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This place is the abyss.
The shit abyss - mr lahey from trailer park boys

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No....that is not all you can do , I made some suggestions, here are a few more
watch Neflex, mow the yard, find some friends , run for office, make a pizza:pizza:

but damned dude, the horse died a LONG time ago:deadhorse:

OK, I had some pizza. One slice. What I don't quite understand, is why starting a thread about civility, in which I am civil, is somehow antagonistic?

Such perception being enough to cause two people, who are mods, to chastise me. Or if not chastise, assign fasle motives (freebird), and passive aggressive behavior (whisky and others) to a thread about civility.....


I still like you freebird and whiskey, but jeepers I am surprised!!!

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its not worth continuing the cyclic, mindless argument.

enjoy playing in the basement.
and trying to antagonize me isn't going to work, homie.



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its not worth continuing the cyclic, mindless argument.

enjoy playing in the basement.
and trying to antagonize me isn't going to work, homie.


I wasn't trying to antagonize you.... I just posted what I observed.

I REALLY did want a civil discussion about civility.


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I wasn't trying to antagonize you.... I just posted what I observed.

I REALLY did want a civil discussion about civility.
Does that mean of the 3 or so threads that are currently active in this sub-forum, that people, including you, have been going at each other's throats. that this is the only one you'll be posting in now? To keep it civil, I mean. With that said, why post a thread titled "Civility" IN the Mud Pit?

Surf Monkey

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
OK, I had some pizza. One slice. What I don't quite understand, is why starting a thread about civility, in which I am civil, is somehow antagonistic?

Such perception being enough to cause two people, who are mods, to chastise me. Or if not chastise, assign fasle motives (freebird), and passive aggressive behavior (whisky and others) to a thread about civility.....


I still like you freebird and whiskey, but jeepers I am surprised!!!

Self awareness would help you grasp it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
OK, I had some pizza. One slice. What I don't quite understand, is why starting a thread about civility, in which I am civil, is somehow antagonistic?

Such perception being enough to cause two people, who are mods, to chastise me. Or if not chastise, assign fasle motives (freebird), and passive aggressive behavior (whisky and others) to a thread about civility.....


I still like you freebird and whiskey, but jeepers I am surprised!!!

I still like you too'


Platinum Contributor
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No shit! WTF This forum use to be fun. Now its just a shit fest with trolls slinging shit everywhere. I basically had enough of this shit and plan to move the fuck out. I can't change assholes/trolls or whatnot. I can change what I choose to be associated with. I choose not to participate in a forum with a bunch of fucking whiners and I have the biggest penis syndrome. So whiners go fuck off, fuck yourself and have fun![/QUOTE]
im kinda with you on this, between all the arguments for the past 6 months or more, combined with most of the posts are either fanboy/fangirl of the same stuff over and over again. Granted some of it is for great products, but its hard to find out about stuff any more that isnt supported by the fanboys/girls of the forum.
Members used to be more helpful, now with so many members trying to make a buck, which i think is great, you dont always get the simple help you need. fortunately for me I know enough to figure shit out myself now, but i feel bad for those not as experienced as me.

I kinda gave up on posting much after all anyone was talking about in subtanks was the crown. granted i own one, think its great but it aint the end all be all.
on fact its nothing more then a maganus with ss coils imho and the maganus was out for about a year before it.
I own a crius and LOVE IT except that side fill is annoying most days, but most on here who post about it hate it, so I dont even bother talking about it.

The forum has gone downhill imho with all the fighting and fanboyism, but i have hope and check in once a day or 2 when im looking for a good deal on something i need


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Does that mean of the 3 or so threads that are currently active in this sub-forum, that people, including you, have been going at each other's throats. that this is the only one you'll be posting in now? To keep it civil, I mean. With that said, why post a thread titled "Civility" IN the Mud Pit?

Because the Mud Pit is where most of the uncivil behavior is occurring.

Now it's just plain entertaining watching people be uncivil in the civility thread!



Bronze Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
No shit! WTF This forum use to be fun. Now its just a shit fest with trolls slinging shit everywhere. I basically had enough of this shit and plan to move the fuck out. I can't change assholes/trolls or whatnot. I can change what I choose to be associated with. I choose not to participate in a forum with a bunch of fucking whiners and I have the biggest penis syndrome. So whiners go fuck off, fuck yourself and have fun!
im kinda with you on this, between all the arguments for the past 6 months or more, combined with most of the posts are either fanboy/fangirl of the same stuff over and over again. Granted some of it is for great products, but its hard to find out about stuff any more that isnt supported by the fanboys/girls of the forum.
Members used to be more helpful, now with so many members trying to make a buck, which i think is great, you dont always get the simple help you need. fortunately for me I know enough to figure shit out myself now, but i feel bad for those not as experienced as me.

I kinda gave up on posting much after all anyone was talking about in subtanks was the crown. granted i own one, think its great but it aint the end all be all.
on fact its nothing more then a maganus with ss coils imho and the maganus was out for about a year before it.
I own a crius and LOVE IT except that side fill is annoying most days, but most on here who post about it hate it, so I dont even bother talking about it.

The forum has gone downhill imho with all the fighting and fanboyism, but i have hope and check in once a day or 2 when im looking for a good deal on something i need[/QUOTE]

People don't tend to care about what I vape. See, I'm a tootle-puffer. Fifteen watts on a 1.0 ohm using a Cubis with a mini-volt vaping Ahlusion Contrary Cherry 50/50 18 mg/ml elicits yawns....

But, that's OK with me! I like my current vape....



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so you do enjoy stirring the pot?

Um, no. I have been really nice in this thread, and have toned down in the others. I can't help it if others can't seem to rein in their behavior.

Why, pray tell, would that mean I need help?



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The thoughts of late 1800 early 1900 writer G.K. Chesterson:

“Every man has forgotten who he is. One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God; but thou shalt not know thyself.
We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten what we really are. All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality and positivism only means that for certain dead levels of our life we forget that we have forgotten. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful moment we remember that we forget.”

You can ignore the religious aspect if you want, the overall statement still rings true.

We aren't always the same person folks. There is a reason Mr. Chesterton separates the use of the words "ego" and "self."

When I do create a bad situation, when I hurt someones feelings, or have a mild fit of road rage, etc..... in my overall mind I believe that that is not the person that I am. I understand in that moment AND after that it is wrong and I shouldn't do it. However, the ego takes control of my self. Or is it the other way around? Is my ego correcting for my self's faults at all other times? Is my ego the self I strive to be but am not? Who knows, certainly not me.

I consider myself a "civil" person, but also know that I am a complete fucktard at times. Which one is truly me?

Now here's an internet age thought on I a deep thinking, emotionally stable, and overall happy person in real life as I appear to be on the internet? Flip side, am I a pain in the ass, chastising, bear poking, oxygen thieving, dick head in real life as I appear to be on the internet? Or is this just merely my internet "Ego?" or my true "Self?" I have anonymity here, I can be whatever I want. When anonymity is added to the mix, the equation gets super confusing.

Think about this. If someone was trying to get on the escalator and stepped in front of you in order to do so, would you flip them the bird and shout how much of a bitch they are? Probably not, because you probably knew their intentions and compensated by making space. Also you probably don't want to cause a big scene and embarrassment for yourself. Now change this to a car merging into traffic that has it's turn signal on indicating that they want to be in the lane you are occupying. You don't like that, they should be behind you! You leave JUUUUST enough space to let them in, but only so that when they do you can zoom up on their ass and have a nice adrenaline filled asshole fit. Honk your horn and yell and scream. Maybe traffic is backed up, there wouldn't be any issue letting them get in ahead of you, but you make sure to leave NO space for them to get in just because. They have their turn signal on, you know their intentions, but fuck them! Who cares, what are the chances that they can hear you or know who you are?

TL/DR: Being civil doesn't make you civil, being an asshat doesn't make you and asshat. Especially when anonymous.


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Because the Mud Pit is where most of the uncivil behavior is occurring.
Now it's just plain entertaining watching people be uncivil in the civility thread!
THIS makes no sense.
For being civil? Or, for enjoying watching others not being so?
THIS is not civil.

Instead of trying to deflect my question, you only proved my point. To truly WANT to be civil, this could've been started in another sub-forum, with a larger audience, where people that don't normally visit the Mud Pit might choose to weigh in. People choose to not come to the Mud Pit because they know if holds nothing but arguments - including this thread.

For those of you still reading this and tired of the arguing, though I am with you on that, just don't come to the Mud Pit. You'll only stay upset. I'm also hoping for the "ignore thread" feature because I don't want to see some of you go. But there's also the option of just not clicking. If you chose the latter, you won't see this post anyway.


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THIS makes no sense.

THIS is not civil.

Instead of trying to deflect my question, you only proved my point. To truly WANT to be civil, this could've been started in another sub-forum, with a larger audience, where people that don't normally visit the Mud Pit might choose to weigh in. People choose to not come to the Mud Pit because they know if holds nothing but arguments - including this thread.

For those of you still reading this and tired of the arguing, though I am with you on that, just don't come to the Mud Pit. You'll only stay upset. I'm also hoping for the "ignore thread" feature because I don't want to see some of you go. But there's also the option of just not clicking. If you chose the latter, you won't see this post anyway.

I intended no deflection. I wanted the less civil among us (including me at some points) to be able to openly talk about civility in all aspects of life. I presumed that some would not be able to do so, and was very surprised that mods would be some of the uncivil people, and actually stir the pot themselves!

I don't agree that it is uncivil to BE civil, yet enjoy watching others incapable of being civil. It's like looking at pictures of the people of Walmart. I didn't make them people of Walmart dress that way, much like I didn't make people post uncivilized comments.

Yes, I started a debate thread, and goaded someone pretty universally hated from ECF to get involved. I was pretty uncivil in that thread, as was he. Toward the end, I cut the insults out.

In the other thread, one only has to read the OP to see some pretty nasty criticism of an ECF poster. In addition, when said poster started posting, it was full of bile, vitriol, and insults. So said poster was not innocent either.

And posting pics of stirring the pot, and shit spoons was supposed to be civil and calming? It seemed more like pot stirring to me.

That's how I see it.

Being as civil as I possibly can....


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Tell me you wouldn't have argued the same if one of the peeps from ECF had started a Civility thread in this section. For that matter, most of us came from there.

I just find it ironic that someone that truly wants to discuss civility "in all aspects of life" would start a thread, as such, IN THE MUD PIT.

Carry on.

Surf Monkey

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Member For 4 Years
I intended no deflection. I wanted the less civil among us (including me at some points) to be able to openly talk about civility in all aspects of life. I presumed that some would not be able to do so, and was very surprised that mods would be some of the uncivil people, and actually stir the pot themselves!

I don't agree that it is uncivil to BE civil, yet enjoy watching others incapable of being civil. It's like looking at pictures of the people of Walmart. I didn't make them people of Walmart dress that way, much like I didn't make people post uncivilized comments.

Yes, I started a debate thread, and goaded someone pretty universally hated from ECF to get involved. I was pretty uncivil in that thread, as was he. Toward the end, I cut the insults out.

In the other thread, one only has to read the OP to see some pretty nasty criticism of an ECF poster. In addition, when said poster started posting, it was full of bile, vitriol, and insults. So said poster was not innocent either.

And posting pics of stirring the pot, and shit spoons was supposed to be civil and calming? It seemed more like pot stirring to me.

That's how I see it.

Being as civil as I possibly can....

... after having the thread where you were exceptionally uncivil to me for months closed. Because you and several others refused to be civil.

Thus the irony of this thread.


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Lots of people have posted lots of stuff about you. Both before and after you started posting.

I'm being civil to you in this thread, and have stopped being uncivil to you in the others.

Have GREAT DAY!!!!


Surf Monkey

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Member For 4 Years
Lots of people have posted lots of stuff about you. Both before and after you started posting.

I'm being civil to you in this thread, and have stopped being uncivil to you in the others.

Have GREAT DAY!!!!


Are you?

And pcr? You never stopped being a prick to me (and others) in those threads so your suggestion that you "restarted" is false.


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That wasn't a civil response, but I still hope you have a nice day Mr. Monkey.

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