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I just wanted to post a warning to anyone looking into buying a regulated box mods from Luxyoun Products TO STAY AWAY! The products are poorly engineered, poorly produced and the company does not stand behind their product! I was extremely interested in their products as the main product developement engineer was from Segelei so I ordered a Unik 100watt mod for myself and bought a couple of the smaugs to check out the quality and sell. I purchased the products and recieved them directly from Luxyoun... I have used the Unik for a month now and here is my story with it. The overall quality of the Unik was sub par and within the first week the micro USB port came loose and quickly broke, no big deal I will just solder that back on. Every time I would change the battery I would have to put on an atomizer with a higher ohm level of .5 ohm and higher and fire it a couple of times before I would screw in the .3 ohm RDA I use daily just to get it to work properly. I did this and it worked fine for a couple of weeks until this morning. Now no matter what Ohm level the tank or RDA is at the board reads short protection and does not fire! So in less than a month the Micro USB failed in a week and the board fails within the first month! I contacted my sales representative and asked him what I should do and they told me there was nothing they could do for me. I am just glad I did not send out a check for over $2000 worth of products from Luxyoun! I am glad I learned my lesson before I bought a whole lot more of their products!



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Here is my conversation with the Sales Manager Merry Last night....
Nic Dawson: Yes I would like to speak with you about an issue I am having with a salesman of yours and your company
Nic Dawson: Let me know when you are actually online and are able to speak, thank you!
Nic Dawson: I know it is late at night on your side of the world so please just contact me when you wake up
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Hello Nic
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: How are you
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I'm sorry to reply you later
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: i'm here now !
Nic Dawson: I have had better days
Nic Dawson: My issue is with one of your sales force and one of your products I have purchased from you
Nic Dawson: I purchased a Smaug 150watt, Unik 100watt, Carbon SPinner Kit and Aspire Nautilis mini from you about a month ago.
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Yes
Nic Dawson: I was about to make another quite large order, however I have one issue
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Yeah
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Please tell me !
Nic Dawson: the Unik 100watt that I purchased from you has failed
Nic Dawson: the micro usb port came loose and broke in the first week
Nic Dawson: there has always been issue's with coils lower than .5 ohm
Nic Dawson: I would have to swap RDA with a coil over .5 everytime I swapped the battery to get it to work
Nic Dawson: until this past Monday when it stopped working completely
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Dear , Would you please take a vedio to me show what's your problem ?
Nic Dawson: Yes I will do so now
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Thanks a lot !
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: if it's our problem we will replace it to you with your next order together !
Nic Dawson: I wont be placing a large order until this is resolved
Nic Dawson: and the reason for this is how I was treated by one of your sales associates
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Dear , Before you contact with whom ?
Nic Dawson: Michael
Nic Dawson: I can send the e-mails and I would like for you to review them
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok
Nic Dawson: but the things that were said to me by this associate is unacceptable
Nic Dawson: He had the audacity to make fun of a sickness that I currently have and told him about in confidence when he asked about.
Nic Dawson: He told me there would be nothing luxyoun would do for me
Nic Dawson: He asked if the issue that I had with my liver made me Phsyco
Nic Dawson: This and many other things said were beyond unprofessional and are completely unacceptable
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I'm so sorry dear
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I will check with him about it !
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Then reply you later
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: OK ?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Because he is on the holiday today
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I can't got any news from him
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I'm the sales manager
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: When I check it well , i will reply you as soon as possible !
Nic Dawson: I am sending you the video now
Nic Dawson: would you like for me to send it via Skype?
Nic Dawson: I just made the video for you
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok
Nic Dawson: one sec I will send it via skype VIDEO WAS SENT
Nic Dawson: Ok there you go
Nic Dawson: That will show you what is wrong with the Unik 100watt
Nic Dawson: I would also like to send some of the e-mail that I have received from Michael
Nic Dawson: what was said is absolutely unprofessional and just unacceptable behavior
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I'm so sorry dear !
Nic Dawson: honestly if I would have acted that way on the job here in the states I would have been fired in a minute for saying something like that
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I see it now !
Nic Dawson: the video?
[Nic Dawson: So you saw the video of the Unik?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Dear , We can replace it to you
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Yes
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: But only can with your next order together !
Nic Dawson: I am not going to order 2k worth of stuff from you until this is resolved
Nic Dawson: again especially after the way I was spoken to by your sales associate
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: You need how to revolve it ?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Dear , Hope you can understand it our situation ! Every product are can't do 100% perfect
Nic Dawson: I do understand that
[ Nic Dawson: I do understand how manufacturing works
Nic Dawson: I am not upset about that


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Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: We can do warranty to you , But it's too way from our country to your country !
Nic Dawson: that I assure you
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Thanks !
Nic Dawson: I have no problem paying to have it sent back to you
Nic Dawson: if we each pay shipping one way it is fair that way no?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I see
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: But it's unvaluable !
Nic Dawson: ok then how about this
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Do you buy it for yourself ?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I think if you are a business man , You will have order in china
Nic Dawson: yes I bought it for myself
Nic Dawson: and sold the rest
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok , I see
Nic Dawson: I have been vaping for a year and that is why I opening my own online store and am opening a shop right now
Nic Dawson: If the unik is not available may I pay the extra money for the Unik V2?
Nic Dawson: I was personally following you products and was excited about them
Nic Dawson: I want to have them in my store
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I see
Nic Dawson: I have put video's online promoting your products in fact
Nic Dawson: on youtube with well over 1000 views
Nic Dawson: I just want something that works
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Dear, It's your atomizer problem
Nic Dawson: no it is not
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: if you don't put the atomizer , The mod will not show short protect ?
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Please try do change the copper pins
Nic Dawson: did you even watch the video
Nic Dawson: I have done that
Nic Dawson: I used 3 different atomizers
Nic Dawson: .7 ohm RDA, 1,8 Ohm Nautilis tank
Nic Dawson: then the .4 ohm Mutation X V2 that I actually used on the caravela mod before hand to show it was not the atomizer
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Yes
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: I see it's the pins problem
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: The mod pins have problem
Nic Dawson: Again I have changed the copper pin and it still gives me the same error.
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: You can take to a professional store repair it
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: It's very easy to repair
Nic Dawson: I will replace it in a video and show you it will still not work
Nic Dawson: No I am not going to do that
Nic Dawson: this is less than a month old
Nic Dawson: I just bought it from you
Nic Dawson: it is not a copper pin problem
Nic Dawson: it is a problem with the board
Nic Dawson: I have studied electrical engineering
Nic Dawson: so you are not fooling this one
Nic Dawson: do you want me to make a video of me swapping the copper pin?
Nic Dawson: I will send you a video showing me swapping the copper pins
Nic Dawson: it does not matter
Nic Dawson: this is an issue with the board, and to be honest you will probably be seeing more of this in the near future just by what I am reading what people are saying who own other Luxyoun box mods
Nic Dawson: the smaug also has issue's below .5 and I have heard of people trying 6-7different RDA's
Nic Dawson: that doesn't sound like an atomizer issue to me....
Nic Dawson: all I want is something that works
Nic Dawson: I already spent $160 US with your company
Nic Dawson: I am not going to just swallow a $47 loss on this Unik... I am being more than fair about this
Nic Dawson: I have had the product a month...
Nic Dawson: put yourself in my shoes... what would you do if you spent that much money on something it works for 3 weeks then fails?
Nic Dawson: how would you feel?
Nic Dawson: No Response even an hour later?
Nic Dawson: Listen I will just send you back the Unik and you will see for yourself that it has failed
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: Ok , You can send back it
Merry (electronic cigarette) Merrysun: We will repair it for you !
Nic Dawson: I have never in my life dealt with anything like this it is insane
Nic Dawson: I just want something that works
Nic Dawson: I would have bought an Unik V2 if I knew about it... they released it a week after I bought my Unik
Nic Dawson: if I would have known I would have bought it
Nic Dawson: that is why I would prefer it but at this point I want something that works
Nic Dawson: that is the only reason I asked for the Unik V2
Nic Dawson: I am not trying to make money on this... I just want to have something that works for my personal use
Nic Dawson: know what I mean
Nic Dawson: I have no problem paying more money
Nic Dawson: Where do I send my Unik to? I will mail it off tomorrow
Nic Dawson: are you still there Merry?
Nic Dawson: ???
Nic Dawson: it is almost midnight here so I need to go to bed soon
Nic Dawson: Since your no longer responding to me and it is Midnight here I will just take a wild guess and send it back to the address on the package I received or from your website or something... I am sure I will figure it out.


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I know it is a bit long but that is the whole conversation I had with the sales manager and that is what it took to get anything done... I still haven't been given a solid address or any special instructions but I have the box and what not that they sent me I am sure I can send it to the return address...


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I would not send it back unless they give you their address. Otherwise who knows where it will end up.

I doubt they do anything for you Nic.


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Yeah but as Freemind said I doubt they will do anything for me... If you see on the comments for the video I made there is a guy named Paul Dewing who said he bought 5 of them and one failed in the first 2 days had it. He said he contacted them and they responded up until about a week ago and they stopped responding. He is trying to send his unit to Phil Busardo to get more attention on the matter... I might be doing the same thing! We will see... depends on what Luxyoun does!


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Yeah, you were right my friend it lasted less than a month and it seems I am not the only one with the problem... There are others who seem to be happy with their smaugs... I have heard some people having the same problem with coils under .5 ohm and I know my Unik sure as hell did! If I spend anymore money on a box I am probably going to get a IPV Mini 2 and a HexOhm V2... That should take care of all my needs while I work on a 200watt raptor build based mod box...

I am not going to waste my time peddling crap and just make my own....


Robert B

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I am not going to waste my time peddling crap and just make my own....
Good plan. Make them good, make them affordable and it should be a fun process. I know when I was in business, a huge part of the fun was having a pleasant relationship with my customers.

I have no idea why the Chinese have this "hit and run" attitude. Most of them have no interest in being honest. They know, once they get your money, there is nothing you can do about it, legally or otherwise. The fake chinese battery companies are cropping up like weeds. Check out ebay sometime with all the sellers selling "authentic" vtc-5 batteries when Sony has not produced them in over a year.


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I honestly dislike the 200 watt raptor style chips because they only go up to 5 volts.
The 120 watt raptor chip will go 20 amps 6 volts which is plenty in a 1590b hammond box.
I have 2 and I love them.


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I honestly dislike the 200 watt raptor style chips because they only go up to 5 volts.
The 120 watt raptor chip will go 20 amps 6 volts which is plenty in a 1590b hammond box.
I have 2 and I love them.
Been looking at those.
someone has the 120s wired up for a pretty reasonable price point... you do the rest.


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I honestly dislike the 200 watt raptor style chips because they only go up to 5 volts.
The 120 watt raptor chip will go 20 amps 6 volts which is plenty in a 1590b hammond box.
I have 2 and I love them.
I just read more into the GE raptor chip... I did not notice is only goes up to 5v and takes 9v minimum to achieve that? So you would have to run extremely low ohm builds to achieve the 200watt if at all... hmmm well that really nips that chip in the bud for use... =( The OTL2-T/20 was another chip I was looking into but I would really like to make something with higher wattage output... I have seen someone pushing 120watt out of the OTL2-T/20... however I think the output is only 5.5v on the OTL2-T/20. I just received a iPV mini 2 and am really impressed with the YiHi SX330 so far and it hits plenty hard at 70watts so the SX350 maybe the chip to go with and the 100watt version by itself is $75 which isn't too shabby... With an output up to 9.5volts it would be able to accommodate high Ohm builds at 100watts. HMMMM... Maybe I could start with 100watts and go up in wattage as better chips made specifically for vaping like the YiHi chips...
HEADS UP! Week 3 into 4 and we're down and out!

Tested multiple RDA's and i'm experiencing the EXACT same issues.
(D.Horse x 2 / LittleBoy/Patriot and my Doge v3_) all are jumping.

I was unable to fire anything lower the .4 for a long time, after a week we got down to .33 then came the real fun.

My standard .43 or .5 build reads @ .6 then 1.7, 1.8, 2.6, 3.6, 2.1,

Tonight I'm heading home to play with the Center pin, I'm itching to believe this is the same issue that caused the mass recall on the v1 sigelie boxes... (definitely the SAME designer...). When I dug around the net other sigeleis and IPV's had issue similar to this, many resolved with center pin adjustments and/or readjusting the actual wires inside post. My coil work is damn good. - damn good. So i know it's not my build. Spoke with a guy who builds a hefty amount of boxes and he said he's 99.% certain either it's a center pin issue or a flat out bad board.

It's a short, im dragging out 3-4 volts a pull! the F******************! - ripped my efest out of that puppy as fast as i could.

- I had all the basic warning signs, - sporadic dry hits - odd heatups and suddenly hot ass RDA's.

I'm gonna contract luxyoun tomorrow and let you guys know the results. I'm definitely going to cover everything.

right now I advised others heed caution. I steered away from Sig 150 for this exact problem only to have it happen to me anyways. I'm over SX1200/1500/350 rigged boxes. And from my understanding the clone boards are 99.9% fail rate. Wish i had more experience with chipsets and box's in general. It's just me and my paragon until I fix my or buy a new box

the only plus to the box mod is that it's unmatched at firing everything when it was fully functional with no issues. What potential.....what waste

today - i join you nic - incomes the fury
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The Sigelei 150 watt V2 (Black box not white box) is actually preforming very, very well for me.
I got it on eBay for $89.00 and it was worth every penny.

I used it to replace a Chana 30 that fried for my subtank though.

I am only using it at about 1/4 power (37 - 39 watts) but I did put a dripper that came directly off of one of my 120 watt raptor hammond 1590B boxes
and it preformed as well as the raptor for the short time I used it.

With the Subtank on I can use it as my out and about mod and it takes 3 days or 4 refills from my Subtank in fill and vape mode which ever comes first for the Sigelei to get down to 60% to 50% battery life using the red LG's or the green 38 amp imren's.

Those are the 2 pairs of batteries that I bought to dedicate to my Sigelei.

I have had it for about 31/2 weeks now and I am SO glad I didn't waste $65 on a 50 watt single 18650 mod when I was able to get a 3X as powerful DUAL 18650 mod for only $25.00 more.


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I am sorry to hear that Vape719... Did you pay with PayPal? I filed a claim with them and I would be surprised if I do not get my money back based on what Luxyoun is actually saying to paypal in it's own defense. Anyhow I hope you are able to have better luck dealing with Luxyoun then I did... they claim it is all user error! Good luck to you my friend!
Yeah but as Freemind said I doubt they will do anything for me... If you see on the comments for the video I made there is a guy named Paul Dewing who said he bought 5 of them and one failed in the first 2 days had it. He said he contacted them and they responded up until about a week ago and they stopped responding. He is trying to send his unit to Phil Busardo to get more attention on the matter... I might be doing the same thing! We will see... depends on what Luxyoun does!

Dude, just the fact that you only spent 160 on 5 mods says these are CLONES or "B" stock .... so what you got is what you paid for.

And on that note you paid 47.00 each and charged others $120.00 each ........ you should be shot for getting premium price for inferior products .... but I'm absolutely positive that you knew all this when you bought them


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I paid $160 for an Unik 100 watt a Smaug 150watt on that order... you do not know what you are talking about. I ordered from Luxyoun Directly and am Dealing with Merry at Luxyoun directly...

If you took the time to read the post... Paul was the one who ordered 5.
I paid $160 for an Unik 100 watt a Smaug 150watt on that order... you do not know what you are talking about. I ordered from Luxyoun Directly and am Dealing with Merry at Luxyoun directly...

If you took the time to read the post... Paul was the one who ordered 5.

Your own words ........

Nic Dawson: I already spent $160 US with your company
Nic Dawson: I am not going to just swallow a $47 loss on this Unik... I am being more than fair about this

and furthermore, you are not dealing with anyone, they asked you to quit contacting them .....LMFAO

probably because you bought these from someone else and now you want them to fix the problems .....its all good, you tried to make a big profit and lost!!! ....good luck in your next money making scheme


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Trolls coming out of the woodwork trying to defend Luxyoun. Now the big thing is you got a "clone". The other dipshit that made a "review" video tries saying the same.
Maybe Luxyoun is starting the lie that there are "clones" to get out of any responsibility for the absolute SHIT they are selling. It's not like these manufactures care about anything other than getting your money. It's not like many of them do not have a LONG history of being dishonest.

And it is quite obvious this douche spreading lies, also is clueless how a business works. He must work for free and live off handouts. No one in their right mind can say how much money is too much. If a buyer is willing to pay the asking price, their is NOTHING bad about it. Profit is NOT an evil word.

Trolls coming out of the woodwork trying to defend Luxyoun. Now the big thing is you got a "clone". The other dipshit that made a "review" video tries saying the same.
Maybe Luxyoun is starting the lie that there are "clones" to get out of any responsibility for the absolute SHIT they are selling. It's not like these manufactures care about anything other than getting your money. It's not like many of them do not have a LONG history of being dishonest.

And it is quite obvious this douche spreading lies, also is clueless how a business works. He must work for free and live off handouts. No one in their right mind can say how much money is too much. If a buyer is willing to pay the asking price, their is NOTHING bad about it. Profit is NOT an evil word.

So maybe they are right and he does have a clone ..... too many ppl these days get something great and break it and then run to the forums, blogs etc and cry about it, They flame a product and 9 times out of 10 it's "the nut behind the wheel" that is at fault ...... he could have dropped it and then lied, in his own words he now wants an upgraded product to replace his ... he bought V1 a week before V2 came out ..... Seriously tho nobody knows the "Real Truth" except for 2 people, the buyer and the seller.

Facts are Facts:

I sell these products and have sold about 100 or so of them and have 20 more that shipped out and have had ZERO issues with them.

So yes I will defend a decent company from the REAL TROLLS that can't fathom the operation of a simple device or try and pull a "Walmart" on them.

1. They offered to replace his mod with the next order.- Standard Practice by ALL of these companies in China, the shipping and forwarding alone is $30-$35 and that makes it NON economical to send 1 item.

2. He want's instant gratification to get his 1 problem fixed and then say's he won't order anything else (extortion) until they do what he want's.

3. I have not seen or heard anything about him trying a full reset of the device to fix any errors he is having which leads me to believe that he in fact did buy these from another company and then ran to luxyoun to get that "gratification" and tell them what a big businessman he is and how they should run their business.

4. his story has a lot of inconsistencies in it as I have read from a few different versions of it on these forums.

5. what he bought was a sample MOQ , he bought 2 items and paid "Stupid Shipping" to get those 2 items .... here is the breakdown:

$160.00 product
$35 for shipping
$10+ (bank trans fees) or minimum $10+ for paypal fees (cause they pass those along) or $25+ for Western Union or the like.

160-35-10= $115.00 He got 2 mods and whatever else he bought

6. Luxyoun has a min MOQ of 10 pcs ..... NOT mixed, that's 10 of the same exact item and color.

7. he has NO, NADA, ZERO knowledge of how business works in the US or in China.

8. 1:1 CLONES hit the market within weeks of the authentic in China for damn near everything made at those factories. these look, taste and smell just like the real thing all the way down to the scratch n' sniff stickers.

In closing this stupid shit and proving mine and luxyoun's argument that he did in fact buy CLONES from somebody else and now he feels cheated and butt-hurt, you defend him because he sold you one and has said he will do whatever to get it fixed or handled ..Has he done that yet? probably not because the only way to "fix it" is to give you a brand new authentic one or a refund. let me know how that works out for you.
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Excuse me while I laugh at some of the assumptions and outrageous things you are claiming.

I am not one that resells, but I find it HILARIOUS, that the ones that claim the "clone" bit, are resellers. The first two denied it, but at LEAST you are honest enough to admit it. Too bad you were not honest enough to come out and say, the only reason you and the few other liars are here, is to protect your MONUTARY interest in selling this junk.

I have bought quite a bit of stuff directly from China over the past two years. I know what shipping costs run, and I think you are pretty far off the mark for the shipping for ONE box mod. Christ, for that much I can get a HUGE bar light shipped Fed-ex to my door.

Who gives a fuck IF Nic bought a sample pack? Do you normally buy a pallet of shit from some new company that JUST started up, or do you get samples so you know you are not passing off complete JUNK to your customers? Nic was smart to get samples. Only a brain dead moron, would go all in from some new jerk off company no one knows ANYTHING about.

I too, would refuse to order more from Luxyoun unless THEY fixed what they said they would. The warranty is a joke. Who's problem is it that they don't have a repair center in the US? Sure as fuck not MINE. Nic surely expected to pay for his shipping TO THEM so they could honor this mythical warranty. So since they demonstrated they will not honor their own warranty, why exactly are they so great ? Why should Nic drop another two grand ordering their junk box mods, so they can refuse to honor any warranty on those too? That sounds like a pretty dumb business move.

So tell us, oh wise retailer..... Have you tested your "authentic" junk Luxyoun to see if it truly fires 150 watts? Because I can tell you the answer.

And you know why it doesn't? Because the chips are junk. Because Luxyoun started the rumor that these were YIHI chip sets, which YIHI quickly denied. Now the buzz is that YIHI designed the chips. Lmao. These fucks are nothing but liars and junk peddlers.

Their "lead engineer", put false hopes in all of us, that he was the head honcho at Sigelei, so therefore, we could expect and AMAZING mod coming from Luxyoun. Another joke on us. If this dude ever worked there, they canned his ass. I doubt this "insightful" douche was smart enough to mop the factory bathroom floors.

Oh, and don't worry. I'll get my money back. That's not an issue. Because Nic, unlike they useless trolls, actually gives a shit about his reputation. We'll get a refund, like a few others will too. Like it or not, Luxyoun is junk.
LMFAO - buying from Fastech is not buying from china .... Fastech is like the online version of Walmart based in china ........ Fuck you people really think you know all there is to know about china ..... I don't know it all but I can tell you I do my research before I deal with any of them over there.
and you obviously have no clue about int'l shipping either, my products get here in a few days, NOT weeks and my mailman does not deliver them.

Excuse me while I laugh at some of the assumptions and outrageous things you are claiming.

Nic surely expected to pay for his shipping TO THEM so they could honor this mythical warranty.

Nic can't send it back because he has no clue to the paperwork to get it exported back to them !!

which is why they offered to just replace the fucking thing in the next order ..... he did not have to spend thousands of dollars to order 1 mod, pay for it and get 2 in the mail ..... pull you're head out of your ass long enough to see that your beloved Nic is a failure at business and has NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT TO DO AT THIS POINT !!!!!!

ooooo you found youtube videos about 150W tests ......lmao

As far as anything firing a true 150W, show me just one that does ..... pick one and I will shoot it down, truth is most ppl only buy a 150W reg mod for two reasons and it's not to pump 150W thru some coils. here's a hint, they buy the SYM 180W mods for the same reason. I'm not gonna tell you what it is, lets see if you can figure it out.

Your beloved Yihi chips are failing left and right ..... look @ all the 40W mods that just came out and burn up in FLAMES or how about the 70-100W on a single battery (insane and stupid) .....Yihi is just better known for all the junk chips out there ..... they don't give a shit about you or your safety, all they care about is the dollars ...want proof? you can't connect ANY wires to any Yihi chip/board without voiding the warranty!!!

Innokin is actually making their own chip I believe but I can't stand those products, that and the high failure rate is enough for me not to buy or sell them

Plain and simple truth is this, it's all electronic devices and if 1 little coil/resistor/capacitor fails it all quits working.

It's not a matter of if it will fail, it's a matter of when it will fail .... and it will fail, some sooner than others.
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I was honestly hoping that Luxyoun was going to produce a quality device and planned on ordering the second batch of products until my Unik Failed. I priced the Smaug at the same price it was selling for on Ebay when I posted mine for sale. I was not looking to get rich, why would I only order a sample pack if that is the case? I just wanted to help pay for my own device... and I was mainly looking for quality products to stock my store with. You make a lot of assumptions about me and this situation and that is the problem with most of the posts I have seen! You know nothing about me or this situation so stop acting like you do... you know what they say about those who assume.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
LMFAO! A few days. That's a HOOT! Sure! I'm sure your ship them via your private jet and skip the customs inspections too!

And even as humorous, is that you think you are the only fucker that can ship internationally. Wow, we should all make offerings to your alter, retail GAWD.

As if Fast Tech is the ONLY place we can get anything from China? LOL.

Odd, how you trolls come here ONLY to protect your business interests. No posts counts, just trolling and trying to get real experinces and reviews buried in your baffling bullshit.

Please give us all a break, and stop acting like YOU know much about anything.
I was honestly hoping that Luxyoun was going to produce a quality device and planned on ordering the second batch of products until my Unik Failed. I priced the Smaug at the same price it was selling for on Ebay when I posted mine for sale. I was not looking to get rich, why would I only order a sample pack if that is the case? I just wanted to help pay for my own device... and I was mainly looking for quality products to stock my store with. You make a lot of assumptions about me and this situation and that is the problem with most of the posts I have seen! You know nothing about me or this situation so stop acting like you do... you know what they say about those who assume.

Just an update - didn;t mean to bring up the dead.

I took it apart and had to rebuild the box, there was seriously TERRIBLE quality control. Afterwards It's been fixed. 100% functional. These idiots hot GLUE the entire device, and the 510 has a twist barrel that's suppose to be tightened together. this acts as the Negative post, and the actual 510 itself in the positive. It wasn't even screwed tight! it was glued! a positive and negative GLUED! aha! Complete china shit. And I took me 2 months to actually fix the thing myself because I was trapped in a run around with Luxyoun attempting to setup some form of RMA. Luckily I once did jobs that require PCB work and wiring, so figuring things out and handling it myself was no problem. But the hot glue and overall quality for this box is unforgivable. The Schuetzen area is where all the top market Box mods come from - No excuses.

for the fact it works like a dream AFTER repair, this gets a 6.8/10

now i have an IPV4 and could never be happier!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
NO doubts that Luxyoun is pumping out absolute junk.

No doubts the guy you quoted @Flynic3 is also a thief. He got a refund on the units he screamed about being junk (paypal refund) and he fucked me out of MY refund for the POS unit I bought from him. Too bad he didn't have balls enough to respond to the PM's I have sent requesting my refund he promised.
LMFAO! A few days. That's a HOOT! Sure! I'm sure your ship them via your private jet and skip the customs inspections too!

And even as humorous, is that you think you are the only fucker that can ship internationally. Wow, we should all make offerings to your alter, retail GAWD.

As if Fast Tech is the ONLY place we can get anything from China? LOL.

Odd, how you trolls come here ONLY to protect your business interests. No posts counts, just trolling and trying to get real experinces and reviews buried in your baffling bullshit.

Please give us all a break, and stop acting like YOU know much about anything.

Fictitious Character

Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
NO doubts that Luxyoun is pumping out absolute junk.

No doubts the guy you quoted @Flynic3 is also a thief. He got a refund on the units he screamed about being junk (paypal refund) and he fucked me out of MY refund for the POS unit I bought from him. Too bad he didn't have balls enough to respond to the PM's I have sent requesting my refund he promised.
Damn that sucks. Sounds like he deserves his own hall of shame thread.


Member For 4 Years
Those bastsrds! Ima rip them to shreds in my next video ,, I have had similar issues and they are absolutely incapable of customer service
I own the Snaug mod for the next couple days anyway. It's a bad clone. My firing pin blew out the side after a couple uses. It got hot wouldn't stop firing and before I could remove the battery exploded the pin. It's garbage honestly, nice looking till it blows up though.The company has sent me a label to ship it back and given me a full refund though. I would purchase from them again, products fail. The one I received though was a bomb waiting to explode. For the record it was used for under a week.
So far my Authentic Smaug 150w has been working like a beast for 2 months now daily use. Only issue so far is its a lil finiky getting a .3ohm coil to fire. Usally have to hold trigger down while screwing it in and out a few times. Other times only need to hook up usb power then screw on atty and it works.

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