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Wouldn't waste the money either. You can find the information on the interweb.
Look up kale, water cress, field cress, turmeric, parsley. Parsley or coriander either one help eliminate toxins naturally in your body.
Also if you're going toward weight loss try using some plantain leaves or even seeds tossed into salad / juice serving once every three days. Plantain is quite potent from my experience so go slowly erring on the cautious side with it. Plantain is high in a type of fiber which binds itself in your colon to waste matter so as to provide mucus. In short it ensures everything comes out right in the end.
I would suggest only using it two weeks per month, possibly every other month. Potent yes, but still a mild way to help your body eliminate toxins, waste. Simply being potent doesn't mean it's dangerous per say, merely one has to go slow using it and listen to their own body to know doses. Plantain is also called "White Man Tracks / White Man Footprint" as the Europeans coming to America brought it over in spores from it lacing their clothes. Wherever the White Man goes, plantain grows.
Asparagus is also good for you. Toss in some cabbage, baby spinach leafs. You'll want some good color balance so use carrots, orange bell peppers (they have 5 times the vitamin C that 1 orange does), tomatoes, sweet potatoes or yams (these are what NASA suggests as THE super food for astronauts staying in space, all sorts of bounding with being nutritious). As to color balance always try to "Eat the rainbow" getting as many various colors you can to go into a serving. As you're doing up salads / juices you can make up batches of servings. Might even be able to freeze some, or dry some out for a bit longer term storage.
Don't "cook" veggies & herbs, if you're boiling you're too hot. The heat saps out the nutrients. Yes, warm them up just enough to send any microbes, bacteria scurrying off but do not "kill" veggies and herbs that are "living" food by "cooking" them. If needed take longer "tenderizing/sauteing" your veggies and herbs at lower heat.
Remember also to do the simple things.
1. Breathe.
2. Enjoy at least 15 minutes a day in sunlight, outside in the fresh air. Oxygen does wonders in our blood streams.
One of mom's "stories" which have a kernel of truth, her and some nurses she worked with would crank oxygen to knock off their hangovers. It works too, quite well.
3. Keep your body's pH level between, 6.8 LOW to 7.4 HIGH. Going the high side makes your body more alkaline, the low side is acidic. Neutral is 7, we as humans are okay to about 7.4, many suggest a range 6.9 to 7.2 as being optimal.
4. Vape, don't smoke.
5. Live, Learn, Love, Laugh all liberally.
6. Careful trusting mixed nuts like some Morely guy out of WV who thinks pine nuts need to come pre-boiled out. Use your own common sense, trust but verify. I'll genuinely and honestly not ever intentionally, knowingly steer someone wrong in such advice. Still do use your own judgment & care.
7. 'Member, you're never alone, even though some of us are miles upon miles apart we're together in being family.