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Hey guys so about a week ago I decided to go into a vape shop with the money i won from bingo (Hah, won 750 dollars :p) And get something to start out with (Kranger Subox mini) And so far I like it a lot. But I want to focus on flavor, intense flavors. I want to be able to go through a bunch, So far I have already stocked up on 23 different flavors I want to try. And from what I can gather, dripping is the best way to switch between flavors with a lot less hassle, correct? So if that is all true, then I am about that far. My next step is what I need to obtain. I don't mind paying for new gear. I just want something very intense. Something that will bring a ton of flavor, I don't care much for "clouds" seems pointless to me. So yea, help a new guy out? <3


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I was actually in a vape shop trying out flavors and complained that it was pointless because I couldn't taste anything and the guy let me borrow his Tugboat rda. The flavor was ...outstanding. I was prepared to buy one at that moment but alas they didn't have any. I also got an igow6 from the trading post on this forum and I adore it but it's a rather advanced build.

Always be who you are.


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The tugboat you are talking about is just the tank right? Still figuring the terms out. I know for sure I want to get a new box. I was looking at a few 200W ones in case I ever get more advance I will have the wattage on hand. But as far as dripping goes I also read some great reviews on tugboat, although it was the 2nd version


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Yes, that's the tank part and I'm fairly sure it was a V2, although with a dripping RDA you only have the juice in the wick to vape on. That's what allows for you to change flavors quickly.

Whereas with just a regular tank


You can hold more juice.

I have a Koopor Plus 200w mod that I love with a passion that could lean toward obsessive. :)

I'm sure someone can explain better. I'm pretty new to dripping too.

Always be who you are.


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Oh and congrats on the bingo win. I go to the casino with my Mom and play every other week or so and haven't won crap. Lol.

Always be who you are.


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I'm not too familiar with the term RDA, you may have to explain that to me or I can do my own research. You are saying that a "dripping RDA" is different than what you had meintioned, "tugboat"?

And thanks, I usually go a couple times a week because it's such easy money, usually come win at least 100 dollars a week depending how often I go and of course, luck lol


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Must be nice to actually win at bingo. Lol. It's good times with my mom so I'm not (that) bitter. Really. ;)

Tugboat is the brand name of an RDA ( Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer).

Always be who you are.


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The more I try to research dripping, the less I seem to find lol. I am not sure if dripping is for me but from what I can gather it's something that gives you the intense, emphasised flavor I am looking for. Is there another aproach? Like I said I have a ton of new flavors ready to be used.

@snake Thanks for the info. And what are those? Would they just screw onto my subox mini? Or do I need a different box


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Thanks for the info. And what are those? Would they just screw onto my subox mini? Or do I need a different box
Like I said earlier those are old school drippers*.Mostly I use them when sampling multiple flavors in a short period of time.
They have a 510 connection so you will be able to use them on your Subox Mini I'd start at a lower wattage though.Around 5- 8 watts should be good but going higher than 10 watts with those things might be a bad idea. Anytime.No worries...Cheers!

*Very few people use these now as it's becoming less popular as bigger RDA's & RTA's have become the norm.

PS: Once you find a few e-liquids you really like then you might want to invest in a RDA.


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Tugboat is a Brand, and they make a Tube Mod (mech), a Box Mod (regulated and unregulated), and RDAs (Full Size and Slammed).

An RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) is the part that holds your wick and coils , in lieu of a tank. To use an RDA, you'll have to learn to build and install coils (you can buy pre-wrapped coils too, for convenience). Depending on the build/wicking/power, you can get out-of-this-world flavor. With your Subox, you could get a nice dual coil build at 0.5 ohm, and short wick the build. Then you could get around 3 good pulls before you need to re-drip, making switching flavors a breeze (much like the Quad Spaced coils seen below).


Here are a few examples of some of my most flavorful builds. Although most of these builds are far too low Ohm and far too high Wattage for your mod, these are all large gauge wire builds running at 100W+. You could try these with a finer gauge wire, bumping up the ohms and allowing lower wattage, and achieve roughly the same results. Before any of that though, you should study up on Ohm's Law and Battery Safety, and check out to get a feel of what you're gonna be dealing with when you start building.



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Well I have absolutely no problem in buying an entirely new set up. So from what I can understand then, RDA's are maybe for me? It's just more of a DIY side of vaping? I'm all for it, but as what I should buy, I am still rather lost. Say my budet is about 200 dollars, maybe 300 if I am feeling up for it. What sort of set up would you recommend me to go for?

So just going over what I learned, RDA's are designed for what I want, and that is small doses of drips to focus on flavor. And to accommodate an RDA I may want another box set up, correct? Now say I buy something off the market, like so: Then I also need to buy coils and wicks to build it?

I realize I am really new to this and I may be in over my head but I want to be able to just jump in and be able to do what I want to do, and that's intense flavoring. Is there something that already comes completely done for you so I can buy it and take it a part and sort of learn from that?
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RDAs can accommodate anything. No tank can outmatch an RDA for flavor or vapor, but it all depends on the build you have in it. You can wick them to hold a lot of juice or a little juice. You can build them for a lot of flavor or a little flavor. You can build them for a lot of vapor or a little vapor. This is what makes it so fun, or so annoying. It's just a learning curve, but once you get into, it all just starts to come together and make sense. If you get that RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer) you could buy a spool of 24g wire and a pack of organic cotton for less than $20 bucks and could last you for months, if you wanna get into the building game, but you can also buy pre-wrapped coils to start with if you're still unsure of what you're doing for now. They sell a 10 pack of Claptons for like $10, and they'll give you some really nice flavor, in an RDA or an RTA. A good quality, high powered mod is the Reuleaux RX200. It'll give you great battery life (3x18650), 200W to play with (more than you need), has Temp Control for Ni/Ti/SS, is USB Firmware Upgradable, and has a 510 connection to seat most tanks and RDAs. It's an all around good device. And it's affordable. All in all, less than $100 bucks for the mod, batteries, charger, and coils/build supplies.


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Ended up biting the bullet and went down the the shop. I love this shop so much, they are so down to earth and friendly people. Anyways, they set me up with a sigelei 75w he ended up thorwing in the battery, 1 bottle of juice, and the tip for free haha. To go with for what I am looking for, they sold me a Freakshow Mini. So far so good, they ended up building the coils and such for me, and said if ever I want to learn they will walk me through on how to do it for myself.

Anyways so I am still messing around with it. I am not sure how many times I can hit it or how much I can soak the cotton yet, maybe I will learn that in time or with a little more research. So what I am dissapointed about, I went into the shop thinking I would get somethin I didn't have to keep taking the top off to soak cotton with. I saw a couple videos on ones where some people just load it from the tip. Is that something I can do, or is that a different RDA? Help on that would be great.

I really wanted to get the reuleaux but the people there said it's a bit over kill for what I am trying to accomplish and to maybe try something a little less expensive to see if I like it. Which I knew was sort of stupid, I should of just gone with it. Anywho, like I said I am sort of interested in something I can just load drips in from the top without having to take the cap off of what I have now(freakshow mini). Is there stuff out there like that?

Now the flavor is great, but I really am not getting the big, smack to the face, flavor I was expecting. I guess only time and experimentation will tell. Anyways, let me know what you guys think about what I was given, if there is something else I can accommodate my wishes with, another RDA, or something. Hell, even if you have any juice flavors I could check out that would be nice. Or maybe a recommondation on what watts I should be setting to.

Also if someone could help explain the difference between getting the NI coils or whichever ones, they tried to tell me about it but it was too much information for me to process at once lol

All and any help is appreciated<3


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Also remember, the more you vape one flavor, the more muted it seems because your nose and taste buds get desensitized to it. Happens with all odors at some point. Good or bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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It's called shiny squirrel syndrome
Or... You could post something helpful. Also I think it's referred to "new to vaping so excited to try a bunch of new things to find what I like"


Diamond Contributor
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Or... You could post something helpful. Also I think it's referred to "new to vaping so excited to try a bunch of new things to find what I like"
Yep I've been there I still remember what it was like being new wasn't trying to be an asshat..Just a good friendly ribbing


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Well you see a very very long time ago an old relative of mine was in a garden. And this magical being decided to take one of his ribs and give it to a pile of dirt. So being ribbed is sort of a traumatic experience for me :/


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Hi, @MakeVio, and welcome to the Underground! There's some good and some bad info here, let me muddy the waters a bit more with my take...

First, I've got a thread pinned in the Help I Have Questions subforum that could answer a handful of questions you may not have thought to ask yet:

Some of your specific concerns...

RDA = Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer - this is like what you've got, it has exposed coils and huge cotton or rayon wicks that you drip liquid on every few pulls from your mod. Depending on the build and amount of wicking you've got, and the wattage you're running your mod at, you could get anywhere between 2-3 and 10-12 pulls between re-dripping. The "drip tip" on top of your cap is designed for dripping liquid through, though with smaller ones many people prefer to pull the whole cap to drip. Some RDAs have bigger "chuff cap" tips - for example I use a Velocity RDA and I just squeeze 15-16 drops through the top without pulling the cap whenever I feel like it's going to run dry - you'll learn with time to anticipate this.

RTA = Rebuildable Tank Atomizers - these have smaller build decks, because they're surrounded by a tank that liquid flows in through. I wouldn't start building on your own with one of these, as an RDA is much more forgiving for sloppy early build attempts.

What did you pay for that Sigelei 75? I'm a big Sigelei fan, but I've heard from others the 75 is the least exciting model they've put out...and a Reuleaux 200 with the Joyetech chip can be had for $40, so other than the extra battery cost I doubt the Sig was a whole lot cheaper...

Those old-school bridgeless atomizers that were posted are more for dripping one or two drops onto at a time - useful for sampling flavors, but not for actually vaping on for any period of time. Mostly they're used by home mixers to test out a puff or two of their liquid to see if they've got a flavor profile headed in the right direction, if you're going to spend any time with a flavor you want an RDA similar to what you've ended up with.

Anything I'm missing?


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23 flavors.....holy fuck.....
Heck, I've bought--have to think, now--ten in the last three weeks, and I'm looking for another.

Unfortunately: About five out of those then taste essentially the same :(


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Well you see a very very long time ago an old relative of mine was in a garden. And this magical being decided to take one of his ribs and give it to a pile of dirt. So being ribbed is sort of a traumatic experience for me :/
Welcome to VU. A friendly word of advice: Best get used to it, around here. You'll find little sympathy for tender feelings.

From Rules of the forum

This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster...
(Emphasis added)

Now, something useful :D

About RDAs (and RTAs): Changes in coils, wicking, and airflow can have tremendous impact. Two examples, from my recent experience:
  • I have a Velocity Mini. Everybody was raving about the flavour from Velocity Minis. Put a build on it. Great clouds, but the flavour was only "meh." Tried another flavour. "Meh." Rebuilt with a lower resistance (I think I halved it, from 0.6Ω down the 0.3Ω), switched from hemp to cotton wicking, switched to a more flavourful juice and changed the airflow. *Bang*! More flavour and density. Actually less clouds.
  • I have this Really Nice RDA called a Vector. An authentic Vector. It's a really, really nicely-designed and nicely-built RDA. Supposed to be just killer for flavour. Coiled and wicked it. Put a juice in it I'd sampled at an LVS. Vaped it. It was quite underwhelming. Then, looking at it last night, I went "Hmmm..." and turned body of the RDA just a bit, to move the airflow. Vapour production went way up and the flavour became terrific.


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Those old-school bridgeless atomizers that were posted are more for dripping one or two drops onto at a time - useful for sampling flavors, ...
I suppose it's just as well I didn't know about those before buying four RDAs :confused:


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23 flavors is nothing.... I started DIYing from the start and if you knew just how many flavors I have purchased and thought tasted like dogshit in the last 5 years it would make you cry. I know because it makes me wanna cry every time I open that drawer and look at every, single one of them flipping me off.

Your lucky if you buy 10 and find one or two you can work with. Its just one of those things you have to throw cash at because taste is subjective and its really hard to go off reviews with DIY. When you find that combo though that becomes an all day vape or a set of flavors that work for you it start to pay you back and you can crank out juice for next to nothing.

And ya those brideless are great for sampling juice. vape, blow them out and your good to go were with todays drippers you really need to change the cotton to get a true feel for a fresh flavor mix. todays drippers are still easier than draining a tank though.


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Sounds like a good shop, it's always nice when someone is willing to take the time and show you how, instead of just telling you how. The Freakshow Mini RDA has an available Chuff cap that would allow you to drip through the tip, and I find Chuffs give me more flavor than standard 510 tips (probably due to more airflow). The difference with Ni coils is they are capable of Temperature Control. Since different juices have different flavors at different temperatures, you can fine tune where to set the temp, and the mod will regulate itself to not exceed the setting. Where Kanthal is used in power mode, where essentially, it is just gradually getting hotter the longer you fire it.

Our very own @raymo2u is always happy to shed some light on some better builds for more flavor, although they will take practice to build (and a few tools & supplies), and would probably seem pretty intimidating to start with lol.

As far as wattage goes, you can keep bumping it up a few watts at a time until you find the sweet spot for that build, but I find that standard micro coils are a compromise of both flavor and vapor, they're geared towards neither (they produce both vapor and flavor, but not to their potential). I've found Twisted wire produces at least twice as much flavor, and Claptons are great for flavor as well.

It's a shame you didn't get a Reuleaux, it would have served you much better IMO, I tend to find that flavors don't seem to "pop" for me until the 90W+ range, with my builds at least. And Temp Control might serve you well. A lot of people find that Temp Control brings out flavors better. In my experience, I would say it brings on different flavors, not necessarily better flavors. Some juices I'll prefer in Temp Control, where others I prefer on just a Power build. I'll get slightly different flavor profiles between the different modes, so some will seem better than others, there's a lot of trial and error. It's all very subjective in that sense, so it's worth trying out, it might be just what you're looking for.


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Well you see a very very long time ago an old relative of mine was in a garden. And this magical being decided to take one of his ribs and give it to a pile of dirt. So being ribbed is sort of a traumatic experience for me :/
I thought snakes post was funny.....I rmember chasing juice as a newbie...but 23 flavors...again holy fuck, you'd burn out your paltte
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Thanks for the Cue @DED420
If you guys need anything else just ask in a following comment.
For getting great flavor when you think its your setup try something like these first before wasting money buying new gear...It could just be the build you have that isnt working for what you are using.

If your looking for a RDA buy a Velocity, a Twisted Messes RDA and a Twisted Messes Mini...These are the ones I use the most since they are good in every way. I buy clones and the Compvape Clones are Exactly 1:1 on Ebay in the $15-$25 range. If your looking at a RTA/Tank then I suggest a Griffin RTA, this is the only tank I seriously would suggest as its perfect in every aspect and has limitations and more room then any other RTA in 22mm. I suggest a Snow Wolf or DNA200 Mod for a Regulated Device if your serious about building as these will remove your limitations but give you all the safety features you need to keep your hands and face pretty.
WARNING: Pic is to Show My Favorite RDA's, DO NOT BUILD LIKE THIS AND USE TUBE MODs....Im a Jackass so dont follow my lead, follow my Advice instead!
Comp RDA Builds .jpgTwisted Minis.jpg

A great beginner flavor build with surprising low wattage yet high output, these coils can bring out notes missed by bigger larger coils and its very easy to pull off, You will need 3 Different gauges of wire and a way to twist them evenly. I call it the Mesmerizing Build (22g/26g/32g Twisted Loosley)
Mesmorizing Build.jpg

After that Try Zipper/Claptons/Staged Builds and then Move on to Fused Claptons, after FCs the flavor doesnt get much better and plateaus (Staple and Alien Builds are slightly better)
Heres one of my flavor testing builds, (The Perfectly Flawless Build) and Its Bulkier version for more Clouds and Heat.
3 x 34K 40N Paralleled with 28K (The Perfect Flawless Build) .jpg 24g 34g Fused Clapton Staged with 22g.jpg
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WARNING: Pic is to Show My Favorite RDA's, DO NOT BUILD LIKE THIS AND USE TUBE MODs....Im a Jackass so dont follow my lead, follow my Advise instead!

I literally LOLed at work in the dead quiet office, everyone was staring at me. I NEED this on a shirt "Im A Jackass! Don't Follow My Lead, Follow My Advise!" hahaha


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I literally LOLed at work in the dead quiet office, everyone was staring at me. I NEED this on a shirt "Im A Jackass! Don't Follow My Lead, Follow My Advise!" hahaha
:D I say it hoping others dont try what they see in a pic and vape like it...atleast one of those builds are lower the .07 and even with a HB6 you would be asking for it to pop. Also it makes it so I say what people are thinking before they then they dont need to and life can move on but a shirt may do it better as a background for me :rolleyes:
To be honest I think I have seen a shirt with something similar written on it..Ill have to find it.


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Yup can never be too careful. It would save me a lot of time explaining to people to not try this at home. A friend and I were building quad Claptons for his iStick 100W, and duals for my Stingray X mech, so we were chillin in the shop at the build station, wrapping up some wire and some guy starts watching me, which doesn't bother me, I don't mind showing people how things are done. He asked a few questions about Claptons, I'm explaining things to him, telling him the difference between gauges and building on a regulated vs building on a mech. Finish installing the coils in the iStick 100W, pulsed it and cleaned up the coils, and everything's great, both our builds work flawlessly, using different gauges for each build. We wick it up and start testing some flavors, shooting the shit with the owners, and buddy sits down at the station and starts twisting up some wire, which I think is pretty cool, I like seeing people put lessons to good use. Few minutes go by and I see him start wrapping the coils, all seems well. I look over a minute later, he's trying to Pulse them on a single 18650 mech, finally looks over at me and asks why the button was getting so hot and the coils wouldn't glow, I go over and look and he's got 4 Claptons (terribly made to boot) installed in his RDA...........LIKE WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!!!!! I literally spent 20 minutes telling you the difference of wire gauges and the limits of the mods, and you still didn't listen. He just copied what he saw me doing. I had quads on a regulated, duals on a mech. All he saw was quads in an RDA, took no account for the mod, or the lessons I just taught him, and damn near blew himself up.

It's unfortunate we live in a "Monkey See, Monkey Do" world, but we do, so that shirt would save me a lot of explanation time lol. I'm almost positive I've seen something like this on a shirt too, but hell, I could spend $10 to get a custom one done up just right too


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It's unfortunate we live in a "Monkey See, Monkey Do" world, but we do, so that shirt would save me a lot of explanation time lol. I'm almost positive I've seen something like this on a shirt too, but hell, I could spend $10 to get a custom one done up just right too

I was going to get a Custom Vape Mat done with my Avatar and some Custom writing in the top right corner and I may add that bit in Bold Lining the botton of the mt...for when I do CoilPorn :p

I just got my brand new Micro TFV4 in and Incorrectly threaded 510 Smok R80 for $ I got all three TFV4's :D
I will be making a custom box for the R80 Internals...I was thinking of something similar to the 521 Tab for building and pulsing but also want it to be a nice carry mod for when I want to go out...
20160115_112840.jpg20160115_105823.jpg 20160115_113646.jpg


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I was going to get a Custom Vape Mat done with my Avatar and some Custom writing in the top right corner and I may add that bit in Bold Lining the botton of the mt...for when I do CoilPorn
I just got my brand new Micro TFV4 in and Incorrectly threaded 510 Smok R80 for $ I got all three TFV4's
I will be making a custom box for the R80 Internals...I was thinking of something similar to the 521 Tab for building and pulsing but also want it to be a nice carry mod for when I want to go out...

O.M.G.........IT'S SO CUTE!!!:p I want it too! You just need Asmodus to make a SW micro and you'd be set hahaha. That would be a badass Vape Mat, would make for some dope pics!
I'm curious on how that's gonna work out. Sound like an awesome idea, would be handy asf, Pocket Tab FTW! You could have it in a similar style to a Rail Box, so whether the mod is on its side or standing up, the 510 can slide and swivel and face up either way. That's actually a really good idea, very interested to see what you come up with.


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O.M.G.........IT'S SO CUTE!!!:p I want it too! You just need Asmodus to make a SW micro and you'd be set hahaha. That would be a badass Vape Mat, would make for some dope pics!
I'm curious on how that's gonna work out. Sound like an awesome idea, would be handy asf, Pocket Tab FTW! You could have it in a similar style to a Rail Box, so whether the mod is on its side or standing up, the 510 can slide and swivel and face up either way. That's actually a really good idea, very interested to see what you come up with.
Somehow my Velocity RDA fits and screws down fine and works so I built something quick to throw in it for now....nothing else I have, nothing else at all screws down or stays down and pops right off since the threads dont even catch. (trust me I have bought almost every tank/RTA/RDA out there). The threads on the Velocity arent any different then my other stuff but it somehow works and its staying on it until I find the appropriate box/layout for the internals.
20160115_141504.jpg 20160115_141452.jpg 20160115_141424.jpg

I was thinking of not a bending 510 but a separately wired 510, one that I could make a mechanical sliding switch to "turn it on and the other off" and one would be in a position for carry and one would be on its side, possibly a movable cover. This would be easier to accomplish but would require slightly more space within the box....but Im not one to shy over size so I may increase lipo size also.


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I've swapped the stock connector for a fatdaddyvapes 510 on two of my box mods. I'd look under the mods top cap and see if one would work on yours. Just a thought.


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I've swapped the stock connector for a fatdaddyvapes 510 on two of my box mods. I'd look under the mods top cap and see if one would work on yours. Just a thought.
I would have to remove the press fit Smok connector and it would look like shit after trying to remove it, its similar to the one in the Snow Wolf and they are not fun to replace.....I could see if someone out there has one with a dead chip and take the top plate/510 and solder them myself but I doubt it will happen soon since they just got released. I just had some ideas kicking around that I wanted to do anyway and this mod that I basically got for free seemed like it may fit the bill...It just depends on what I can get my hands on first, Im pretty resourceful.


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If you knew what a fdv 510 looked like you would know that it will cover any imperfections caused by removing the stock one. It'll work and look like it was made that way if you do it right.


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Welcome to VU. A friendly word of advice: Best get used to it, around here. You'll find little sympathy for tender feelings.

From Rules of the forum

(Emphasis added)

Now, something useful :D

About RDAs (and RTAs): Changes in coils, wicking, and airflow can have tremendous impact. Two examples, from my recent experience:
  • I have a Velocity Mini. Everybody was raving about the flavour from Velocity Minis. Put a build on it. Great clouds, but the flavour was only "meh." Tried another flavour. "Meh." Rebuilt with a lower resistance (I think I halved it, from 0.6Ω down the 0.3Ω), switched from hemp to cotton wicking, switched to a more flavourful juice and changed the airflow. *Bang*! More flavour and density. Actually less clouds.
  • I have this Really Nice RDA called a Vector. An authentic Vector. It's a really, really nicely-designed and nicely-built RDA. Supposed to be just killer for flavour. Coiled and wicked it. Put a juice in it I'd sampled at an LVS. Vaped it. It was quite underwhelming. Then, looking at it last night, I went "Hmmm..." and turned body of the RDA just a bit, to move the airflow. Vapour production went way up and the flavour became terrific.

I guess nobody realised it was a joke towards adam and eve and god. But alright thanks lol.

Thanks for all the great info on your RDA's, I am 100 percent going to start doing more research to start building my own set ups, to chase after the flavor I so desire. So far I am loving the lemonade and banana n cream flavors. But I feel like I could get something better to boost the flavor. I am loving all the possibilities I could end up doing, I have many long nights ahead of me to do some research and experimenting :p

I come back to this thread after a few hours and theres like 12 new replies with huge posts and pictures. Man. I have a lot of reading to do. I saw someone's post on here and their coil set up and it kinda scares me a little lmao. I am very excited to try this out, building and such, but also a little afraid. Some of the pictures look like some crazy professional work :( Thank you all so much for all the advice and examples! And I promise you one day when I become a billionaire from building RDA's and selling them, I won't forget you guys, the ones who gave me all the nice tips and advice, and you will all receive portions of my wealth
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If you knew what a fdv 510 looked like you would know that it will cover any imperfections caused by removing the stock one. It'll work and look like it was made that way if you do it right.
I know what they are and I have them in a few wooden boxes Ive made before. The connector for the R80 isnt the same outer diameter and I would have to modify the FDV connector ( even the shallow/thin version). It would be much easier and more professional looking to make a new box or use parts from a "parts" R80.
Ill take a pic to show you what I mean, there is no room above where the 510 needs to be, also the would need to seat within the same dimension as the press fitted Smok connector. The V1-V3 FDV connector I have are too large for it and the closest one that would fit with some light modifying would be one from a Snow Wolf.
This is the Thinnest Insert Portion Outer Diameter Connector I have by Stealth Vape for comparison:
20160115_183410.jpg 20160115_183344.jpg 20160115_183354.jpg 20160115_183540.jpg 20160115_183557.jpg

I dont want to make it look like this:

I guess nobody realised it was a joke towards adam and eve and god. But alright thanks lol.

Thanks for all the great info on your RDA's, I am 100 percent going to start doing more research to start building my own set ups, to chase after the flavor I so desire. So far I am loving the lemonade and banana n cream flavors. But I feel like I could get something better to boost the flavor. I am loving all the possibilities I could end up doing, I have many long nights ahead of me to do some research and experimenting :p

I come back to this thread after a few hours and theres like 12 new replies with huge posts and pictures. Man. I have a lot of reading to do. I saw someone's post on here and their coil set up and it kinda scares me a little lmao. I am very excited to try this out, building and such, but also a little afraid. Some of the pictures look like some crazy professional work :( Thank you all so much for all the advice and examples! And I promise you one day when I become a billionaire from building RDA's and selling them, I won't forget you guys, the ones who gave me all the nice tips and advice, and you will all receive portions of my wealth
Sorry I Hijacked your thread! If you would like any help or information on building in the future dont hold back and we will do our best to help! I think all the pics in the thread belonged to me...So I guess I made you scared for me and seemed professional all at the same time...A True Jeckle and Hyde :cool::p
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RDAs can accommodate anything. No tank can outmatch an RDA for flavor or vapor, but it all depends on the build you have in it. You can wick them to hold a lot of juice or a little juice. You can build them for a lot of flavor or a little flavor. You can build them for a lot of vapor or a little vapor. This is what makes it so fun, or so annoying. It's just a learning curve, but once you get into, it all just starts to come together and make sense. If you get that RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer) you could buy a spool of 24g wire and a pack of organic cotton for less than $20 bucks and could last you for months, if you wanna get into the building game, but you can also buy pre-wrapped coils to start with if you're still unsure of what you're doing for now. They sell a 10 pack of Claptons for like $10, and they'll give you some really nice flavor, in an RDA or an RTA. A good quality, high powered mod is the Reuleaux RX200. It'll give you great battery life (3x18650), 200W to play with (more than you need), has Temp Control for Ni/Ti/SS, is USB Firmware Upgradable, and has a 510 connection to seat most tanks and RDAs. It's an all around good device. And it's affordable. All in all, less than $100 bucks for the mod, batteries, charger, and coils/build supplies.
Hey so sorry to bother you with this but you suggest the reuleaux and some other stuff for around 100 dollars. Would you mind going through the trouble finding me that? Either reply here or a pm. Thanks a lot.

Also if anyone has any good videos of builds I could start with or great informational vids on getting started I'd love that too :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey so sorry to bother you with this but you suggest the reuleaux and some other stuff for around 100 dollars. Would you mind going through the trouble finding me that? Either reply here or a pm. Thanks a lot.

Also if anyone has any good videos of builds I could start with or great informational vids on getting started I'd love that too :)


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AngelCigs, Fasttech, 3FVape, Gearbest and Ebay are the best places for getting products cheaper but only buy them when they are in stock and if your not buying from their USA wharehouses then choose EPACKET and you wont be dissapointed.


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They're great for flavor not so great if you want to chuck clouds.
Which of those old school drippers would you recommend for testing flavours: 1.5 or 2Ω? Thanks!
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robot zombie

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I come back to this thread after a few hours and theres like 12 new replies with huge posts and pictures. Man. I have a lot of reading to do. I saw someone's post on here and their coil set up and it kinda scares me a little lmao. I am very excited to try this out, building and such, but also a little afraid. Some of the pictures look like some crazy professional work :(
Bah, don't be discouraged by that. Although coil building can be a hobby with a lot of depth to it, getting a kick-ass vape doesn't have to be nearly that complicated. Some people do sell fancy coils, but most are not pros. We are the definition of "amateur." We're just regular people with perhaps a little too much time on our hands and a bit of an obsession. It happens. You don't even have to be unusually intelligent or go to school!

You start getting comfortable doing more intricate builds as your knowledge and skill increases. It's a very organic and personalized endeavor. It does take some time and focus to get to the advanced level, but you can very quickly hit a really satisfying plateau with beginner-level builds. Focus on those for now - just doing them will teach you lots. Simple is often best. Many experienced builders' favorite builds are simple single or dual coils... ...and for good reason. They consistently satisfy.

I just want to give you one word of advice on gear... ...if you're pretty certain that you're gonna be taking the full ride, you might as well look into getting a high-powered, temperature control, dual 18650 regulated mod. You won't need all of the power or features now, but later, when you're more comfortable with it, you'll appreciate already having what you will need as you progress to more advanced configurations. Better to save yourself some trouble and get something that you can really grow into.

And now for some personal recommendations...

I personally do not have experience with the Jaybo 200w, but I wouldn't recommend one as your first high-powered box. They have great features, but they're not the most intuitive to use. For someone such as yourself, I'd sooner narrow it down to a handful of affordable, well-established manufacturers such as Sigelei, Asmodus, Pioneer For You, SMOKtech (the Koopor line, specifically,) or Joyetech. You really can't go wrong with mods from those companies. They all make very solid, top-tier-tech mods with a full range of power capabilities and form factors.

For RDA's, there's always the very popular Wotofo, Indulgence, and Compvape to start off your collection. They make a huge and widely-distributed assortment of different atties that are pretty well-crafted and perform excellently. The price for genuine ones ranges from $20-$60, so you can grab a few with little risk. They're just cheap, good atties that you can buy just about anywhere.

There are a lot of great domestic vendors out there. You can find a good selection of mods and rebuildable tanks/atties at places like VaporDNA, eciggity, elementvape, and 101 vape.

Then, there are Liion Wholesale (of our very own Jon@Liionwholesale) or Illumination Supply for the best deals on top-performing genuine, high-drain batteries.

And then, there's always Lightning Vapes for wire and all of your building tools. While they don't have the absolute best prices, they're still a very competitively-priced, 1-stop supply vendor with a very large customer base.

Of course, these are just a few that I can vouch for. They're all very well-known, well-respected mega-vendors with typical or even great prices and proven service/turnaround. There are also a great many smaller ones with equally good service and sometimes better prices, even if the selection is narrower. If you know what you're looking for, then google can quickly help you track those vendors down. And if a vendor is bad, there is usually someone talking about them somewhere.

You can actually find better deals on cotton, wire, and tools than those vendors offer over on ebay and amazon... ...again, provided you already know what you want going in. Cotton is especially cheap if you buy it straight from Japan on amazon. It takes about a month to arrive, but for $6-$15, you can have enough high-quality cotton to last you for a year - try Cotton Labo or Koh Gen Do. You could also try Muji for the cheapest rate it gets and no less quality straight from them.

Just don't get your batteries on amazon or ebay. Stick to the vendors I mentioned, as they actually test and inspect their batteries to make sure that they're real and in-spec. Besides, they have the very best prices for Samsung, Panasonic, LG, and Sony... ...which, btw, are the four main battery manufacturers. Most other brands actually just stick their own wrapper on batteries made by one of those companies, exaggerate the specs, and charge as much as double the price.

There's really no specific youtuber who I think does it best, but for build videos, you can't go wrong with grimmgreen and rip trippers. Rip trippers' persona can be a huge turn off, but his build videos are great for all of the basic coils. A lot of times, you can also find build videos attached to video reviews of specific atties. Those can be extremely helpful because you can actually see someone do a build on the exact atty that you have in front of you. There are literally hundreds of youtubers out there with what are essentially build tutorials mixed into their reviews. The reviews themselves are also helpful in teaching you more about the features of different atties from people who really know what to look for.

Sorry if this went on too long or any of this has already been covered. Hopefully, this helps you figure some stuff out! Tip of the iceberg. :p
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