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DB Modz scammer alert

At the end of March I bought a DB Mod "da mini v2" ,yellow #061, from a local store. The same day I noticed that my mod was not reading the ohms correctly. In hindsight I should have just taken it back to the store, but instead I emailed DB the next morning. He emailed back 10 minutes later to ask for my phone number so he could call. He called 5 minutes after I sent my number. (Color me impressed so far.) He told me to let the battery completely die to let the chip reset and see if it fixed the problem and if not to fill out a warranty form and mail it in. It didnt work so I sent it to him.
My mod was delivered to him on March 29th and he STILL has it. I only had that mod 2 before i returned it to be fixed. I didnt hear from him again untill May 3rd. After I sent a few emails and Facebook messages, as well as attempted phone calls he finally emailed me to say he would have my replacement chip on either the 5th or the 7th (2 days after that email) and as soon as he replaced the chip he would send it back.
AGAIN he stopped talking to me. He didnt send it back. He stopped responding to attempts to contact him. Now fast forward to the end of june. I see he starts taking pre orders again and filling orders for online stores, meanwhile he still has my mod. I snap and blast him on facebook by stating that im surprised he is taking orders for more mods when he cant fix or fulfill the warranty of the ones that have been returned to him....FINALLY I get a response. June 24th he deletes all negative comments from me and MANY others on his facebook page and messages me.
He gives a bunch of excuses..#1 his facebook was hacked, #2 he had a family emergency, #3 employee only got an email from someone with my name that didnt turn in a warranty, #4 same employee emailed the same named person for address and never got a response....For the record I absolutly DID send in a warranty WITH my mod and I NEVER recieved any emails.....
He said he just needed my address to mail my mod back and he was sorry for the delay. So I gave him my address. A couple of days later on June 30th he messages me again to say he is dropping it off at the post office THAT DAY with his other packages, and will send me a tracking # when its dropped off. Now its July 16th. I still have NO mod, NO tracking #, and AGAIN he isnt responding to messages about shipment, and phone calls go unanswered. I have posted my experience everywhere that will let ne so that hopefully I can save someone else some money.
He has had my mod since March 29th!! Thats almost 16 weeks!! Im at my wits end. I want either my WORKING mod (yellow #061), the price of the mod returned to me, OR a WORKING replacement.
We have started a facebook page so that other people who have had the same terrible customer service/joke of a warranty experience as I have had can have a place to share and help spread the word about this dirt bag.
Anyone interested please go to the "DB Modz Customer Service Sucks" facebook group page.


Member For 4 Years
So tired of not getting any replies from him. Been chasing him around for a month trying to get an answer from him. What a waste of time and money.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Sadly you are not the first (or the last) person to have problems with him.

Next in Line....................

My Dog Ate It!

Can your local shop help you?

Or your credit card company?


Member For 4 Years
I called my bank, since my PayPal is connected with them. They said to call PayPal. PayPal said since it was past the 45 day limit, they can't do anything. I bought directly from him, and I chose to deal with him directly, after finally getting a call from him. He sent back my broken mod, and it broke again after about a week. He said he would send a replacement out, and then disappeared. Finally, I got a tracking number from him on June 21st. The post office site still says electronic shipping info received, and I haven't been able to get a response from him since. Believe me, I have tried everything to get in touch with him. Calling out a small business owner is not something I want to do. However, he leaves me no choice. That's why I started posting my story. He simply will not respond to any method of communication. I know it's probably a lost cause for me, but I'm hoping this will serve as a warning for future potential victims.


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sgenn, unfortunately your name isn't Rip Trippers, therefore the upload_2014-7-19_22-26-34.jpeg attitude you've been receiving.

I feel for your crap situation. I hope it does work out for you eventually.


Member For 4 Years
Ha! Yeah, I saw his video... And the follow up. I actually got mad enough recently, when I called him for the umpteenth time, and his mailbox was full-again-to post something on Rip's Facebook page. I know this isn't a topic that is going to cause Manhattanesque discussion. Just spreading the word. It at least FEELS like I'm doing something, you know?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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LFralish - Did you ever get your mod back?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Time to ratchet up the pressure. PM Joe and see if he will address this in his show.


Member For 4 Years
It's been brought to his attention. I doubt anything else can be done. Everyone knows DB Modz has a crap reputation for service and support... I'm just tired of being ignored.

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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i hate seeing people taken advantage of...Sorry you guys had to deal with this mess. I hope he eventually gets his head out his ass and services his customers. BugOut says it best, go through the BBB to see if you can get some action on the matter. Good luck guys, stay cloudy!


Member For 4 Years
Thanks, Bug-done. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much else to do, aside from sit around and fume about it. I still haven't received a response from him. Almost 3 months since he sent the bogus tracking number, and not one peep. I saw Grimm post a picture of a shiny, new, green DB that I'm assuming he picked up at VaperCon West... ain't that a bitch?!


Member For 4 Years
Thanks for the help. It really sucks that things have to go to this level. But I am not the only one who is in this situation. The dude doesn't respond to messages at all... How the fuck do you run a business like that?!


Member For 4 Years
Can they really do anything? I hate the thought of it escalating to this level, but fuck it. I've tried.

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