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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A study published last month found that xylitol, a low-calorie sweetener used in food, gum, and even toothpaste, may almost double your risk of heart attack and stroke. (1)

A different study found that erythritol, an artificial sweetener used in many keto reduced-sugar foods, may increase dangerous blood clotting. (2)

Thank you Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here's another poison artificial sweetener that shouldn't be on the market for human consumption
CONSUMER ALERT: Splenda Releases Toxic Dioxin When Heated
A review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal Toxicology and Environmental Health, overturns widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener.

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