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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I know what they are and I have them in a few wooden boxes Ive made before. The connector for the R80 isnt the same outer diameter and I would have to modify the FDV connector ( even the shallow/thin version). It would be much easier and more professional looking to make a new box or use parts from a "parts" R80.
Ill take a pic to show you what I mean, there is no room above where the 510 needs to be, also the would need to seat within the same dimension as the press fitted Smok connector. The V1-V3 FDV connector I have are too large for it and the closest one that would fit with some light modifying would be one from a Snow Wolf.
This is the Thinnest Insert Portion Outer Diameter Connector I have by Stealth Vape for comparison:
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I dont want to make it look like this:

Sorry I Hijacked your thread! If you would like any help or information on building in the future dont hold back and we will do our best to help! I think all the pics in the thread belonged to me...So I guess I made you scared for me and seemed professional all at the same time...A True Jeckle and Hyde :cool:
Maybe you could use a bottom tape and fix the threads so your other rda's would work on it. Just an idea.

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Gold Contributor
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The 1.5 ohm as they seem to last longer than the 2 ohm
Thanks, @snake94115!

So how do these things work? Some kind of fixed, non-replaceable atomizer in them? When they're done, they're done? Do they take some kind of drip tip that goes in the top? When you say "last longer," can you tell me how long is "long?" (I know that last one's probably a hard one to answer, but I'm trying to figure out how many I should buy in one go.)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anytime.No worries...Cheers!

So how do these things work?
Screw it on put 2-4 drops in it and vape.

Some kind of fixed, non-replaceable atomizer in them?

When they're done, they're done?

Do they take some kind of drip tip that goes in the top?
Any standard 510 drip-tip will fit

When you say "last longer," can you tell me how long is "long?"
They usually last me a month

(I know that last one's probably a hard one to answer, but I'm trying to figure out how many I should buy in one go.)
I tend to buy these at least 10 at a time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Cool! Thanks!

Can you give me an idea of how much use you put on 'em in a month?
No worries, Anytime...Cheers!
The 1 I just tossed had about 120ml worth of N.E.T go through it before it died the mileage really varies with these little devils.The 1 in my little red vaping machine has been going strong for almost 2 months I think.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ended up biting the bullet and went down the the shop. I love this shop so much, they are so down to earth and friendly people. Anyways, they set me up with a sigelei 75w he ended up thorwing in the battery, 1 bottle of juice, and the tip for free haha. To go with for what I am looking for, they sold me a Freakshow Mini. So far so good, they ended up building the coils and such for me, and said if ever I want to learn they will walk me through on how to do it for myself.

Anyways so I am still messing around with it. I am not sure how many times I can hit it or how much I can soak the cotton yet, maybe I will learn that in time or with a little more research. So what I am dissapointed about, I went into the shop thinking I would get somethin I didn't have to keep taking the top off to soak cotton with. I saw a couple videos on ones where some people just load it from the tip. Is that something I can do, or is that a different RDA? Help on that would be great.

I really wanted to get the reuleaux but the people there said it's a bit over kill for what I am trying to accomplish and to maybe try something a little less expensive to see if I like it. Which I knew was sort of stupid, I should of just gone with it. Anywho, like I said I am sort of interested in something I can just load drips in from the top without having to take the cap off of what I have now(freakshow mini). Is there stuff out there like that?

Now the flavor is great, but I really am not getting the big, smack to the face, flavor I was expecting. I guess only time and experimentation will tell. Anyways, let me know what you guys think about what I was given, if there is something else I can accommodate my wishes with, another RDA, or something. Hell, even if you have any juice flavors I could check out that would be nice. Or maybe a recommondation on what watts I should be setting to.

Also if someone could help explain the difference between getting the NI coils or whichever ones, they tried to tell me about it but it was too much information for me to process at once lol

All and any help is appreciated<3
I like to be able to easily see how much juice is in my dripper, and I like the largest juice well so I can vape 15-20 times before refilling. The Hobo v3 and the deadmodz fulfill these requirements.
Like most vapers, you will buy stuff you don't like until you find what works for you.
My best flavor experience is with a deadmodz with 26awg tempered ni200 wire about 10 wraps on a 3mm screwdriver and a 3/8" strip of Japanese cotton rolled into a tube shape, vaped on my hanamodz dna40 v4s ($130 new imperfect). Total cost of setup wire mod rda battery cotton Stanley screwdriver set about $200 mostly from eBay...
BUT I spent a LOT before I found my setup.
Oh....and I vape at 450 degrees and 35 watts.

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