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Cracking the Boba's riddle.


Member For 4 Years
IMG_1217.PNG This is my final revision.
To me it's Boba'esque, it satisfies my Boba's Bounty cravings.
FEJ Caramel Creamy = LA Natural Caramel.
FEJ Prune Tob = INW Smoke and Prunes 10%
FEJ Dark Plum = VZ-SC Dark Plum 25%
FEJ Van Sponge = BF Vanilla biscuit 10% OR
VZ-SC Gourmet Vanilla Sponge Cake 10%
FEJ Dark Honey = BF Honey (Buckwheat) 10%
FEJ TA is a 10% Tobacco Absolute mix.
5 Vegas Cigar was a NET that is not available anymore. I still have a lot though.
Will need to macerate something in the future.
This was intended to be max VG but I wanted it to work in tanks.


Member For 4 Years
This is the Rosetta Stone:

MVJ = MyVapeJuice, sadly they went out of business, they mascerated NET's.
SC = Super concentrates, DIY eJuice, vaping zone, etc.
HS = Hangsen
NF = Natures Flavors
LA = LorAnn
INW = Inawera
VZ = Vaping Zone
BF = Baker Flavors

Perhaps I can win a prize of the most inaccessible recipe ever made?
Last edited:


Member For 4 Years
Perhaps by sourcing these flavorings, I will find myself in the same position as Ben from AVE and will never be able to make the juice again if a supplier goes out of business or changes an ingredient.

My main concern is the 5 Vegas Cigar extract, I have no clue where to buy those cigars.


Member For 4 Years
Oh goodness, vaping zone? :D haven't heard that in years. I recognize a majority of them now.
As for an extract, you could reach out to Stixx on elr for a special order for net for 5 Vegas cigar.

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Re: Boba's Clone #7

I've found a store online with all the ingredients except for Lorann Almond Oil (which I've read isn't too popular anyway).

Toasted Almond Flavor by TFA / TPA

Has anyone tried this almond flavor? What did you think? And does the almond flavor really add to the recipe noticeably, or should I just skip it?

Thanks in advance!


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bless this thread and all those who pursue this divine vaping elixir.

Here's another opinion turd in that punch bowl: The aroma is that of mincemeat.

Bestest and safest Thanksgiving ever, fam!


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you, @Forzby for both of your contributions to VU and to this thread, my brother. I have a few bottles of the original on the shelf behind me which now contain a syrup bearing, among other things, the aroma of mincemeat. I think I shall dilute it and vape the remains for Thanksgiving. I once considered doing so when I hit 10 years at the now-abandoned ECF, then again on my 10th year off, off damn cigs and once more at seven years as a VU member.

But nope, this Thanksgiving is a god's plenty of time for the bottles to long expire along with my very personal hopes of duplicating even coming close to this recipe. I do, however, offer a heartfelt wish for success on your own quest as the entire community would benefit from such an accomplishment. Not everyone will like the clone but all DIYers will benefit from your detective work, technique and flavoring combinations.

Which reminds me, I quote Ben on this subject somewhere in the bowels of this thread. I don't know nothin' but he sure does.
Re: Boba's Clone #7

Has anyone found a good replacement to Lorann's Almond Oil that works in this recipe? Most reports here say it's nasty and ruins the recipe.

At 20%, seems it needs to be replaced with something.

Thanks in advance!

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