coronella cigars a day, inhaling always. My initial vapor experience was a 'Blue' e-cig. It was gone within a day & completely unsatisfying. Well, last September 25th I bought a Kanger sub-ohm kit. I started using it the next morning after intentionally running out of cigars. At first, I chain vaped 18mg. juice, near constantly. Flavor was secondary for me- I needed harsh nicotine at first if I was going to quit smoking. What might make SOME people sick, I was taking in straight to lung 7 second blasts. OVER and OVER. That is what I needed and for me, it worked. I chose a tobacco flavored juice with high VG, like 80/20. The sub-ohm makes very big clouds and You can actually feel the effects of the nicotine. Don't smoke, keep vaping and it will replace smoking for You. When you think of smoking, distract your thoughts from it and make a huge cloud.. The obsessive- like cravings for tobacco will decrease with time. Then, You have the option to reduce Your nicotine levels by whatever increments You choose. Even to zero. I am down to 1.5 milligrams after just 6 weeks.(Trying Clapton coils) Keep trying until You find what works for You. Recently, I learned there exists a thing called a 'dry herb; vaporizer. How interesting. Good luck quitting, you are in the right place.


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I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!
24 Mg's on nicotine from Caterpillar vapes, Hangsen Shisha Eliquid Cherry and Tobacco blends! Very strong flavor and strong e liquid. If you want to live longer you will fight for it! Its all in my mind at this point because you are getting the nicotine for you body and mind cravings. I used high nicotine e-juices that will make you sick after just thinking of a cig.


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I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!

Wasn't hard for me at first, since I wasn't aiming to quit -- I just wanted something to use indoors on cold nights or cold windy days when the porch wasn't comfortable. :D But I found it such a good substitute, I thought, I wonder how many cigsarettes I can replace with vaping? Over about a month's time, turned out, all of 'em. but I don't know any smokers or have to hang around them, I think cigarettes smell vile now.

I had a relapse to dual use though, after I'd been smoke-free for nearly 4 months; again it took about a month to persuade myself to put the coffin nails down again, and I needed WTA, whole tobacco alkaloids, to make the cravings go away.

Just treat it like a game, a competition with yourself, to see how many you smoke each day, and try to make it at least one less than the day before. Keep a tally sheet, so you don't cheat. You're only cheating yourself, but the thing is, if you REALLY need to smoke, go ahead, and don't kick yourself about it; that's highly stressful and counterproductive. Just do not stop vaping, no matter what. If you really want to get there, then you will, but you don't have to make yourself miserable doing it -- that's the whole point of vaping!



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I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!

Easy. Just made up my mind that I was done smoking cigarettes and vaped when the urge hit. I find a lower airflow helps during times of peak craving, such as with coffee, after meals, when you get out of bed, break time, etc. If you find it really hard, increase the nicotine level in your ejuice by 3mg/ml from what you use now. And adjust up or down as you go. The MAIN thing is telling yourself, you are not going to smoke and vaping when you have the urge. Even if it means sitting down for a 5 minute vape session using mouth to lung, just like you would smoke a cigarette. 8 months after my last cigarette, I still get an urge once in awhile, but I DO NOT SMOKE and flat out refuse to go back to smoking. so no need to light up.. (I just vape a bit when the urge hits)

By the way, I tried tobacco flavor for 2 weeks, and after the first 2 weeks I avoid it like I would the tax collector. LOL. I figure, I am quitting tobacco. PERIOD. Besides, I found the tobacco flavors tasted like loose tobacco smelled, and not how it tasted when smoked. (which i never did like in the first place)
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Being around smokers is a hard trigger to those who switched to vaping, but now that smoking is not allowed hardly anywhere public anymore I find it easy to avoid it, Now if I walk by a smoker I almost gag out loud, it actually has the opposite effect for me, I almost get ill being around it or smelling it on a person. Stay with it and limit your exposure to the smokers:)
I can smell a smoker 30 feet away. And I think.. omg.. did i smell that bad, and I already know the answer. Its a friggin wonder my wife put up with me for the 7 years we have been together, she even married me! I must have something she likes.. Well that's MY story and I'm sticking to it, no matter how much evidence comes out to the contrary. :devil:


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When you smoke a cig, a pack, or a carton, you're not failing anyone, even yourself. Replacing that lighter and stick, that first hit, that constant holding in your fingers, and those final hits, is tough as nails and I originally thought it was impossible. Smoking has a 'dirty' feel to it and vaping seemed too clean for me. I guess also knowing I was burning tobacco and 7k chemicals was somehow more appealing to me then heating up a fluid containing 3 ingredients. It wasn't until I started with my protank 3 and tesla mod that I really began to like vaping, and it wasn't until I started dripping that I quit cigs (if I recall correctly). What was missing for me more often than not, while using the tesla, was smoke. The feeling of producing a fat ass fucking cloud is better than smoking now :D

Speaking of fat clouds, hang on, I have a couple amusing things I'll drop here...

Sent from my mind's rectum.

This, is a ridiculous cloud build. Keep in mind, this is NOT like what you get on an RDA with a sub ohm coil and 200w mod. LMAO...
I am using a kanger toptank mini with the mini rba. 0.8 ohm coil...
My "mode" is literally an e-stick battery... 6 to 16 watts. My lowest cloud build was 7 to 8 watts. Why? Just wanted to see how big I could make the cloud at a very low power level.
Note.. In the video, I say volts.. I meant watts.



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I can smell a smoker 30 feet away. And I think.. omg.. did i smell that bad, and I already know the answer. Its a friggin wonder my wife put up with me for the 7 years we have been together, she even married me! I must have something she likes.. Well that's MY story and I'm sticking to it, no matter how much evidence comes out to the contrary. :devil:

Heh... I finally realized how much my non-smoker husband loves me, he put up with that stench for TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. It boggles the mind. :D Needless to say, he is THRILLED with vaping. :giggle:



Member For 4 Years
I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!
I been smoking 20 years and at first was very sceptical about ecigs. Took my a while yo walk in a shop, my wife gave me a little push and the thing sat in my draw for a few months. Bit then i gave it a chance. I haven't completely quit cigarettes but I've cut down drastically and i will make the switch. How do we do it?
Don't burn yourself, take it easy, want to smoke a cig, smoke it. Yet the moment you become fed up of that disgusting taste in yoir mouth, lungs coughing up nasty and all the other things. You'll have a little device to help you. And the flavour, the after taste... Then you'll realise that cigs, its just a habit, you have your nicotine, you have your supplement. All in the head.

Btw I'm using an istick 40 with a serpent sub, monstrous chain inhales get rid of my cravings.
And as said above, sweet and fruity!! Tobacco flavour annoys me at how unsimilar it taste.
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Smoked 50 years and stopped the day I got a vape pen. Every time I craved a cig I'd vape and it went away. Now I can't stand the smell and I bummed a cig awhile ago and couldn't stand it took a few hits and put it out.


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I can smell a cigarette smoker from 20 yards..... No shit. .... When they get near me it makes me sick.....

I can't believe I did this nasty habit for 25 years.....

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I can smell a cigarette smoker from 20 yards..... No shit. .... When they get near me it makes me sick.....

I can't believe I did this nasty habit for 25 years.....

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I can smell it when I walk out of Walmart if anyone within 100 yds is smoking. It doesn't make me sick, but does make me a) wrinkle my nose, and b) realize how much my husband really loves me, to put up with that shit for 27 yrs. :giggle: Though smelling the very first just-lit-up whiff smells way too good, and I have to RUN AWAY FAST! :giggle:



Diamond Contributor
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I can smell it when I walk out of Walmart if anyone within 100 yds is smoking. It doesn't make me sick, but does make me a) wrinkle my nose, and b) realize how much my husband really loves me, to put up with that shit for 27 yrs. :giggle: Though smelling the very first just-lit-up whiff smells way too good, and I have to RUN AWAY FAST! :giggle:

The people I get at Family Dollar Smoke those 305 cigars they are not even cigarettes, a blunt here and there and a couple of cigarette butts they pick up and that's not counting the alcoholic beverages and wine.....

They simply smell rough..... God bless them......

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The people I get at Family Dollar Smoke those 305 cigars they are not even cigarettes, a blunt here and there and a couple of cigarette butts they pick up and that's not counting the alcoholic beverages and wine.....

They simply smell rough..... God bless them......

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk

Yeah when I first started vaping and was able to quit so easily, I wanted to run around like a Jehovah's Witness and buttonhole everyone and ask if they'd heard the Good News about Vaping? :giggle: Thankfully I controlled myself, except with those ill-advised people who were silly enough to spout some media drivel about the "dangers" of e-cigarettes. They got the whole book, chapter and verse! :giggle:



Diamond Contributor
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Yeah when I first started vaping and was able to quit so easily, I wanted to run around like a Jehovah's Witness and buttonhole everyone and ask if they'd heard the Good News about Vaping? :giggle: Thankfully I controlled myself, except with those ill-advised people who were silly enough to spout some media drivel about the "dangers" of e-cigarettes. They got the whole book, chapter and verse! :giggle:

Keep up the advocacy, I know how you feel, if someone asks me about Vaping....... Oh oh.... Here I go.......

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@Matty102 dont pressure yourself. For me it was easy. I picked up a vape and never looked back after smoking Camels for many years. The cigs were giving me migraines and the vape didn't so I had extra incentive. My hubs, on the other hand has gone back and forth. In fact he's starting vaping again today as he had his last cig in this pack a few hours ago. What he needed was new cooler gear. May sound dumb, but going back to the vape shop and getting some new flavors and gear got him excited to do it again. Avoiding smokers can be hard if your friends and family smoke. For us, we started a smoke outside rule. Our house smelled better and I just waited inside and vaped. In fact, when the weathers shitty, I'm super happy to vape inside while those poor bastards suffer. LOL Anyways, best of luck to you and to my hubs. Y'all are in the same boat. He quit for a couple years by vaping and went back to cigs, but the lesson here is, never stop trying. One less cig is still healthier. Some vape shops can be douchy, but if you can, try to find a good one where you can hang out, lounge style.
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I been smoking 20 years and at first was very sceptical about ecigs. Took my a while yo walk in a shop, my wife gave me a little push and the thing sat in my draw for a few months. Bit then i gave it a chance. I haven't completely quit cigarettes but I've cut down drastically and i will make the switch. How do we do it?
Don't burn yourself, take it easy, want to smoke a cig, smoke it. Yet the moment you become fed up of that disgusting taste in yoir mouth, lungs coughing up nasty and all the other things. You'll have a little device to help you. And the flavour, the after taste... Then you'll realise that cigs, its just a habit, you have your nicotine, you have your supplement. All in the head.

Btw I'm using an istick 40 with a serpent sub, monstrous chain inhales get rid of my cravings.
And as said above, sweet and fruity!! Tobacco flavour annoys me at how unsimilar it taste.

I have to disagree. If you want to smoke that cigarette, turn your airflow and power down, so you have to suck harder and use a mouth to lung inhale. Sit down and take a 5 minute vape break, just like you would a cigarette. Keep extra juice and coils on hand at all time. If you need 30ml for 2 weeks, buy 45ml. If you need 2 coils a week, buy a 5 pack and replace when you get to 2 coils. It is really hard in the first 2 weeks if you cant vape due to no juice or coils. After a couple weeks, if you want, ask a friend for a drag off their cigarette. Just be ready for them to laugh their butt off at you, it is actually worse than the FIRST cigarette you ever tried and the taste stays with your for hours. Even after it's gone you can still remember that taste.

The main point is.. once you decide to start vaping to quit, then don't give yourself an "out". You can even decrease the amount of nicotine in your ejuice as you go. Say you start at 18, then after a couple months, go down to 12 and vape more, but after a bit it evens out again, and a couple months later, you go to 6mg, and a couple months later 3mg and a couple months later...You start mixing 3mg with 0mg and eventually.. you just vape with no nic at all.


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I don't really get how you disagree, you basically said the same thing.

Under a rock with a 6gb connection


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@Matty102 The biggest factor, for me, when quitting smoking cigs and starting to vape, was the end results. I don't know what the long term results of vaping are for sure, 20 years from now. But I have no doubt at all that if I continued smoking, I wouldn't be around 20 years from now to worry about it. Now everybody dies. Usually we don't get much of a choice in the matter. However, after watching my Father spend his last few months in a wheel chair or his arm chair (he refused to die in hospital and I don't blame him), and watching my mother bloat like a parade blimp (from the kemo) and basically drown, and watching both my Grandfather and Uncle go from strapping, physical working me down to 85 pound invalids that couldn't wipe their own bottoms, that was a huge factor in deciding that, smoking was NOT how I wanted to check out when I cashed in my chips. I watched my Grandfather go from a man that would lift a huge 100 pound pipe wrench, that I couldn't even drag across the lawn, to an 85 pound shell that couldn't even lift his own soup spoon to feed himself. So vaping for me is a way out of smoking, where other methods didn't work. I know vaping does, since I've been vaping for about 8 months and no cigarettes. So if you need even more incentive, visit a cancer ward. Notice any kids in that ward. It makes that cigarette look even dirtier.


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take it easy, want to smoke a cig, smoke it.
It was this part I was disagreeing with.
I have quit before, for 6 months, by weening myself down to 1 ultralite cigarette a day, but I still HAD to have that 1 smoke. And it still took 10 days to stop craving that 1 smoke. As long as you give yourself that smoking option, the longer it will be until you are free of them. Everyone can slip up. Just count tomorrow as a new day and quit again, but you MUST have that determination that you are not going to smoke. That is actually the reason I started smoking again. Just that 1 cigarette when I really wanted it. Then a 2nd when I really wanted it.. then 6 a day, then 12, then a pack and opps.. smoking again.


Member For 4 Years
It was this part I was disagreeing with.
I have quit before, for 6 months, by weening myself down to 1 ultralite cigarette a day, but I still HAD to have that 1 smoke. And it still took 10 days to stop craving that 1 smoke. As long as you give yourself that smoking option, the longer it will be until you are free of them. Everyone can slip up. Just count tomorrow as a new day and quit again, but you MUST have that determination that you are not going to smoke. That is actually the reason I started smoking again. Just that 1 cigarette when I really wanted it. Then a 2nd when I really wanted it.. then 6 a day, then 12, then a pack and opps.. smoking again.
Yeah fair enough, I can agree to that.
I imagine its very variable from person to person.
I went from three packets a day, to ten cigarettes a day thanks to ecig. Recently I found some juice that I love znd today is my third day without a cigarette.
I wanted to quit. But in all honesty heavy smokers with a long addiction, the idea of being able to smoke a cigarette took away a lot of pressure.
I didn't find it as simple as buying a mod and *waves wand* suddenly a non-smoker. It took me a while to adapt, learn the basics zbd find out what works for me.
Addition is very variable depending on many factors. And the "smoke one if you want" was what opened a door for me to try, taste, give vaping a go.
By no means am I saying whats better or worse, merely what worked for me.

Under a rock with a 6gb connection


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It was this part I was disagreeing with.
I have quit before, for 6 months, by weening myself down to 1 ultralite cigarette a day, but I still HAD to have that 1 smoke. And it still took 10 days to stop craving that 1 smoke. As long as you give yourself that smoking option, the longer it will be until you are free of them. Everyone can slip up. Just count tomorrow as a new day and quit again, but you MUST have that determination that you are not going to smoke. That is actually the reason I started smoking again. Just that 1 cigarette when I really wanted it. Then a 2nd when I really wanted it.. then 6 a day, then 12, then a pack and opps.. smoking again.

Yes, when you get down to that one, then it's all in your mind and you could do without it very easily, if you just tell yourself that you can, and then STICK TO IT.

BUT! When you're starting out... it's pointless to deprive yourself unnecessarily, which just increases stress -- totally opposite the effect that vaping is supposed to have -- it's supposed to make quitting LESS stressful, not moreso. So when you're starting out, and you get to a point where you really NEED a cigarette, then you should go ahead and have one, and try to vape next time that "need" hits.

The point is to gradually accustom yourself to doing without the cigarette and vaping instead -- GRADUALLY. It's too big a change to do it all at once, which is why most of the time, cold turkey quits FAIL. Having one a day is FAR superior to having 20+ per day! It's still harm reduction!



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when you get down to that one, then it's all in your mind and you could do without it very easily, if you just tell yourself that you can, and then STICK TO IT.
Isn't that exactly what I said? When you vape you don't need the nicotine from the cigarette, it is all in your head at this point.

What you are REALLY craving, is not the cigarette, it is smoking or in other words, the ritual of smoking. You probably notice this craving usually occurs as very specific times.. like when you have coffee, just after eating, when you go on a break at work, before you go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning. You get the exact same nicotine and smoking ritual from sitting down 5 minutes puffing mouth to lung, and in 5 minutes the urge will pass. No need to light up. Even if you smoke 1 a day, you are still smoking. Ask your insurance agent.

Now of course, if you start vaping and have a couple cigs left, then you just say.. when these are gone, they are gone and that is it. Every smoker and ex smoker knows if you have cigarettes you will smoke cigarettes. Smoking is just like alcoholism, all it takes is ONE to get right back where you started. It boils down to, either you are ready to quit smoking or you are not ready to quit smoking. If you only want to reduce harm, then sure, have a cig when you want. Just don't be surprised when you end up back up to a pack a day and your vape gear in a drawer someplace. If you want to quit smoking, you quit and in time, you get over the craving for the "ritual" cigarette, and would rather lick a hot coil than light a cigarette. There is a difference between theory and proven scientific fact. Go to any addiction management website. I think you will find there are no sites that say "Sure, it's ok, take that hit of (any addictive substance that I can not name due to forum rules), when you want it" Basically, vaping will help you get "clean" of cigarettes, but not if you use cigarettes as a crutch whenever you "want" one. There is a big difference between want and need. Vaping addresses the need, willpower addresses the want.

Another little tip.. when you start vaping, get rid of the ashtrays. Put your lighter in the drawer with the emergency candles, and if you still have cigarettes left, put them someplace you actually have to work to get at them. Like in the bathroom under the sink, in the glove box of the car, at your buddys house across the street.. anyplace where it is easier to pick up your vape gear than it is to get that next cigarette. People are generally lazy. Example? Right now, I want a coffee. Will I get up and get a coffee? No. Why? Because my wife will be up in 10 minutes and SHE will make me a coffee. Am i able to get my own coffee? Of course! Will I? Nope.. I'll just wait for wifey to get up. Why.. because People are generally lazy...

Edit.. You seem to be under the impression that vaping = cold turkey. It doesn't. Vaping gives you the nicotine in a different way than smoking, but you still get the nicotine, which is why you want to smoke in the first place. If you are getting your nicotine from vaping, you don't need to get it from cigarettes. The ONLY reason to continue smoking while vaping is that you can not make that commitment to yourself to become a non-smoker. You want that "crutch", basically, you are scared to quit cigarettes because you are afraid to, because of previous attempts and the "cravings". Trust me, a 5 minute craving is much easier to manage than a 10 day craving after trying to go cold turkey.

But it comes down to this.. as long as you quit eventually, that is the end goal. I just advocate vaping and making the commitment not to smoke as a permanent quitting solution. If some people have to ween themselves off, that's fine too, as long as they can quit eventually and not increase the amount they smoke once they reduce it. Which is quite hard to do.
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@Matty102 dont pressure yourself. For me it was easy. I picked up a vape and never looked back after smoking Camels for many years. The cigs were giving me migraines and the vape didn't so I had extra incentive. My hubs, on the other hand has gone back and forth. In fact he's starting vaping again today as he had his last cig in this pack a few hours ago. What he needed was new cooler gear. May sound dumb, but going back to the vape shop and getting some new flavors and gear got him excited to do it again. Avoiding smokers can be hard if your friends and family smoke. For us, we started a smoke outside rule. Our house smelled better and I just waited inside and vaped. In fact, when the weathers shitty, I'm super happy to vape inside while those poor bastards suffer. LOL Anyways, best of luck to you and to my hubs. Y'all are in the same boat. He quit for a couple years by vaping and went back to cigs, but the lesson here is, never stop trying. One less cig is still healthier. Some vape shops can be douchy, but if you can, try to find a good one where you can hang out, lounge style.

Get hubby into coil building as a hobby. Flavor chasing, vape tricks, whatever.. Hell, I went 8 hours without smoking or vaping because i was building a new coil build. And that was only in my 2nd week of vaping. Basically, anything that gets your mind off lighting up. Get him signed up on some forum, maybe regarding his job or a hobby or whatever.. its hard to smoke and type. LOL I haven't dripped my wick for 3 hours now.


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OP, don't stress yourself out about it. It's hard to quit smoking. So, so hard. I didn't think I would ever stop. I fully intended to continue smoking for the rest of my life. Even when my COPD got so bad I felt like I couldn't take a deep enough breath. Even when I got pneumonia.

But I kept trying because something in me said that vaping could work. Where nothing else ever had. I tried new flavors, different settings, different mods and tanks and when I finally found the right setting (0.5 ohms, around 30-40w) and the right flavor (Cuttwood Sugar Drizzle) I was finally able to stop completely. It took a LONG time. Years. I dual used for, literally years but you know ...coming up on my one year anniversary was totally worth it.

Just keep trying. And don't feel bad if you smoke. Also, this forum has been incredibly helpful. Talking to others about their struggle and just spending a few minutes a day around like minded people has been a blessing.

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What you are REALLY craving, is not the cigarette, it is smoking or in other words, the ritual of smoking.

Edit.. You seem to be under the impression that vaping = cold turkey. It doesn't. Vaping gives you the nicotine in a different way than smoking, but you still get the nicotine, which is why you want to smoke in the first place.

Hmm. Not entirely true -- there is a LOT more going on with cigarettes, than just nicotine. The first time I quit via vaping, I had no issues, the cigarettes just "fell away." I did have to exercise some will for that very last 1 a day for the last 3 days, but beyond that, smooth sailing.

But after my relapse to dual-use following my appendectomy, it wasn't a) desire to smoke, nor b) nicotine, that was the issue -- it was all the other alkaloids in tobacco, thanks to the recuperation from sepsis/surgery in my intestines, and to further complicate that problem, I also have IBS. It required WTA to get completely free of cigarettes and remain that way, without cravings. Not everyone needs WTA; some people, I guess, really are "addicted" to nicotine, though I wasn't to any great extent -- 10mg nic is the highest I've ever been able to tolerate, and getting down to 3.3mg currently has been like falling off a log... but it required 15 months of determined and systematic weaning to get free of WTA.

But this complicating dependence on the other alkaloids is why some smokers have a much harder time than others, and can't just "lay it down and leave it down;" even when they really WANT to never light up again, their bodies are demanding those other alkaloids, and until there was WTA, there was no way to get them, other than smoking.

I don't consider vaping to be cold turkey at all; however it's still very different from smoking, so most people can't just stop on a dime, even if they're vaping their faces off -- it's much easier to gradually transition, than to just QUIT, and now that there's vaping, it's entirely possible. Maybe YOU were satisfied right off the bat with just vaping instead of smoking... but you can't draw across-the-board conclusions about the process merely from your own experience -- I was able to transition in a month, both times; sounds like you were able to lay cigarettes down the minute you got a vape in your hand -- but some people require months or years or WTA to make the full transition. The whole point of this is HARM REDUCTION... not doing it just like everyone else does it, nor suffering like a whipped dog just because you want a cigarette. If someone wants a cigarette that badly, they should keep in mind, it's just delaying the inevitable, and pushing the "quit" back again... but ONE A DAY is WORLDS better than a pack a day, I don't care what you or anyone else says -- it's HARM REDUCTION.

Puritans and control freaks should take a flying fuck thru a rolling donut.



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Hmm. Not entirely true -- there is a LOT more going on with cigarettes, than just nicotine. The first time I quit via vaping, I had no issues, the cigarettes just "fell away." I did have to exercise some will for that very last 1 a day for the last 3 days, but beyond that, smooth sailing.

But after my relapse to dual-use following my appendectomy, it wasn't a) desire to smoke, nor b) nicotine, that was the issue -- it was all the other alkaloids in tobacco, thanks to the recuperation from sepsis/surgery in my intestines, and to further complicate that problem, I also have IBS. It required WTA to get completely free of cigarettes and remain that way, without cravings. Not everyone needs WTA; some people, I guess, really are "addicted" to nicotine, though I wasn't to any great extent -- 10mg nic is the highest I've ever been able to tolerate, and getting down to 3.3mg currently has been like falling off a log... but it required 15 months of determined and systematic weaning to get free of WTA.

But this complicating dependence on the other alkaloids is why some smokers have a much harder time than others, and can't just "lay it down and leave it down;" even when they really WANT to never light up again, their bodies are demanding those other alkaloids, and until there was WTA, there was no way to get them, other than smoking.

I don't consider vaping to be cold turkey at all; however it's still very different from smoking, so most people can't just stop on a dime, even if they're vaping their faces off -- it's much easier to gradually transition, than to just QUIT, and now that there's vaping, it's entirely possible. Maybe YOU were satisfied right off the bat with just vaping instead of smoking... but you can't draw across-the-board conclusions about the process merely from your own experience -- I was able to transition in a month, both times; sounds like you were able to lay cigarettes down the minute you got a vape in your hand -- but some people require months or years or WTA to make the full transition. The whole point of this is HARM REDUCTION... not doing it just like everyone else does it, nor suffering like a whipped dog just because you want a cigarette. If someone wants a cigarette that badly, they should keep in mind, it's just delaying the inevitable, and pushing the "quit" back again... but ONE A DAY is WORLDS better than a pack a day, I don't care what you or anyone else says -- it's HARM REDUCTION.

Puritans and control freaks should take a flying fuck thru a rolling donut.

Agree for the most part. All I was stressing is try to go 2 weeks without any smokes, and then another 2 weeks, and so on. IF that doesn't work, then sure, take a puff when you can't stand it any more. That said, as long as you still smoke even 1 a day, you are at a substantially higher risk of returning to regular tobacco use than you would be if you just suffered through a couple weeks, taking a 5 minute mouth to lung "vape" break when you want to light up.
Even ONE cigarette a day is harmful. One a day is all it takes to hinder your lungs ability to repair themselves. One a day is still putting carcinogens into your body. One a day is still feeding your addiction. Now one a day is better by far than a pack a day, but by no means even close to being as beneficial as not smoking at all. Case in point, even one cigarette per day hinders your lungs ability to process oxygen to your system, causing you to have to breath harder, making your heart work harder to get oxygen and increasing your risk of heart attack. When the point came that I was afraid to go to sleep because I was panting and puffing from getting into bed, and my heart pounding in my chest from taking my socks off, that's when I bought my vape gear. Smoke particles get into every little cranny of the lung, and they don't just magically disappear when you put the cigarette out.

And this isn't just MY advice.. See article..


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OP, don't stress yourself out about it. It's hard to quit smoking. So, so hard. I didn't think I would ever stop. I fully intended to continue smoking for the rest of my life. Even when my COPD got so bad I felt like I couldn't take a deep enough breath. Even when I got pneumonia.

But I kept trying because something in me said that vaping could work. Where nothing else ever had. I tried new flavors, different settings, different mods and tanks and when I finally found the right setting (0.5 ohms, around 30-40w) and the right flavor (Cuttwood Sugar Drizzle) I was finally able to stop completely. It took a LONG time. Years. I dual used for, literally years but you know ...coming up on my one year anniversary was totally worth it.

Just keep trying. And don't feel bad if you smoke. Also, this forum has been incredibly helpful. Talking to others about their struggle and just spending a few minutes a day around like minded people has been a blessing.

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Congrats. Glad you made it no matter how you did it. Seems to be getting easier now to get the right set up and advice on quitting. Vape shop owner suggested a couple options for me according to which was best and which was cheapest, and a nic level to start off with. The BEST advice, I think, is talk to the vape shop owner or knowledgeable staff member. At my local shop, only one guy sells mechanical mods (beside the owner), and the part timer is learning as she goes. You really have to use the gear to know about it though. We all have different likes as far as mods and atomizers go, but that person behind the counter is probably your best source of info.

It's like running a marathon.. it doesn't matter if you run, walk or crawl, as long as you cross the FINISH line.


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Strangely, when I first started vaping it was a "guy" thing and when I went into B&M Vape shops I got ignored ...a lot. It's getting better but I still get shops where they act like I'm an imbecile until I start asking for specific things. I much prefer using this forum and buying online.

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Strangely, when I first started vaping it was a "guy" thing and when I went into B&M Vape shops I got ignored ...a lot. It's getting better but I still get shops where they act like I'm an imbecile until I start asking for specific things. I much prefer using this forum and buying online.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
yeah, that sucks. It is getting better though. LOL around here, you see more girls vaping with pretty purple and pink mini mods, that are dainty and feminine. I tend not to buy mods online, unless I know exactly what i am getting. Like I might buy a regulated clone, but would seriously have to think about getting a cloned mechanical. I like the guy at the shop being able to show me how to get that battery out in a hurry if i have to. :)


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Agree for the most part. All I was stressing is try to go 2 weeks without any smokes, and then another 2 weeks, and so on. IF that doesn't work, then sure, take a puff when you can't stand it any more. That said, as long as you still smoke even 1 a day, you are at a substantially higher risk of returning to regular tobacco use than you would be if you just suffered through a couple weeks, taking a 5 minute mouth to lung "vape" break when you want to light up.
Even ONE cigarette a day is harmful. One a day is all it takes to hinder your lungs ability to repair themselves. One a day is still putting carcinogens into your body. One a day is still feeding your addiction. Now one a day is better by far than a pack a day, but by no means even close to being as beneficial as not smoking at all. Case in point, even one cigarette per day hinders your lungs ability to process oxygen to your system, causing you to have to breath harder, making your heart work harder to get oxygen and increasing your risk of heart attack. When the point came that I was afraid to go to sleep because I was panting and puffing from getting into bed, and my heart pounding in my chest from taking my socks off, that's when I bought my vape gear. Smoke particles get into every little cranny of the lung, and they don't just magically disappear when you put the cigarette out.

And this isn't just MY advice.. See article..

I agree, any actual tobacco smoke in your lungs is not a good thing. But it's like all those fuckheads who, when they discovered I have asthma, said idiotic things like "Asthmatics shouldn't smoke." Well, no shit sherlock, now tell me HOW to NOT smoke, and we'll talk about it. Most long-term smokers just can't stop on a dime -- they need a transition period. Especially those like me, who had tried quitting so many times, my attitude to anything that was supposed to "help me quit" was extreme skepticism. And those transition periods are different for every individual -- some can stop the cigarettes just because they walked into a vape shop. Others have to prove it to themselves over some period of time -- for me, it was about a month before I realized, hey, this actually works! But some take MUCH longer to reach that understanding, and that's ok; whatever works for them, as long as they keep trying. Continually insisting that everyone stop all at once immediately after getting a vape is an ANTZ move -- intolerance. It is better to smoke one or several a day for however long it takes to get to 0 per day, as long as they keep trying, than to think "well I can't get to 0 a day so I'm just gonna stop trying and go back to smoking."

"The 'perfect' is the enemy of the 'good.'"

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Hmm. Not entirely true -- there is a LOT more going on with cigarettes, than just nicotine. The first time I quit via vaping, I had no issues, the cigarettes just "fell away." I did have to exercise some will for that very last 1 a day for the last 3 days, but beyond that, smooth sailing.

But after my relapse to dual-use following my appendectomy, it wasn't a) desire to smoke, nor b) nicotine, that was the issue -- it was all the other alkaloids in tobacco, thanks to the recuperation from sepsis/surgery in my intestines, and to further complicate that problem, I also have IBS. It required WTA to get completely free of cigarettes and remain that way, without cravings. Not everyone needs WTA; some people, I guess, really are "addicted" to nicotine, though I wasn't to any great extent -- 10mg nic is the highest I've ever been able to tolerate, and getting down to 3.3mg currently has been like falling off a log... but it required 15 months of determined and systematic weaning to get free of WTA.

But this complicating dependence on the other alkaloids is why some smokers have a much harder time than others, and can't just "lay it down and leave it down;" even when they really WANT to never light up again, their bodies are demanding those other alkaloids, and until there was WTA, there was no way to get them, other than smoking.

I don't consider vaping to be cold turkey at all; however it's still very different from smoking, so most people can't just stop on a dime, even if they're vaping their faces off -- it's much easier to gradually transition, than to just QUIT, and now that there's vaping, it's entirely possible. Maybe YOU were satisfied right off the bat with just vaping instead of smoking... but you can't draw across-the-board conclusions about the process merely from your own experience -- I was able to transition in a month, both times; sounds like you were able to lay cigarettes down the minute you got a vape in your hand -- but some people require months or years or WTA to make the full transition. The whole point of this is HARM REDUCTION... not doing it just like everyone else does it, nor suffering like a whipped dog just because you want a cigarette. If someone wants a cigarette that badly, they should keep in mind, it's just delaying the inevitable, and pushing the "quit" back again... but ONE A DAY is WORLDS better than a pack a day, I don't care what you or anyone else says -- it's HARM REDUCTION.

Puritans and control freaks should take a flying fuck thru a rolling donut.

Amen! I am totally with you. Suggesting that quitting cold turkey is the only appropriate way to go seems asinine. We are all different and have different needs. I think prof lies in the responses here. Most people had to quit usually a combo and gradually decreasing smoking. "Suffering through a couple weeks"... well some people don't want to suffer and a gradual switch is less stressful for them. I completely agree that every cigarette that is replaced by vaping is a victory even if it takes you a year to completely quit smoking. I was fortunate to pick up a vape and immediately quit without ever looking back. My hubs, on the other hand struggles and has relapsed. Every time I hear him vape, I feel happy and am proud of him.


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Amen! I am totally with you. Suggesting that quitting cold turkey is the only appropriate way to go seems asinine. We are all different and have different needs. I think prof lies in the responses here. Most people had to quit usually a combo and gradually decreasing smoking. "Suffering through a couple weeks"... well some people don't want to suffer and a gradual switch is less stressful for them. I completely agree that every cigarette that is replaced by vaping is a victory even if it takes you a year to completely quit smoking. I was fortunate to pick up a vape and immediately quit without ever looking back. My hubs, on the other hand struggles and has relapsed. Every time I hear him vape, I feel happy and am proud of him.

Yep, exactly. If there was gonna be suffering involved, I simply wasn't interested -- when everyone kept asking me that asinine "When are you gonna quit?" my answer was "Never" or "when they turn off the incinerator after I'm dead and cremated." No interest in suffering in order to quit, whatsofuckingEVER. Which is why, after my appendectomy and relapse to dual-use, I required WTA -- I was vaping my face off, using 10mg, the highest nic level I could tolerate, and was STILL having the most ungodly cravings -- if I hadn't been able to get those other alkaloids and the MAOIs from WTA, I'd have gone back to smoking full-time. And that's also why it took 15 months of very determined effort to finally get free of WTA -- even dropping 1 percentage point was challenging, every single time I did it, and at the end, I had to slow it way down and drop by .5 of a percentage point, or even .2 or .1 of a percentage point -- because doing it any faster than that resulted in suffering.... which I simply will not tolerate, if there's any way I can avoid it -- such as smoking.

Both times I was able to transition over about a month's time, near the end of the smoking, I tried to enjoy the hell out of every cigarette I still smoked, because I could see that they were truly on the way out -- I did not want to ever feel deprived, and thus resentful; from my 24 yrs of sobriety, I know very well that resentment is the LAST fucking way one wants to feel, it's COMPLETELY counterproductive to the whole process, and shouild be avoided at any cost. That way, when you DO finally manage to quit, you know it was your own choice, no one forced it on you, therefore there's nothing to be resentful about. It's much easier to live with your own free choice, than coercion! And I do think that all the ANTZ yammering about smoking is one of the major reasons why a lot of smokers persist with smoking, even if they actually would really like to quit -- it's a sharp stick in the ANTZ's eye! (all those anti-smoking commercials just made me wanna smoke a whole pk in 15 minutes!). NO smoker wants to hear: this is what you SHOULD do... they'll probably tell you that what YOU "should do" is mind your own damn business!


ETA: your husband may be one of us who have that complicating dependency on the other alkaloids -- WTA might be very helpful for him.
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Not Sure

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I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!
i smoked for about 21 years. when i started vaping, i was still smoking/ vaping for about a year. then i was able to make vaping more of a hobby, thus quitting cigs. i was able to do it by making vaping a hobby. constantly rebuilding and experimenting and impulse buying lol. i feel so much better than i did when i was a smoker. i cant even try to put it into words. i lost alot of weight, i can exercise and do fast paced work etc without getting winded. i can taste my food and i can certainly smell a smoker a mile away!!! i dont miss that burnt feather smell whatsoever. i hope the best for you. maybe try my method of making vape a hobby instead of just an alternative. it worked for me. good luck to you


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Yep, exactly. If there was gonna be suffering involved, I simply wasn't interested -- when everyone kept asking me that asinine "When are you gonna quit?" my answer was "Never" or "when they turn off the incinerator after I'm dead and cremated." No interest in suffering in order to quit, whatsofuckingEVER. Which is why, after my appendectomy and relapse to dual-use, I required WTA -- I was vaping my face off, using 10mg, the highest nic level I could tolerate, and was STILL having the most ungodly cravings -- if I hadn't been able to get those other alkaloids and the MAOIs from WTA, I'd have gone back to smoking full-time. And that's also why it took 15 months of very determined effort to finally get free of WTA -- even dropping 1 percentage point was challenging, every single time I did it, and at the end, I had to slow it way down and drop by .5 of a percentage point, or even .2 or .1 of a percentage point -- because doing it any faster than that resulted in suffering.... which I simply will not tolerate, if there's any way I can avoid it -- such as smoking.

Both times I was able to transition over about a month's time, near the end of the smoking, I tried to enjoy the hell out of every cigarette I still smoked, because I could see that they were truly on the way out -- I did not want to ever feel deprived, and thus resentful; from my 24 yrs of sobriety, I know very well that resentment is the LAST fucking way one wants to feel, it's COMPLETELY counterproductive to the whole process, and shouild be avoided at any cost. That way, when you DO finally manage to quit, you know it was your own choice, no one forced it on you, therefore there's nothing to be resentful about. It's much easier to live with your own free choice, than coercion! And I do think that all the ANTZ yammering about smoking is one of the major reasons why a lot of smokers persist with smoking, even if they actually would really like to quit -- it's a sharp stick in the ANTZ's eye! (all those anti-smoking commercials just made me wanna smoke a whole pk in 15 minutes!). NO smoker wants to hear: this is what you SHOULD do... they'll probably tell you that what YOU "should do" is mind your own damn business!


ETA: your husband may be one of us who have that complicating dependency on the other alkaloids -- WTA might be very helpful for him.
I'll look into that. I kind of leave him alone and make sure his vape is charged and full. He says he wants to quit, but I know nagging him will just aggravate him, so I figure making sure an alternative is always available for him is the best I can do. I'll look into the WTA though. Good tip! Thanks!


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I'll look into that. I kind of leave him alone and make sure his vape is charged and full. He says he wants to quit, but I know nagging him will just aggravate him, so I figure making sure an alternative is always available for him is the best I can do. I'll look into the WTA though. Good tip! Thanks!

I made it into a sort of game, a competition with myself; I kept a tally of every single cigarette I smoked, and tried to make each day's tally at least 1 less than the day before; I wasn't always successful, but I tried, at the very least, to not smoke MORE than the day before. That made it fun and challenging instead of dreary and stressful. I also had a Virginia flavor that was very similar to the taste of the VA Slims I'd smoked for 30+ yrs; it was such a good simulation that sometimes when I'd hit it, I'd kinda panic, "Oh no, I'm in the house -- oh but I'm ALLOWED to do THIS in the house!" and that just reinforced one of the best parts of it, for me -- not having to run outdoors every half hour!

But, I really did have to step up the game, after that relapse; I really REALLY wanted to be a non-smoker again, I'd enjoyed it so much before my appendectomy -- and 3.5 months of non-smoking meant that after 45 mins of gen'l anesthesia, I actually *forgot* to use my asthma inhaler when I came out of surgery/anesthesia -- unlike when I had a caesarian at age 27, when 10 mins of gen'l anesthesia required 3 days of breathing treatments! But I just couldn't shake those godawful cravings, despite my strong desire to lay the cigarettes down again... so I gave the WTA a shot, and it was the best choice I've made, right after vaping in the first place; the cravings completely vanished and never returned. That was worth the higher cost and the hassle of gradually reducing and withdrawing from it.



Member For 4 Years
I have a question. How can all you 30 and 40 year smokers go to vaping? I am having a really hard time. At first I did great like almost 6 months great. Then I went to my local coffee shop and smelt the tobacco from outside and that was it. I was smoking cigs again. Then I stopped cigs and went back to vaping for about a month. Now I am fighting cigs and vaping. I smoke a cig, then I vape. I am going crazy!! How did y'all do it?

Thank you in advance for any help!!

Easy peasy !
Get a propre vaping machine (go for that kangertech stuff it's awesome).
Then get a Tobacco smell liquid to start with:
  • Tiki Juice by Halo
  • The Virus by Nicoticket
  • .... a lot of them

That's it, now you will not miss the smell, and will continue vaping.

Cheers !


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As noted, some like to ween off cigarettes, some just vape and don't smoke. In my posts, I say, you don't know until you try. Try vaping and no smokes, and smoke if you really need to. The main thing is not to go back to just smoking. Eventually, you won't think about cigarettes as much. It is also important to break the HABIT as well as the addiction. In other words, vape with your coffee, on breaks, and after meals. Those are your main habitual smoking periods. Habit has nothing to do with addiction. Even after 8 months non smoking, i still think I want a cigarette after eating. I know I don't need it, but there is still that little thought about a cigarette. I just vape and it passes in seconds.


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I thought that the smoke after eating would be the hardest one -- it actually turned out to be the easiest, since the TH is better after eating. The hardest one for me was actually when I got on the phone -- it was such a hard habit, get on phone, go outside to smoke -- so that after I started vaping and not smoking, for a couple months, anytime I got on the phone, I had to go outside and vape while on the phone, or it just didn't feel right. That resolved itself around the time the summer heat really hit, and I realized I didn't have to go outside and sweat my ass off, I could stay comfy right in my house, vaping away, on the phone. :)

Now the only time that I sometimes get those old "a smoke would be good" thoughts is if I'm really bored. So I just vape. It goes away. :)



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The OP hasn't posted on this for over a year, lol. I'm not bitching, I enjoy reading all your stories.

Here's mine:

My wife and I both smoked for nearly 30 years. We got married in May of 2015. We talked about quitting off and on for a few months, and decided we would try vaping. I had been rolling my own for about 4 years since cig prices got ridiculous, and she was on menthols. We figured if we could cut our $80/week habit in half, and breathe easier by vaping, we would be fools not to try.

She went to a local B/M and came home with a purple Kanger Nano, some vanilla bean ice cream juice, banana nutbread juice, and something else I can't remember. The plan was that she wanted to go cold turkey, and I would smoke her last 2 packs while taking puffs on her Nano to ease myself into it. I liked the vape flavors, but wasn't too keen on the draw of the Nano. I'm a natural DL hitter, though I didn't know there was a difference at the time. After a week of smoking/vaping, I got my annual October cold bug. I always got it in spring and fall with the weather change. The cigs always killed me during those colds. Tasted shitty or no taste at all, harsh as hell on my raw throat, coughing up black shit every morning, etc. So I said, "If we have the money, let's go ahead and get me one. I'm sick of being sick".

So off we go to the B/M. I talk with the lady a bit, tell her I like the Nano okay, but I think it's kinda weak on the draw. She asked the usual question: How long have you smoked? Regular, light, ultralight? Yadda-yadda... Don't know why she bothered asking questions, since she didn't seem to hear my answers. Anyways, I tried about 50 flavors, and picked out a couple of the very few that I could even taste with my cold. She tried to give me 6mg(like my wife had), and I had to convince her I wanted 12. I probably needed at least 18, but I didn't really know because all their samples were 0 nic just for flavor. So I get me a sleek black Nano for $80, Efest battery(only brand they had and swore they were the best) for $15, and a couple of 30ml bottles of juice for around $20 each. Realizing now that I coulda got better gear for half the price still raises my BP about 20 points, lol. After I finished those last 2 packs of analogs, which I made last for a whole 2 weeks, neither of us has had a smoke. I have taken 2 drags from a Marlboro red, just to see, and it took hours to vape the nasty off my tongue.

I had horrible cig cravings for nearly the whole first year, and didn't know why. I thought it was normal, and I guess for some folks it may well be. My wife and I had agreed that we would stick to the Nanos for at least a year. No blowing $$$ on fancy tanks or flashy mods, although I did talk her into letting me get a Kanger Mini tank so I could have 2 flavors at hand to stave off boredom. I need variety. She doesn't. Well, I finally decided I had to do something, ANYTHING, about the cravings. I wanted something that hit like a vape I had sampled flavors on at this one particular shop we had stopped in once. We went there and I told the clerk my problem. He said they no longer carried that mod or tank anymore(of course). But he did suggest the SMOK Baby Beast tank. He at least seemed to understand what I was lacking, even though he was never a smoker. I wasn't about to pay $35 for a tank that I knew nothing about, and couldn't sample, so I found one online for 20. Cheap enough, I figured.

That did it!! I could finally DL to my heart's content. Oh JOY!! :bliss:

I immediately dropped from 12nic to 6, and after 2 months I'm down to 3 and 4.

Now after the 1 year buying restrictions are lifted, we both have SMOK Aliens, and I just got my first RDA. She got my Mini tank, since she prefers a tighter draw, and it looks sexy as hell on her silver Alien. As an added bonus, she doesn't need to charge her battery 3 times a day anymore. And I haven't had my bi-annual raging sinus infection this year! Woohoo!!

We gave away our Nanos to a couple of family members to help them quit the stinkies. And thanks to VU, we now have real batteries. Although, it turns out the Efests we had were actually the ones that Mooch gave a good rating. Still going strong, too, so I don't feel so bad about over-paying for them anymore.

This is a great forum, with some great members, vendors, staff, and information. I wish I had found it before we started our vaping journey, but such is life. We all get where we're going, in the end. At least now we don't stink when we get there! ;)

Thanks, vaping. And thanks, VU!:inlove:
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