I dunno, I take pride in being different; always have.
I ran across a quote recently from Samuel Johnson; the quote was to illustrate the extreme density and verbosity of sentence structure in earlier centuries of "modern" English, and how vastly it differed from ACTUALLY modern English, but it's the *import* of the sentence that really struck me:
"The proverbial oracles of our parsimonious ancestors have informed us, that the fatal waste of our fortune is by small expenses, by the profusion of sums too little singly to alarm our caution, and which we never suffer ourselves to consider together."
--Samuel Johnson
And paraphrased (by me), so modern English speakers can actually understand it:
The waste of our resources is by very-numerous sums too small, individually, to inspire caution; failing to consider them together is the impoverishing mistake.
I think this is one of the primary factors in why our family's finances have improved so drastically, since we bought this house and moved here: I took over handling all the money and finance, keeping a running accounting of EVERY LAST CENT that we spend -- hence, we always know where our money is going, instead of the previous out-of-his-pocket method, which invariably ended up with "where the hell did all the money go?" My husband is smart, honest, and works hard, but he just can't handle money well at all.