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E-cigarettes proving to be a danger to teens


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Member For 3 Years
And yet, no forum publicly and openly discourages non-smokers from becoming vapers... the elephant in the room.

This goes back to my earlier 'We need to self-regulate' posts.
We openly and publicly discurage minors from taking up vaping. Once you're an adult you can do what ever you please. If a nonsmoker wants to start vaping then they are free to do so. If they come here looking for advise they will find it. Not because we want to convert nonsmokers but because we want people to be safe.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Wonder if they've done a piece on Hookah's. Yea, a LOT of teens smoke a Hookah, but it's kind of quiet on that front because Shisha tobacco is highly taxed. You can still buy it mail order. Same with Pipe tobacco, Cigars, and RYO. And yes, you can get Snus mail order as well.


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Member For 3 Years
Oh no I'm not saying that all.. I'm saying people have a choice and they are free to vape if the want too. . And it seems like pretty common sense that inhaling anything into your lungs is not with out risk. Adults vape at their own risk, it's no one's place to tell them that they cant.


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Member For 3 Years
The common sense part wasn't meant for the minors vaping. Kids are young and stupid. They will make mistakes, I know I did and that's how I got hooked on cigarettes. It aimed more for the adults that make the conscious decision to start vaping.
I agree with you that in not going to go around and make people start vaping or force them too. If they do decide to I would gladly help to make sure they do so safely.

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