We now have a confirmed case in my town... At the hospital I normally go to. Prepare, yes... I did place a grocery order for some basics that would get us through a 2 week shut in. And managed to find some toilet paper in stock (Not that I'm in dire need of it), we'll see if it's still in stock by the time my order gets filled on Saturday! Even Amazon was out of TP!
Since my post this morning... our Gov has shut down ALL Ohio schools for the next 3 weeks and ALL non business or church gatherings of 100 people or more.
Right now my risk factor is Chris... he'll be home off the road tomorrow and is NOT good about washing his hands. He's not sick, but crossing fingers he doesn't bring it home with him.
For all we know Chris and I have already had it. About a month ago we both got sick... fever, cough, and tight chest. Those are the exact symptoms of COVID-19. Chris had the cough worse than me, he's just now getting over it. Mine only lasted about a week.
Chuck is a huge risk for me. He's the same way about washing his hands. I can't count how many doorways are smudged with dirt. Hell, I even have pool of elbow dirt on the center console of my car. I finally had to ask him nicely, "Honey, I know you think you have an immune system made of steel. But literally washing your hands with soap, not sanitizer, makes me feel safer in that I won't contrat the virus." I become critically ill when I catch a cold. It goes straight to my lungs and I run a very high fever and need a nebulizer to breathe. Last time it lasted 9 weeks with 2 trips to the doctor and 2 trips to the ER. Along with my other physical ailments, I'm a dartboard target. I miss having my groceries delivered.
Chuck came home today from Walgreens. Didn't wash his hands. He scored the last 3 cheap, single ply brands of tp and got the last roll of pt. He didn't bring bottled water home. He forgot. I want to get more Tylenol, Nyquil and Mucinx, too. The only things we'll need to go out for are our Rx at the Walgreens drive-thru and little things like milk at the corner drive-thru liquor mart. Hmmm. I haven't drank an adult beverage in months. I need vodka for my tanks and could use a stiff one on occasion should this explode.