Good morning. Fever is low grade, on/off... but I can tell the antibiotics have kicked in. My throat isn't as sore and the congestion is beginning to break up.
So I called the electric company around 5pm last night to come check our outside connections. I figured I'd get put on a schedule for today during the daylight. Much to my surprise, at 6:30pm there was a tech knocking on my door!
He did some stuff and said he thought he knew what the problem was, definitely outside, and he would be back with a crew later. He didn't say how much later... at 11:30pm this army of Electric company trucks shows up. High beam super bright lights everywhere! They completely replaced all connections from my house out to the road, now mind you... this is a 250' drop. They left around 12:30am, so far power has not surged. But one of their trucks did slide off the driveway and left a pretty good rut in the yard. They're supposed to be sending someone back to fix that.