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Daily Check-In Thread

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I should mention that my hubby treated me better than the hospital staff did. He visited me every day, and brought me home cooked meals, so I didn't have to eat the crap they serve after being whipped up from buckets of powder and mixed with tap water.

It got downright better (sleepwise) after he brought me lamb chops and Brussels sprouts sautéed in butter. That's when I finally got to sleep for 4 hours at a time, just because the staff didn't even want to see me anymore.

So, when I say they kicked me out, it's pretty much what they did. Not because of what I did, but because my dear hubby treats me better than hospital staff paid to treat their patients well. And probably better than the spouses of the staff treat them.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I am doing my very best to not take my pain meds as prescribed. I do not want to become addicted to them. Of course, that means living with some pain. Fortunately, I am already a professional at that.

I measured myself up against a wall before surgery, and then again today... both times in bare feet. I gained a half an inch in height. That's from where (from 2 vertebra joints) I had 4 mm of disc remaining. The disc materia was removed, and metal was put in. Then the screws and cage were assembled to hold the 3 vertebra together. Gradually, bone is supposed to grow between the vertebra, and cover the metal.

I probably should have looked into having this done back when I was taking care of my mom, but that would have meant that nobody would care for her. Then the next 2 years did hurt too bad. I had just finally got to "that point" where I couldn't go shopping without it causing a lot of extra pain.

This was a major surgery, and it was no joke. Take care of yourselves, and do not over exert yourselves. If you get so much pain that just living your life feels like it's killing you, tell your doctor. Go to a neurosurgeon, not an orthopedic surgeon. There is a huge difference. You cannot just walk-off spinal damage.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today was pretty good. My new elliptical machine came in, with remote control. I can safely exercise my legs with no risk of falling down, while sitting in my recliner. It don't matter hot hot summer gets, nor how cold winter gets.

A nurses aide came by the house with a new medical device for me... a bone growth stimulator that I wear for 2 hours a day so that bone can start growing around the screws and between the vertebra where they put metal.


Vaping whilst slaying dragons in the land of Tyria
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Today was pretty good. My new elliptical machine came in, with remote control. I can safely exercise my legs with no risk of falling down, while sitting in my recliner. It don't matter hot hot summer gets, nor how cold winter gets.

A nurses aide came by the house with a new medical device for me... a bone growth stimulator that I wear for 2 hours a day so that bone can start growing around the screws and between the vertebra where they put metal.
I am happy to hear that you are healing. Now it is your choice of course, but I have taken pain meds for quite some time and here is what I was told ( I'm no expert believe me, but this sort of makes sense) If you are taking your meds because you are in pain the chance of addiction is lower. How it works (again,this is what I was told) Becoming addicted is when people continue to take pain meds after their pain is gone. I don't think that means you absolutely can't get addicted if taking them for pain, but supposedly the chance is lower. Especially if taking them for a short period of time. If you're hurting, don't be afraid to take them and get some relief. Yes, I know, I'm sticking my nose where I shouldn't. Please forgive me for that. I think it's a "Mom" thing. :)

I have also found that taking acetaminophen with ibuprofen together works really well too. I didn't think you could take them together, but apparently you can. Sometimes when I have a mild pain day, I do that instead.


Vaping whilst slaying dragons in the land of Tyria
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ECF Refugee
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Yep, gotta show off my little Grandson. Orion is almost 3 months old. He's just so freaking cute. Naturally I am biased :)


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