Got a new theme from Vapedroid....
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I'm sorry Yihi is more pleasing to use in the power modes..... And in Power+ man...... It hits....Let me ask all of you who own a DNA or an asMODus, which chip set do you prefer out of those two? I want to buy a device that is better equipped for tc. My 2 mods have the option, but I feel as though it is more of an add on than an actual feature of the mod and I'm not getting much out of it.
Got a new screen.......for the Vapedroid X1C2.....The stainless steel one.....@MannyScoot that thing is a DNA? Screen looks different. I do not need high watts 75C is fine. 250C batteries last longer. Although comparing 2+ batteries to 1. Oh wait. Where did you get that theme?
Yah I won’t be buying a $600 mod. I just can’t get my brain to comrehend that being necessary. I get it when it’s a stabwood or something but even still. $200 sure. I vape plenty to justify something like that but, for me, $600 is overkill. I won’t tell anyone how to spend their hard earned $$$ and if that’s what you like more power too you.
I know man.... Those nice mods cost .... And they all vape the same......
Manny, if $600 is the low end, I have to assume your higher end mods are all BMWs and Lamborghinis that have been given 510 connections somehowI know man.... Those nice mods cost .... And they all vape the same......
But they are sweeeet...... $600 are the low end ones.....
He had to take out a car loan for his mods so he stuck with a Toyota
It's a 2019 Tundra V8 with the TRD 4x4 Off-road package..... And GPS Satellite and XM extended cab and bed......He had to take out a car loan for his mods so he stuck with a Toyota
I was only joking. I’ve got a Toyota myself.It's a 2019 Tundra V8 with the TRD 4x4 Off-road package..... And GPS Satellite and XM extended cab and bed......
It serves it's purpose....... To carry the bike...
It doesn't bother me..... Don't worry It gave me an opportunity to describe my work do everything truck......I was only joking. I’ve got a Toyota myself.
The Carlos was a good one DNA 40 was outdated but I started screwing around with low builds and started with the big mods and lipos and shit...No way. Yes I get buy USA if you are in the USA but Toyota trucks own it. Manny, come on. That is not "regular" Toyota or bike. Those are Totl. My Favorite Toyota is Land Cruiser. Freaking awesome. Not a pickup though. I could not even obtain one, sold out. So I got Range Rover HSE. Not a normal SUV either granted. That is a very nice bike. What is the frame and Gruppo? My bike is Colnago with Campagnollo Anniversary. I cannot ride any more though. Hope you wear helmet Manny! Mine is a road bike, yours is offroad. I did not suspect this thread would come up again LOL. OT to boot HA. Well, I kind of like Suburban but no Land cruiser. It is way above Lexus. Just like GTR is above Infiniti. Manny, you should hop it up with real TRD components. As is, F150 will be stuck way before Tundra. I remember when you used to have to get out and lock the axels! Now fulltime 4WD on everything at least. Suburu is pretty good to if you plan to keep it forever. Bet Many gets 2020 just like I do. My best cars are Ferrari 812 Superfast and ZR1. I can drive if someone puts me in the car still. I have some very nice Mods but not like Manny. I have several Carlos creation. Why did you sell it for nothing, Manny? Those worth $$$. Wood buttons too.
Yeah I take it out of the truck and carry it up a hill and go downhill with it....Holy shizlenit the bike! Manny, you own it!