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Complete Beginner - Vapes hit too hard...


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I've gotten advice here before, about a month and a half ago, when I got my first rig (itaste SVD 2.0 with the iclear 30s) and was given quite a lot of help, so I decided to come back.

After getting the advice I got here, I sought a bit more from people here, in Prague, and settled on the eGo ONE Mega with the Atlantis 2 (using the .5 ohm coil). The people here keep asking me what cigarettes I smoke, apparently trying to help me get the same 'throat hit'. Unfortunately, this is becoming a rather costly problem.

While in the U.S., I smoke Camel filters or Pall Mall reds (in the brown box) and while in Prague, I smoke the Philip Morris reds. I certainly do feel them when I smoke, but it's nothing that I would consider to be a "hit". Inhaling tobacco smoke is (from my point of view, anyway) a very different thing from inhaling vapor, and the sensation is completely different. When I smoke a cigarette, I feel the warmth of the smoke and, on occasion, the slight 'burn' (as if I've just drank a particularly mellow whiskey), but nothing more. When I inhale the vapor from either of my mods, it's like I just inhaled hot sand.

I'm seeking a solution that will help me to stop smoking, as I'm completely unable to do so on my own, but I'm also looking to make sure I don't end up wasting too much money on mods.

At the moment, I have 1 bottle of Dekang USA mix, 16mg, 80%PG/20%VG. I also have a mix of my own that's 12mg, 90%VG/10%PG, using FlavourArt's Cowboy blend at a 1% mix.

At this point, I'm willing to try pretty much anything, but I've chosen these two setups, primarily, because the cylinder feels better in my hand than the boxes do.

Any and all help is appreciated...


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A couple of things, you're sub ohming 16mg at 80% PG. That's a hell of a throat hit. Even the 12mg at 90% VG may be a bit rough.

Why don't you give the 1.5 ohm coil a try, at a lower wattage (6 maybe?), you can dial it up as needed. You'll get a cooler vape from the higher ohm, and the high Nic won't be an issue. Most recommend 3-6mg when sub ohming, although many of us have used higher.


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Another example of people suggesting a sub ohm tank to a smoker and the smoker not liking it. Surprise, surprise. I knew by the thread title you were using a sub ohm tank. You should get an aspire nautilus or nautilus mini. Sub ohm tanks are for direct lung hitting vapers, not mouth to lung hitting smokers.


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Another example of people suggesting a sub ohm tank to a smoker and the smoker not liking it. Surprise, surprise. I knew by the thread title you were using a sub ohm tank. You should get an aspire nautilus or nautilus mini. Sub ohm tanks are for direct lung hitting vapers, not mouth to lung hitting smokers.

Thanks, BoomStick!

I'm currently working on getting everything together. I'm rethinking my juices, as suggested by PuffPuffPass, but with your comment, I'm also looking into the Nautilus. My first question is: I'm looking at a few different places to get them, here in Prague, but some of these shops appear to be offering a choice between BVC and BDC. From what (very little) I've read, I'm probably going to want the vertical, just because they'll last longer... Do you have any suggestion on this, before I spend the money?

Another question: Is there really such a difference between the we smokers hit, vs vapers?

Thanks, again!


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I would try the verticals. They seem to be preferred.

Most smokers draw the smoke into their mouth and then quit pulling on the cigarette and inhale the smoke from their mouth to their lungs. That's a mouth to lung hit. Vapers either do that or they use a device with a lot of air flow and inhale the vapor straight to their lungs. That's a direct lung hit. Sub ohm tanks are designed for direct lung hitting which means a lot of air flow. When you reduce the airflow to super low mouth to lung levels you frequently get shit performance from a sub ohm tank. The Nautilus was designed for mouth to lung use and if that's how you vape that's the replaceable coil head tank I would recommend. Good luck.


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I've gotten advice here before, about a month and a half ago, when I got my first rig (itaste SVD 2.0 with the iclear 30s) and was given quite a lot of help, so I decided to come back.

After getting the advice I got here, I sought a bit more from people here, in Prague, and settled on the eGo ONE Mega with the Atlantis 2 (using the .5 ohm coil). The people here keep asking me what cigarettes I smoke, apparently trying to help me get the same 'throat hit'. Unfortunately, this is becoming a rather costly problem.

While in the U.S., I smoke Camel filters or Pall Mall reds (in the brown box) and while in Prague, I smoke the Philip Morris reds. I certainly do feel them when I smoke, but it's nothing that I would consider to be a "hit". Inhaling tobacco smoke is (from my point of view, anyway) a very different thing from inhaling vapor, and the sensation is completely different. When I smoke a cigarette, I feel the warmth of the smoke and, on occasion, the slight 'burn' (as if I've just drank a particularly mellow whiskey), but nothing more. When I inhale the vapor from either of my mods, it's like I just inhaled hot sand.

I'm seeking a solution that will help me to stop smoking, as I'm completely unable to do so on my own, but I'm also looking to make sure I don't end up wasting too much money on mods.

At the moment, I have 1 bottle of Dekang USA mix, 16mg, 80%PG/20%VG. I also have a mix of my own that's 12mg, 90%VG/10%PG, using FlavourArt's Cowboy blend at a 1% mix.

At this point, I'm willing to try pretty much anything, but I've chosen these two setups, primarily, because the cylinder feels better in my hand than the boxes do.

Any and all help is appreciated...

There are now more mods not shaped like boxes. The Aspire CF Maxx 50w mod is like a big cigar though heavier. The Wismec Reuleaux rx 200 is molded to fit the hand and has a soft cover, very nice device to handle.

I dont do mouth to lung but I like a tighter draw. I put a small plastic drip tip on my Kanger Sub Mini, and use any of the 0.5 vertical coils with it. I prefer the Herakles to the Crown because Crown is too airy for me. Thats just me. Sub ohm tanks dont react well to closing off bottom airflow.

Much harder to replace the head and whole body hit of analogs, as opposed to just the throat hit. Some of that is due to other chemicals in tobacco. Some ppl say NET juice, naturally extracted tobacco, helps. Often it is 50 50 pg vg.

Hearing that RDA aka drippers are also better for replacing cigs, I looked at rebuildable tanks that also offer prebuilt coils. These include Aromamizer, Goliath, Mutank.

I got the Aromamizer. Needs a unicorn bottle to fill the tank. This is sub ohm but fairly restrictive airflow, and it gets me more out of the nic, and quickly. I can actually feel a head hit when I vape it,

If you can, these are much cheaper online. Vapecrawler is a good search tool. Ebay as well, but I avoid all but the highest rated sellers. I also avoid ordering from China.... Can be much slower delivery to save just a little based on my location on US east coast.

Happy 2016,


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I can't sub ohm over 3MG. It's harsh and makes me nauseous.


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ok here ya go, here is my 2 cents: buy an Aspire Nautilus or Nautilus mini. Be sure to buy extra coils, I replace mine about once a week (I am a heavy vaper), or whenever I start coughing when I take a draw. I have a Halo Triton that is simply a vape pen, but a damn good one at that. Halo ( also makes the tastiest tobacco juices out there, in my opinion. They are not cheap, but they are the best. Provari makes a great stick style vape that is awesome as well. Good luck with your journey!
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Yeah, I got a sub box mini kit when I started out and hated the .5 ohm coil. It was ok with the 1.5 and lowest air flow setting but still wasn't completely happy with it. Then I got a nautilus mini and really like it, 1.8 bvc's, hits great for me. The sub tank is now collecting dust.

Brushy Bill

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I have COPD and started with a VTC Mini. I couldn't handle it.
I went to another shop to find some different juice. The owner
kind of freaked out that I had a sub ohm with my breathing difficulties.
I was hacking and coughing just using some of the small units they used
for taste testing.

She got out one her personal mods with a Nautilus tank and had me try it.
Once it was lowered to 9 watts, I was able to hit it without much discomfort.
I left with a nautilus tank on the VTC mini.
A week later, I bought an Ileaf istick 20 watt mod with the nautilus mini tank.
(mainly bought it for a back up) Within two weeks, my breathing had really improved.
Three weeks in, I tired the Tron tank that came on the VTC using the sub ohm
Ti coil with the vtc set up in temperature mode.

I was amazed how smooth it was. Over the course of time using the nautilus tank,
I adopted more of a lung hit instead of the mouth to lung. Using the same 6mg juice
(80%vg/20%pg) as I was using in the nautilus mini, the first three hits on the sub ohm tank left me dizzy.
It really brought out the nicotine.
Had I tried this when I first started, I would have been coughing so bad, it would have
taken me 30 to 45 minutes to recover.

I am not vaping to get off nicotine, I am vaping to get off tobacco. To me, the process of
vaping is very different from smoking. The lady who owned the shop I was going to
noticed I was holding the vapor in as I hit it on my first visit to her shop.

She encouraged me to use a lung hit instead, inhale directly to the lung, then just exhale.
She also recommend that I not completely close my lips on the drip tip, to allow air to enter along
with the vapor.

Allowing that extra air in kind of leaned out the vapor, it was a lot easier on my throat, and lungs.
Doing this is the only way I could have continued vaping with my lungs damaged from smoking.
I have smoked for 41 years, I will probably vape until I die.
I was amazed how much my breathing improved after just a week.

Didn't set out here to write an essay, hope something in this rambling will help your situation.


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First, let me say, I greatly appreciate all the help. Life has gotten in the way for the last couple of weeks, so this is the first chance I've had to get back and see the huge amount of helpful responses I've gotten.

I'm still looking for the right setup for me, but I've realized another big problem I'm having... Geography. I live in Prague, Czech Republic, and while "vape culture" has taken Prague by storm, it's still so new that most of the people I can actually talk to (I don't speak much Czech), including the sellers, don't know much, themselves. For example: I went to a shop a few weeks ago, before I got my eGo One Mega, to try to find a new clearomizer for my Itaste SVD 2.0. I told the guy, who appeared to be very knowledgeable, about my problem with it hitting so hard. He asked me what I normally smoke (as did the woman where I got the Itaste) and, based on that, they both agreed that my Itaste and Iclear should be good for me. They both had a massive amount of information to give on every product they sold, but there were certain phrases they never said (and I didn't know enough to ask, myself), like "sub ohming".

I think I'll do some research on all that you all have offered, but while I'm doing that, I'll open another thread to request help choosing what I need, given what I've learned here, and offering a link to the site I'll be shopping from.

Thanks again, everyone.

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