Ecf banned me because i called out their cliques and some members holier than now attitutude . Most people were very nice but the taint lickers pissed me off. So... i told them to break out their ban hammer and had my wildest dreams fulfilled. Fuck the people controlling that forum.
In anger I did make mention of my dick just for ban insurance
. I'm a helpful dude, but call it as I see it. Even if banned universally, i will always have youtube and google
Right on bro and welcome to the "light side of the vaping force"
You know, it pisses me off when people say "it's just an online forum, why do you even care what people think?"
Because social media is sadly replacing personal interaction with time and each generation. Every summer we have high school and college kids help staff our labor force for the busy season and they leave when it's time to go back to school because our work is seasonal and we only need about a third of the crew to cover work in the winter...And every year it gets worse and worse...if a kid can go ten minutes without fucking with their Iphone I thank Jesus for someone I can possibly train and work with. What's worse is my boss gets mad because I am not attached to my phone and leave it on silent in the truck and forget to check it so they accuse me of ignoring them....
No matter how much I try and deny it virtual and social media is replacing personal face to face contact. Hell, even I am guilty of starting to prefer texting over phone calls and I am a dinosaur about this stuff...I don't have a myspace (not that anyone does anymore,) I don't have a twitter, I barely check my facebook once a week and I never email except for work...I am an old school face to face person with this forum being my one exception to the rule...
All that being said this place has become my virtual "Cheers" (for those of us old enough to remember that show
) I don't drink anymore, I don't like going to clubs and bars and I don't always want to go somewhere after a long day of manual labor...I just want to go home and relax...and I come here to yes, this is an online forum, but not just an online forum. I've built aquaintences here and even some friendships....I recognize and know who the key players are and in general where most of the regulars like to hang out here and I have my niche as well. I have people that like me and don't and vice versa...It's just like any other Pub or bar I used to hang out except that it's words on a screen typed by people instead of hearing it out of their mouths face to face.
And just because we're all hidden behind a screen does that discount our value as humans any less?
Do we not want our opinions heard and our feelings understood and should they not be hurt when someone goes out of their way to offend us just like in real life?
Yes is just an internet forum, just like any other internet forum, and it's just filled with real people with real feelings just like any other social gathering place. As we dive deeper and deeper into the virtual age where more and more social interaction takes place inside the web than outside we need to stop looking at the virtual world like a police state (like the other forum does) and start treating it more like a club state...Getting kicked out of your favorite bar or gaming hall hurts...especially for just having an opinion...Those people need to realize that what they do hiding their double standards and enforced at will rulebook that feels dictionary size in length claiming their so called "regulation" is "for the greater good of the group to protect our forums" is bullshit.
"for the greater good of the group" is the age old cry of the oppressors, not the oppressed. Maybe it's time the Mod nazi's and anonymous "keyboard commandos" of the world stopped for a second and looked at it how they'd feel in the real world if everything here was said face to face...because forums like this are becoming the new social world.
I am not saying that there isn't the overly sensitive out there either...some people just need to grow a pair and some thicker skin...because I am the farthest thing from "politically correct" and those two words make me cringe....all I am saying is that there needs to be more of a balance in thought and consideration. That's why I like this place so lets my speak my mind, it lets all of us speak our minds.... the mods are bound by fairness and everyone for the most part talks to everyone like people instead of bullying and talking down like on other forums I've been. But there are also people to help ones that need it and stop things from getting out of hand and going to far...just like bouncers at a real bar
Forums like this are the future, forums like ECF are the past and if they can't adapt and recognise that even online people need to be treated like people they're going to go the way of the buffalo. And at this point...I don't know how many people would miss them