Yeah, the fact that he thought it was funny telling someone he'd make the "come out of their underpants" was a little... "too much" for a reasonable person.
Oh such a kinky little boi. Tsk, I should be his Huckleberry.
Imagine he'd be getting it on until he heard that low quiet click, realized a body part was in a cinch. Make him wonder, "just how is it this strange man appeared in my home without knowing me?" Ops. I better turn off the plan-o-grams, not one for through the looking glass, I just the mitts.
Belay any implications therein. My fingers and mind got to going together. Write like talk, talk like I live.
Much as I might think child predator hunting needs legalized. No excuse for me to sling trash and empty promises. Hate promising, seldom do it. to me a promise and vow are the same, both sacred words.
I'm upset. I turn 47 tomorrow and one of my Goon rda today did not want to function. Last year or so, had a friend just a few years younger go on to the next level. Lost my Pap & grandma too. How does it tie to some idiot well being a damn fool? It all lends to perspective, one that's a bit cold today, and likely to not give two shits, say whatever having no filters.
But fuck it all I'm so proud of myself too. I walked away clean from a medication the silly physician's assistant put me on for depression, anxiety, ptsd. It wasn't working. I didn't want the addiction, not to just it (the medicine) but to the whole frame of "mental illness".
I'm nuts. "okay, so who isn't in this crazy world?"