OK, this is what it is and nobody's talkin me out of it
Maybe this has been long settled by now ,but I haven't been around as much the last year or so, so forgive me if I missed it.
Almost the entire problem that so many people, including myself, were having with burning cotton and mesh atomizers is due to them being wicked too tight. It's literally that simple.
Wotofo did us a grave disservice when the Profile was released by the insistence that exceedingly tight wicking was required in that RDA., and by implied extension, mesh atomizers generally.
Especially with that tutorial video that planted in everybody's mind the horribly misconceived notion that whatever problem's you may be having, it's because of not enough cotton.
With that axiom in place, multitudes, including again myself, set about attempting to solve the horrible burning wick problem by trying
EVERYthing except simply using much less cotton and hence leaving the wicking looser under the mesh element, ...when in fact, it was exactly that which was the actual solution.
After all, if the designer and the manufacturer have proclaimed with dogmatic emphasis, that the wicking MUST be SUPER tight, us plebians could be forgiven for believing them
As I say, maybe this is not an issue for anybody anymore, but at one point, for months following the release of the OG Profile, on any given day on Reddit (you remember) there were a dozen posts by people thoroughly frustrated with having their throats torn out by the now infamous nuclear mesh burn.
BECAUSE... they were following the instructions
I have been playing with mesh atmomizers again lately, especially the Zeus X, and the simple truth is, if you have some decent experience with rebuildables, just wick a mesh atomizer like your instincts and intuitions tell you it oughta be wicked and forget all the
"expert" advice on how tight it needs to be.
Not only are they not any more mystifying or complicated to get right than wire, but they vape awesome when you do.
Does anybody care about this anymore? I don't know, but I had to get that off my chest. I spent months going round and round with that first Profile before I knew better. This thread is exhibit A lol.